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File metadata and controls

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Copyright (C) 2022-2022 The Open Library Foundation

This software is distributed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the file "LICENSE" for more information.

Table of contents


mgr-tenant-entitlements provides following functionality:

  • Dependency check / platform integrity validation
  • Enabling/disabling of an application (including dependencies)
  • Optional integration with Kong gateway
    • Add/remove routes per tenant on application install/uninstall


mvn clean install

See that it says BUILD SUCCESS near the end.

If you want to skip tests:

mvn clean install -DskipTests

Running It

Run locally with proper environment variables set (see Environment variables below) on listening port 8081 (default listening port):

java \
  -Dokapi.url=http://localhost:9130 \
  -Dam.url=http://localhost:9130 \
  -Dokapi.token=${okapiToken} \
  -jar target/mgr-tenant-entitlements-*.jar

Build the docker container with following script after compilation:

docker build -t mgr-tenant-entitlements .

Test that it runs with:

docker run \
  --name mgr-tenant-entitlements \
  --link postgres:postgres \
  -e DB_HOST=postgres \
  -e okapi.url=http://okapi:9130 \
  -e tenant.url=http://mgr-tenants:8081 \
  -e am.url=http://mgr-applications:8081 \
  -e okapi.token=${okapiToken} \
  -p 8081:8081 \
  -d mgr-tenant-entitlements

Environment Variables

Name Default value Required Description
DB_HOST localhost false Postgres hostname
DB_PORT 5432 false Postgres port
DB_USERNAME postgres false Postgres username
DB_PASSWORD postgres false Postgres username password
DB_DATABASE okapi_modules false Postgres database name
MODULE_URL http://mgr-tenant-entitlements:8081 false Module URL (module cannot define url for Kong registration by itself, because it can be under Load Balancer, so this value must be provided manually)
okapi.url - false Okapi URL used to perform HTTP requests by OkapiClient.
tenant.url - true Tenant URL used to perform HTTP requests by TenantManagerClient.
am.url - true Application Manager URL used to perform HTTP requests by ApplicationManagerClient.
AM_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false false Enables TLS for application-manager client.
AM_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for application-manager client.
AM_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for application-manager client.
AM_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore file type for application-manager client.
kong.url - true Okapi URL used to perform HTTP requests for recurring jobs, required.
KONG_ADMIN_URL - false Alias for kong.url.
KONG_INTEGRATION_ENABLED true false Defines if kong integration is enabled or disabled.
If it set to false - it will exclude all kong-related beans from spring context.
KONG_CONNECT_TIMEOUT - false Defines the timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection from Kong to upstream service. If the value is not provided then Kong defaults are applied.
KONG_READ_TIMEOUT 360000 false Defines the timeout in milliseconds between two successive read operations for transmitting a request from Kong to the upstream service. If the value is not provided then Kong defaults are applied.
KONG_WRITE_TIMEOUT - false Defines the timeout in milliseconds between two successive write operations for transmitting a request from Kong to the upstream service. If the value is not provided then Kong defaults are applied.
KONG_RETRIES - false Defines the number of retries to execute upon failure to proxy. If the value is not provided then Kong defaults are applied.
KONG_TLS_ENABLED false false Allows to enable/disable TLS connection to Kong.
KONG_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for TLS connection to Kong.
KONG_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for TLS connection to Kong.
KONG_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore file type for TLS connection to Kong.
OKAPI_INTEGRATION_ENABLED false false Defines if okapi integration is enabled or disabled.
If it set to false - it will exclude OkapiModuleInstaller stage from flow and okapi related beans from spring context.
ENV folio false The logical name of the deployment (kafka topic prefix), must be unique across all environments using the same shared Kafka/Elasticsearch clusters, a-z (any case), 0-9, -, _ symbols only allowed
SECURITY_ENABLED false false Allows to enable/disable security. If true and KEYCLOAK_INTEGRATION_ENABLED is also true - the Keycloak will be used as a security provider.
MT_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false false Allows to enable/disable TLS connection to mgr-tenants module.
MT_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for TLS connection to mgr-tenants module.
MT_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for TLS connection to mgr-tenants module.
MT_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore file type for TLS connection to mgr-tenants module.
FOLIO_CLIENT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT 10s false Defines the connection timeout for the Java Http client, used to perform request to Folio Modules.
FOLIO_CLIENT_READ_TIMEOUT 30s false Defines the read timeout for the Java Http client, used to perform request to Folio Modules.
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false false Allows to enable/disable TLS connection to Folio Modules.
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for TLS connection to Folio Modules.
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for TLS connection to Folio Modules.
FOLIO_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore file type for TLS connection to Folio Modules.
SECRET_STORE_TYPE - true Secure storage type. Supported values: EPHEMERAL, AWS_SSM, VAULT
MAX_HTTP_REQUEST_HEADER_SIZE 200KB false Maximum size of the HTTP request header.
FLOW_ENGINE_EXECUTION_TIMEOUT 30m false Maximum execution timeout for entitlement execution in sync mode.
FLOW_ENGINE_LAST_EXECUTIONS_CACHE_SIZE 25 false Max cache size for the latest flow executions
FLOW_ENGINE_PRINT_FLOW_RESULTS false false Defines if flow engine should print execution results in logs or not
FLOW_ENGINE_THREADS_NUM 4 false Defines the number of threads for Fork-Join Pool used by flow engine.
REGISTER_MODULE_IN_KONG true false Defines if module must be registered in Kong (it will create for itself service and list of routes from module descriptor)
ROUTER_PATH_PREFIX false Defines routes prefix to be added to the generated endpoints by OpenAPI generator (/foo/entites -> {{prefix}}/foo/entities). Required if load balancing group has format like {{host}}/{{moduleId}}
ROUTEMANAGEMENT_ENABLE true false Enable Kong routes management for modules on entitlement/unentitlement

