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All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


  • Advanced option dist_type that allows LinearLumpedElement to be distributed across grid cells in different ways. For example, restricting the network portion to a single cell and using PEC wires to connect to the desired location of the terminals.
  • New layer_refinement_specs field in GridSpec that takes a list of LayerRefinementSpec for automatic mesh refinement and snapping in layered structures. Structure corners on the cross section perpendicular to layer thickness direction can be automatically identified. Mesh is automatically snapped and refined around those corners.
  • New field drop_outside_sim in MeshOverrideStructure to specify whether to drop an override structure if it is outside the simulation domain, but it overlaps with the simulation domain when projected to an axis.
  • Function translated_copy in ElectromagneticFieldData to facilitate computing overlaps between field data at different locations.
  • PlaneWaveBeamProfile, GaussianBeamProfile and AstigmaticGaussianBeamProfile components to compute field data associated to such beams based on their corresponding analytical expressions, and compute field overlaps with other data.
  • num_freqs argument to the PlaneWave source.
  • Support for running multiple adjoint simulations from a single forward simulation in adjoint pipeline depending on monitor configuration.
  • Ability to directly create DirectivityData from an xarrray.Dataset containing electromagnetic fields, where the flux is calculated by integrating the fields over the surface of a sphere.
  • Ability to the TerminalComponentModeler that enables the computation of antenna parameters and figures of merit, such as gain, radiation efficiency, and reflection efficiency. When there are multiple ports in the TerminalComponentModeler, these antenna parameters may be calculated with user-specified port excitation magnitudes and phases.
  • RectangularAntennaArrayCalculator class to compute the array factor and far-field radiation patterns for rectangular phased antenna arrays.
  • Extended the number of quantities provided by the DirectivityData, which now includes more parameters of interest like radiation intensity and gain. In addition, antenna parameters can be decomposed into contributions from individual polarization components according to a specified polarization basis, either linear or circular. The linear polarization basis can be optionally rotated by tilt_angle from the theta-axis.
  • Added validation for the monitors frequency range to be consistent with the frequency range defined for the sources.
  • Simulation.grid_info property to collect various properties of the grids in the simulation.


  • The coordinate of snapping points in GridSpec can take value None, so that mesh can be selectively snapped only along certain dimensions.
  • Grid snapping for MeshOverrideStructure with shadow=False is only on if the structure refines the mesh.
  • Renamed SkinDepthFitterParam --> SurfaceImpedanceFitterParam used in LossyMetalMedium. plot in LossyMetalMedium now plots complex-valued surface impedance.
  • Changed plot_3d iframe url to tidy3d production environment.
  • num_freqs is now set to 3 by default for the PlaneWave, GaussianBeam, and AnalyticGaussianBeam sources, which makes the injection more accurate in broadband cases.
  • Nonlinear models KerrNonlinearity and TwoPhotonAbsorption now default to using the physical real fields instead of complex fields.
  • Added warning when a lumped element is not completely within the simulation bounds, since now lumped elements will only have an effect on the Simulation when they are completely within the simulation bounds.
  • Allow ModeData to be passed to path integral computations in the microwave plugin.
  • Default number of grid cells refining lumped elements is changed to 1, and some of the generated MeshOverrideStructure are replaced by grid snapping points.
  • Definition of left- and right-handed circular polarization in DirectivityData to follow engineering convention.
  • Simulation tasks now print a link to the task's folder.


  • Make gauge selection for non-converged modes more robust.
  • Fixed extremely long runtime generated by RunTimeSpec in the presence of LossyMetalMedium.
  • Fixed ComponentModeler.to_file when its batch is empty.
  • In web api, mode solver is patched with remote data so that certain methods like plot_field show remote data.
  • Fixed common cross-referencing typo in docstrings.
  • Added viz_spec property to AbstractStructure to fix error when plotting structures that have no medium.
  • Fixed invalid adjoint source creation by disallowing sources made from non-traced fields.

2.8.0rc2 - 2025-01-28


  • VisualizationSpec that allows Medium instances to specify color and transparency plotting attributes that override default ones.

  • reduce_simulation argument added to all web functions to allow automatically reducing structures only to the simulation domain, including truncating data in custom media, thus reducing the simulation upload size. Currently only implemented for mode solver simulation types.

  • Support for quasi-uniform grid specifications via QuasiUniformGrid that subclasses from GridSpec1d. The grids are almost uniform, but can adjust locally to the edge of structure bounding boxes, and snapping points.

