diff --git a/tutorials/lab/rabbit.rst b/tutorials/lab/rabbit.rst
index 804c5e7..977b107 100644
--- a/tutorials/lab/rabbit.rst
+++ b/tutorials/lab/rabbit.rst
@@ -10,8 +10,9 @@ How to Allocate Rabbit Storage
Request rabbit storage allocations for a job
by setting the ``.attributes.system.dw`` field in a jobspec to
-a string containing one or more DW directives, or to a list of
-singleton DW directives.
+a string containing one or more DW directives. A JSON list of DW directives
+is also accepted, but cannot be provided on the command line (it is more
+useful when constructing jobspecs by another means, for instance in Python).
DW directives are strings that start with ``#DW``. Directives
that begin with ``#DW jobdw`` are for requesting storage that
@@ -19,7 +20,10 @@ lasts the lifetime of the associated flux job. Directives that
begin with ``#DW copy_in`` and ``#DW copy_out`` are for
describing data movement to and from the rabbits, respectively.
-The usage is most easily understood by example.
+Full documentation of the DW directives and their arguments is available
+`here `_.
+The usage with Flux is most easily understood by example.
Examples of jobdw directives
@@ -50,56 +54,6 @@ Requesting both XFS and lustre file systems in a batch script:
flux submit -N2 -n2 /bin/bash -c "echo 'Hello World!' > $DW_JOB_xfsproject/world.txt"
-jobdw directive fields
-The **type** field can be one of ``xfs``, ``lustre``, ``gfs2``, or ``raw``.
-``lustre`` storage is shared by all nodes in the job. By contrast, the other types
-are for node-local storage. Processes on one node will not be able to read
-data written on other nodes. Currently only ``xfs`` and ``lustre`` are known
-to work properly.
-The **capacity** field describes how much storage to be allocated. For ``lustre``
-the capacity refers to the overall capacity. For all other types, the capacity refers
-to the capacity per node. See
-`this Wikipedia article `_
-for the meaning of the suffixes.
-The **name** field determines the suffix to the ``DW_JOB_`` environment variable.
-See below for more detail.
-.. note::
- The **name** field can only contain lowercase alphanumeric characters.
- Underscores, spaces, and dashes are not allowed.
-Using Rabbit Storage
-For each ``jobdw`` directive associated with your job, your job will have
-an environment variable ``DW_JOB_[name]`` where ``[name]`` is the value
-of the ``name`` field in the directive. The value of the environment variable
-will be the path to the associated file system.
-For instance, for a directive ``#DW jobdw type=xfs capacity=10GiB name=project1``,
-the associated job will have an environment variable ``DW_JOB_project1``.
-Data Movement Directives
-To request that files be moved to or from the rabbits, additional DW
-directives must be added to the job in addition to jobdw directives.
-The ``copy_in`` directive is for moving data to the rabbits before the job
-starts, and the ``copy_out`` directive is for moving data from the rabbits
-after the job completes.
-Both ``copy_in`` and ``copy_out`` directives have ``source`` and ``destination``
-fields which indicate where data is to be taken from and where it is to be moved to.
-The source must exist.
Data Movement Examples
@@ -130,7 +84,7 @@ in a batch script:
#FLUX: -N 2
#FLUX: -q pdebug
#FLUX: --setattr=dw="""
- #FLUX: #DW jobdw type=lustre capacity=10GiB name=lustreproject
+ #FLUX: #DW jobdw type=lustre capacity=100GiB name=lustreproject
#FLUX: #DW copy_out source=$DW_JOB_lustreproject destination=/p/lustre1/$USER/lustreproject_results
#FLUX: """