Validators environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
VALIDATION_INTERFACE_INTEGRITY_ENABLED true false Configure a behavior of validation. If false, Interface-Integrity validator should not be executed

Kafka environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
KAFKA_HOST kafka false Kafka broker hostname
KAFKA_PORT 9092 false Kafka broker port
KAFKA_SECURITY_PROTOCOL PLAINTEXT false Kafka security protocol used to communicate with brokers (SSL or PLAINTEXT)
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_LOCATION - false The location of the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and can be used for two-way authentication for client.
KAFKA_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - false The store password for the Kafka key store file. This is optional for client and only needed if 'ssl.keystore.location' is configured.
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_LOCATION - false The location of the Kafka trust store file.
KAFKA_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false The password for the Kafka trust store file. If a password is not set, trust store file configured will still be used, but integrity checking is disabled.
KAFKA_ENTITLEMENT_TOPIC_PARTITIONS 1 false Amount of partitions for entitlement topic.
KAFKA_ENTITLEMENT_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR - false Replication factor for entitlement topic.
KAFKA_SCHEDULED_JOB_TOPIC_PARTITIONS 1 false Amount of partitions for mgr-tenant-entitlements.scheduled-job topic.
KAFKA_SCHEDULED_JOB_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR - false Replication factor for mgr-tenant-entitlements.scheduled-job topic.
KAFKA_CAPABILITY_TOPIC_PARTITIONS 1 false Amount of partitions for capabilities topic.
KAFKA_CAPABILITY_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR - false Replication factor for capabilities topic.
KAFKA_SYS_USER_TOPIC_PARTITIONS 1 false Amount of partitions for system-user topic.
KAFKA_SYS_USER_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR - false Replication factor for system-user topic.
KAFKA_SEND_DURATION_TIMEOUT 10s false A default duration for KafkaEventPublisher will wait for the message acknowledgment from kafka

SSL Configuration environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
SERVER_PORT 8081 false Server HTTP port. Should be specified manually in case of SSL enabled.
SERVER_SSL_ENABLED false false Manage server's mode. If true then SSL will be enabled.
SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE false Path to the keystore. Mandatory if SERVER_SSL_ENABLED is true.
SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_TYPE BCFKS false Type of the keystore. By default BCFKS value is used.
SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PROVIDER BCFIPS false Provider of the keystore.
SERVER_SSL_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD false Password for keystore.
SERVER_SSL_KEY_PASSWORD false Password for key in keystore.