  • New field min_steps_per_sim_size in AutoGrid that sets minimal number of grid steps per longest edge length of simulation domain.

  • New field shadow in MeshOverrideStructure that sets grid size in overlapping region according to structure list or minimal grid size.

  • Scientific notation for frequency range warnings.

  • MultiphysicsMedium allows for the modularization definition of physical properties. So in addition to the usual optical properties, one can now add heat properties or electric properties.

  • Added ⚡ Charge Solver API. It is now possible to solve the Drift-Diffusion (DD) equations for semiconductors. These simulations can be set up with the new class HeatChargeSimulation (which supersedes HeatSimulation) in a way similar to that of Heat simulations. The solver has currently limited capabilities (which will be expanded in future releases): steady only, isothermal, Boltzmann statistics (non-degenerate semiconductors only).

  • SemiconductorMedium has been added. This is used in combination with MultiPhysicsMedium to define the mediums used in the Charge solver. It allows to specify mobility, bandgap narrowing, and generation/recombination models as well as doping. Doping can be defined as constant or through "doping boxes" or, more generally, via SpatialDataArray objects for full flexibility.

  • Mobility models for SemiconductorMedium: ConstantMobilityModel, CaugheyThomasMobility

  • Bandgap narrowing models for SemiconductorMedium: SlotboomBandGapNarrowing

  • Generation-recombination models for SemiconductorMedium: ShockleyReedHallRecombination, RadiativeRecombination, AugerRecombination

  • Accessors and length functions implemented for Result class in design plugin.

  • New interface for mode solver simulations via ModeSimulation class.


  • ModeMonitor and ModeSolverMonitor now use the default td.ModeSpec() with num_modes=1 when mode_spec is not provided.
  • Update sidewall angle validator to clarify angle should be specified in radians.
  • Reduced the complex tolerance in the mode solver below which permittivity is considered lossless, in order to correctly compute very low-loss modes. -HeatChargeSimulation supersedes HeatSimulation. Though both of the can be used for Heat simulation interchangeably, the latter has been deprecated and will disappear in the future.
  • FluidSpec and SolidSpec are now deprecated in favor of FluidMedium and SolidMedium. Both can still be used interchangeably.
  • Exclude FluxMonitor frequencies from adjoint design region gradient monitors since we do not differentiate through FluxData
  • Check for empty source list in wvl_mat_min in Simulation and raise user friendly error if no sources exist in the simulation.


  • NumPy 2.1 compatibility issue where numpy.float64 values passed to xarray interpolation would raise TypeError.
  • Validation error in inverse design plugin when simulation has no sources by adding a source existence check before validating pixel size.
  • System-dependent floating-point precision issue in EMEGrid validation.
  • Fixed magnitude of gradient computation in CustomMedium by accounting properly for full volume element when permittivity data is defined over less dimensions than the medium.
  • Fixed key ordering in design plugin when returning Result from an optimization method run.
  • Bug in Batch, where duplicate folders might be created in the Web UI if the folder did not already exist.

