This does not include commonly used components (buttons, divider lines, commit author and message, etc...) for accessing and modifying those elements, please check Classes
section bellow.
#ID | Description |
#miniDialogContainer |
Main container of MiniDialog |
#miniDialogContainerTop |
Affects only top section of MiniDialog |
#miniDialogButtonClose |
Close button (SVG) of MiniDialog |
#miniDialogContent |
MiniDialog content |
#rightBarContainer |
Main container of RightBar |
#rightBarContent |
RightBar content |
#rightBarButtonDiscord |
Discord button on the RightBar |
#rightBarButtonGithub |
Github button on the RightBar |
#playButton |
Main container for whole launch buttons section |
#serverControls |
Container of "play on grasscutter" checkbox |
#enableGC |
"play on grasscutter" checkbox |
#ip |
Server ip input if play on grasscutter is enabled |
#port |
Server port input if play on grasscutter is enabled |
#httpsEnable |
"Enable https" checkbox if play on grasscutter is enabled |
#officialPlay |
Launch button |
#serverLaunch |
Launch server button |
#serverlaunchIcon |
Icon (SVG) of server launch button |
#serverConfigContainer |
Main container of server configuration section |
#serverLaunchContainer |
Main container of launch buttons (includes launch server) |
#topBarContainer |
Main container of launcher TopBar (minimize, exit, settings...) |
#title |
Title of the TopBar |
#version |
Version of the launcher in TopBar |
#topBarButtonContainer |
Container of launcher TopBar buttons only |
#closeBtn |
Exit launcher button |
#minBtn |
Minimize launcher button |
#settingsBtn |
Settings button |
#downloadsBtn |
Downloads button (grasscutter resources, grasscutter...) |
#newsContainer |
Main container of the news section |
#newsTabsContainer |
Container for news tabs |
#commits |
News tabs container commits button |
#latest_version |
News tabs for latest version button |
#newsContent |
Content section of news container |
#newsCommitsTable |
Commits table of news section |
#downloadMenuContainerGCStable |
Grasscutter stable update container |
#downloadMenuLabelGCStable |
Label for stable update button |
#downloadMenuButtonGCStable |
Button container for stable update button |
#grasscutterStableBtn |
"Update grasscutter stable" button |
#downloadMenuContainerGCDev |
Grasscutter development update container |
#downloadMenuLabelGCDev |
Label for latest update button |
#downloadMenuButtonGCDev |
Button container for latest update button |
grasscutterLatestBtn |
"Update grasscutter latest" button |
#downloadMenuContainerGCStableData |
Grasscutter stable data update container |
#downloadMenuLabelGCStableData |
Label for stable data update |
#downloadMenuButtonGCStableData |
Button container for stable data update button |
#grasscutterStableRepo |
"Update grasscutter stable data" button |
#downloadMenuContainerGCDevData |
Grasscutter latest data update container |
#downloadMenuLabelGCDevData |
Label for latest data update |
#downloadMenuButtonGCDevData |
Button container for latest data update button |
#grasscutterDevRepo |
"Update grasscutter latest data" button |
#downloadMenuContainerResources |
Container for grasscutter resources download |
#downloadMenuLabelResources |
label for resources download |
#downloadMenuButtonResources |
Button container for resources download button |
#resourcesBtn |
"Download grasscutter resources" button |
#menuContainer |
Generic Popup modal like menu container |
#menuContainerTop |
Top section of menu container |
#menuHeading |
Menu title |
#menuButtonCloseContainer |
Container for menu close button |
#menuButtonCloseIcon |
Menu close icon (SVG) |
#menuContent |
Content section of the menu |
#menuOptionsContainerGameExec |
Container for game executable option section |
#menuOptionsLabelGameExec |
Label for game executable option |
#menuOptionsDirGameExec |
Set game executable file browser |
#menuOptionsContainerGCJar |
Container for grasscutter jar option |
#menuOptionsLabelGCJar |
Label for grasscutter jar option |
#menuOptionsDirGCJar |
Set grasscutter jar file browser |
#menuOptionsContainerToggleEnc |
Container for toggle encryption option |
#menuOptionsLabelToggleEnc |
Label for toggle encryption option |
#menuOptionsButtonToggleEnc |
Toggle encryption button container |
#toggleEnc |
Toggle encryption button |
#menuOptionsContainerGCWGame |
Container for "grasscutter with game" option |
#menuOptionsLabelGCWDame |
Label for "grasscutter with game" option |
#menuOptionsCheckboxGCWGame |
Container for "grasscutter with game" option checkbox |
#gcWithGame |
Grasscutter with game checkbox |
#menuOptionsContainerThemes |
Container for themes section |
#menuOptionsLabelThemes |
Label for set themes option |
#menuOptionsSelectThemes |
Container for themes select menu |
#menuOptionsSelectMenuThemes |
Set theme select menu |
#menuOptionsContainerJavaPath |
Container for Java Path option |
#menuOptionsLabelJavaPath |
Label for Java path option |
#menuOptionsDirJavaPath |
Container for java path file browser |
#menuOptionsContainerBG |
Container for Background option |
#menuOptionsLabelBG |
Label for background option |
#menuOptionsDirBG |
Container for background url/local path option |
#menuOptionsContainerUseThemeBG |
Container for forcing theme background option |
#menuOptionsLabelUseThemeBG |
Label for forcing theme background option |
#menuOptionsUseThemeBG |
Toggle forcing theme background button container |
#menuOptionsContainerLang |
Container for language change option |
#menuOptionsLabelLang |
Label for language change option |
#menuOptionsSelectLang |
Container for language change select menu |
#menuOptionsSelectMenuLang |
Language select menu |
#DownloadProgress |
Download progress container |
#bottomSectionContainer |
Bottom section container |
#miniDownloadContainer |
Container for mini download |
This is not full list of all classes, rather its list of classes for commonly used components that can not be accessed using element id system.
.Class | Description |
.BigButton |
Class for all buttons |
.BigButtonText |
Text inside a button |
.Checkbox |
Checkbox container |
.CheckboxDisplay |
Content of checkbox |
.DirInput |
Container for DirInput |
.FileSelectIcon |
Icon of DirInput |
.DownloadList |
List of all downloads |
.DownloadSection |
Container for each download |
.DownloadTitle |
Contains file download path and current status |
.DownloadPath |
Path of a download |
.DownloadStatus |
Status of a download |
.DownloadSectionInner |
Contains progressbar of the download section |
.HelpSection |
Container for help "?" circle button |
.HelpButton |
HelpButton itself |
.HelpContents |
Content of help button once expanded |
.MainProgressBarWrapper |
Container for MainProgressBar |
.ProgressBar |
ProgressBar (creativity left the brain) |
.InnerProgress |
ProgressBar percentage |
.MainProgressText |
Text for MainProgressBar |
.ProgressBarWrapper |
Container for ProgressBar |
.DownloadControls |
DownloadControls of ProgressBar |
.downloadStop |
Container for download stop icon (SVG) |
.ProgressText |
Text of the ProgressBar display current download status |
.TextInputWrapper |
Container for TextInput |
.TextClear |
Container for clear input content button |
.TextInputClear |
TextInput clear button icon (SVG) |
.Divider |
Container for line dividers |
.DividerLine |
Divider line itself |
.CommitAuthor |
Author of a commit |
.CommitMessage |
Message of a commit |