Secure storage environment variables



Name Default value Description
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_REGION - The AWS region to pass to the AWS SSM Client Builder. If not set, the AWS Default Region Provider Chain is used to determine which region to use.
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_USE_IAM true If true, will rely on the current IAM role for authorization instead of explicitly providing AWS credentials (access_key/secret_key)
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_ENDPOINT - The HTTP endpoint to use for retrieving AWS credentials. This is ignored if useIAM is true
SECRET_STORE_AWS_SSM_ECS_CREDENTIALS_PATH - The path component of the credentials endpoint URI. This value is appended to the credentials endpoint to form the URI from which credentials can be obtained.



Name Default value Description
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TOKEN - token for accessing vault, may be a root token
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ADDRESS - the address of your vault
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_ENABLE_SSL false whether or not to use SSL
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_PEM_FILE_PATH - the path to an X.509 certificate in unencrypted PEM format, using UTF-8 encoding
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - the password used to access the JKS keystore (optional)
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_KEYSTORE_FILE_PATH - the path to a JKS keystore file containing a client cert and private key
SECRET_STORE_VAULT_TRUSTSTORE_FILE_PATH - the path to a JKS truststore file containing Vault server certs that can be trusted

Keycloak Integration

Import Keycloak data on startup

As startup, the application creates/updates necessary records in Keycloak from the internal module descriptor:

  • Resource server
  • Client - with credentials of KC_CLIENT_ID/KC_CLIENT_SECRET.
  • Resources - mapped from descriptor routing entries.
  • Permissions - mapped from requiredPermissions of routing entries.
  • Roles - mapped from permission sets of descriptor.
  • Policies - role policies as well as aggregate policies (specific for each resource).

Keycloak Security

Keycloak can be used as a security provider. If enabled - application will delegate endpoint permissions evaluation to Keycloak. A valid Keycloak JWT token must be passed for accessing secured resources. The feature is controlled by two env variables SECURITY_ENABLED and KEYCLOAK_INTEGRATION_ENABLED.

Keycloak specific environment variables

Name Default value Required Description
KC_URL http://keycloak:8080 false Keycloak URL used to perform HTTP requests.
KC_INTEGRATION_ENABLED false false Defines if Keycloak integration is enabled or disabled.
If it set to false - it will exclude all keycloak-related beans from spring context.
KC_IMPORT_ENABLED false false If true - at startup, register/create necessary records in keycloak from the internal module descriptor.
KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_ID folio-backend-admin-client false Keycloak client id. Used for register/create necessary records in keycloak from the internal module descriptor.
KC_ADMIN_CLIENT_SECRET - conditional Keycloak client secret. Required only if admin username/password are not set.
KC_ADMIN_USERNAME - conditional Keycloak admin username. Required only if admin secret is not set.
KC_ADMIN_PASSWORD - conditional Keycloak admin password. Required only if admin secret is not set.
KC_ADMIN_GRANT_TYPE client_credentials false Keycloak admin grant type. Should be set to password if username/password are used instead of client secret.
KC_CLIENT_ID mgr-tenant-entitlements false client id to be imported to Keycloak.
KC_CLIENT_SECRET - true client secret to be imported to Keycloak.
KC_LOGIN_CLIENT_SUFFIX -login-application false Login Client name suffix for building full client name like {tenantName}{suffix} for creating client resources based on ModuleDescriptors during the entitlement
KC_CLIENT_TLS_ENABLED false false Enables TLS for keycloak clients.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PATH - false Truststore file path for keycloak clients.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD - false Truststore password for keycloak clients.
KC_CLIENT_TLS_TRUSTSTORE_TYPE - false Truststore file type for keycloak clients.
KC_AUTH_TOKEN_VALIDATE_URI false false Defines if validation for JWT must be run to compare configuration URL and token issuer for keycloak.
KC_JWKS_REFRESH_INTERVAL 60 false Jwks refresh interval for realm JWT parser (in minutes).
KC_FORCED_JWKS_REFRESH_INTERVAL 60 false Forced jwks refresh interval for realm JWT parser (used in signing key rotation, in minutes).
KC_AUTHORIZATION_CACHE_MAX_SIZE 50 false Maximum amount of entries for keycloak authorization cache.
KC_AUTHORIZATION_CACHE_TTL_OFFSET 5000 false TTL Offset for cached authorization information, positive, in millis.

Retry configuration

Name Default value Required Description
RETRIES_MODULE_MAX 3 false Maximum number of retries for FOLIO module calls
RETRIES_KEYCLOAK_MAX 3 false Maximum number of retries for Keycloak calls
RETRIES_KONG_MAX 3 false Maximum number of retries for Kong calls
RETRIES_MODULE_BACKOFF_DELAY 1000 false FOLIO module calls retries initial delay millisec
RETRIES_MODULE_BACKOFF_MAXDELAY 30000 false FOLIO module calls retries maximum delay millisec
RETRIES_MODULE_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER 5 false FOLIO module calls retries delay multiplier
RETRIES_KEYCLOAK_BACKOFF_DELAY 1000 false Keycloak calls retries initial delay millisec
RETRIES_KEYCLOAK_BACKOFF_MAXDELAY 30000 false Keycloak calls retries maximum delay millisec
RETRIES_KEYCLOAK_BACKOFF_MULTIPLIER 5 false Keycloak calls retries delay multiplier
RETRIES_KONG_BACKOFF_DELAY 1000 false Kong calls retries initial delay millisec
RETRIES_KONG_BACKOFF_MAXDELAY 30000 false Kong calls retries maximum delay millisec

Kong Gateway Integration

Kong gateway integration implemented using idempotent approach with Kong Admin API.

Kong Service Registration

The Kong Gateway services are added on service discovery registration per application. Each Kong Service has tag equal to applicationId to improve observability. Tags can be used to filter core entities, via the ?tags querystring parameter.

Kong Route Registration

The Kong routes registered per-tenant using header filter:

  "headers": {
    "x-okapi-tenant": [ "$tenantId" ]

Routes as well populated with tags: moduleId and tenantId to be filtered.

Routes per tenant can be found with:

curl -XGET "$KONG_ADMIN_URL/routes?tags=$moduleId,$tenantId"


curl -XGET "$KONG_ADMIN_URL/services/$moduleId/routes?tags=$tenantId"

Kafka Integration

Events upon application being enabled/disabled

  • The mte publishes lightweight kafka events when application is enabled/disabled.
  • The topic is being created on application startup.

Naming convention

topic naming convention:<prefix>_entitlement

  • Prefix is passed in as environment variable (for FSE it's usually the cluster identifier, e.g. "evrk")

Event structure

  "applicationId": "application1-1.2.3"


How ignoreErrors affects tenant entitlement?

If ignoreErrors is set to false (which is default value) then the stage rollback operations will be executed if one or more stages failed. Stage rollbacks will return the system to initial state:

  • All installed tenant modules will be uninstalled
  • All created Kong Gateway routes will be deleted for the application
  • All created Keycloak resources will be deleted for the application

If the ignoreErrors is set to true - stage rollbacks are disabled for tenant entitlement and if one of the stages fail - entitlement process will stop, changes will stay in the system, and user can repeat entitlement process until it succeeds.

The stage fails caused by misconfiguration of the container: networking parameters, database pool size, etc. The application checked before entitlement that all interfaces are compatible, and if not - validation error will be raised while running the entitlement process.

How purgeOnRollback affects tenant entitlement process

This argument is only applied if tenant entitlement is executed with ignoreErrors=false and skips every rollback operation for each stage, leading to the state when:

  • Tenant routes are not affected
  • Keycloak authorization resources and permissions are not affected
  • Installed modules are not uninstalled

The behaviour is the same as calling POST /entitlements with ignoreErrors=true

How purge flag is working for application uninstalling?

The purge flag defines whether the tenant application data will be deleted. If this flag is set to true - mgr-tenant-entitlement will delete all resources, including routes, keycloak authorization resources, and module database data (using tenant API) from the system. If this flag is set to false - sidecars for this tenant will be disabled and module requests will return an error, saying that the tenant is not enabled. Also routes in Kong will be deleted.

Is rollbacks are supported for the application uninstalling/upgrades?

No, rollbacks are not supported, because the folio modules don't support downgrades, and storing the data before uninstalling or upgrading is complicated.

How async flag works?

The Async flag returns the flow identifier instantly, allowing the user to track the progress of installation, uninstallation, or upgrading the application using the /entitlement-flow/{id} endpoint. If this flag is set to false - mgr-tenant-entitlement holds the response until the entitlement flow is executed, however, the flow execution implementation is the same as calling the entitlement process using async=true.