2.8.0rc1 - 2024-12-17


  • Autograd support for polyslab transformations.
  • Support for differentiation with respect to ComplexPolySlab.vertices.
  • Introduce RF material library. Users can now import rf_material_library from tidy3d.plugins.microwave.
  • Users can specify the background medium for a structure in automatic differentiation by supplying Structure.background_permittivity.
  • DirectivityMonitor to compute antenna directivity.
  • Added plot_length_units to Simulation and Scene to allow for specifying units, which improves axis labels and scaling when plotting.
  • Added the helper function compute_power_delivered_by_port to TerminalComponentModeler which computes power delivered to a microwave network from a port.
  • Added the account function account to check credit balance and daily free simulation balance.
  • Added WavePort to the TerminalComponentModeler which is the suggested port type for exciting transmission lines.
  • Added plotting functionality to voltage and current path integrals in the microwave plugin.
  • Added convenience functions from_terminal_positions and from_circular_path to simplify setup of VoltageIntegralAxisAligned and CustomCurrentIntegral2D, respectively.
  • Added axial_ratio to DirectivityData.axial_ratio for the DirectivityMonitor, defined as the ratio of the major axis to the minor axis of the polarization ellipse. ComponentModeler.batch_data convenience property to access the BatchData corresponding to the component modeler run.
  • Added optimization methods to the Design plugin. The plugin has been expanded to include Bayesian optimization, genetic algorithms and particle swarm optimization. Explanations of these methods are available in new and updated notebooks.
  • Added new support functions for the Design plugin: automated batching of Simulation objects, and summary functions with DesignSpace.estimate_cost and DesignSpace.summarize.
  • Added validation and repair methods for TriangleMesh with inward-facing normals.
  • Added from_admittance_coeffs to PoleResidue, which allows for directly constructing a PoleResidue medium from an admittance function in the Laplace domain.
  • Added material type LossyMetalMedium that has high DC-conductivity. Its boundaries can be modeled by a surface impedance boundary condition (SIBC). This is treated as a subpixel method, which can be switched by setting SubpixelSpec(lossy_metal=method) where method can be Staircasing(), VolumetricAveraging(), or SurfaceImpedance().
  • Added mode solver option precision='auto' to automatically select single or double precision for optimizing performance and accuracy.
  • Added LinearLumpedElement as a new supported LumpedElement type. This enhancement allows for the modeling of two-terminal passive networks, which can include any configuration of resistors, inductors, and capacitors, within the Simulation. Simple RLC networks are described using RLCNetwork, while more complex networks can be represented by their admittance transfer function through AdmittanceNetwork.
  • Option for the ModeSolver and ModeSolverMonitor to store only a subset of field components.
  • Added an option to simulate plane wave propagation at fixed angles by setting parameter angular_spec=FixedAngleSpec() when defining a PlaneWave source.
  • The universal tidy3d.web can now also be used to handle ModeSolver simulations.
  • Support for differentiation with respect to PolySlab.slab_bounds.
  • DirectivityMonitor can now be used to decompose fields into circular polarization states.


  • Priority is given to snapping_points in GridSpec when close to structure boundaries, which reduces the chance of them being skipped.
  • Gradients for autograd are computed server-side by default. They can be computed locally (requiring more data download) by passing local_gradient=True to the and related functions.
  • Passing path_dir to ComponentModeler methods is deprecated in favor of setting ComponentModeler.path_dir and will result in an error if the two don't match.
  • BatchData is now a mapping and can be accessed and iterated over like a Python dictionary (.keys(), .values(), .items()).
  • MethodRandom and MethodRandomCustom have been removed from the Design plugin, and DesignSpace.run_batch has been superseded by .run.
  • Design plugin has been significantly reworked to improve ease of use and allow for new optimization methods.
  • Behavior of FieldProjector now matches the server-side computation, which does not truncate the integration surface when it extends into PML regions.
  • Enabled the user to set the ModeMonitor.colocate field and changed to True by default (fields were actually already returned colocated even though this field was False previously).
  • More robust mode solver at radio frequencies.
  • Disallow very small polygons when subdividing 2D structures.
  • For efficiency, translated, scaled, and rotated PolySlab-s now return updated PolySlab objects rather than a Transformed object, except when the rotation axis is not the same as the slab axis, in which case Transformed is still returned.
  • Default choice of frequency in Simulation.plot_eps and Simulation.plot_structures_eps is now the central frequency of all sources in the simulation. If the central frequencies differ, the permittivity is evaluated at infinite frequency, and a warning is emitted.
  • Mode solver fields are more consistently normalized with respect to grid-dependent sign inversions in high order modes.
  • MeshOverrideStructure accepts Box as geometry. Other geometry types will raise a warning and convert to bounding box.
  • Double precision mode solver is now supported in EME.
  • estimate_cost is now called at the end of every web.upload call.
  • Internal refactor of adjoint shape gradients using GradientSurfaceMesh.
  • Enhanced progress bar display in batch operations with better formatting, colors, and status tracking.
  • The behavior of DirectivityData was changed, so that only far fields and flux are stored. Radiation characteristics (e.g., directivity, axial ratio) can be accessed through properties.


  • Significant speedup for field projection computations.
  • Fix numerical precision issue in FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor.
  • Bug where lumped elements in the Simulation were being overwritten by the TerminalComponentModeler.
  • Bug in Simulation.subsection where lumped elements were not being correctly removed.
  • Bug when adding 2D structures to the Simulation that are composed of multiple overlapping polygons.
  • Fields stored in ModeMonitor objects were computed colocated to the grid boundaries, but the built-in ModeMonitor.colocate=False was resulting in wrong results in some cases, most notably if symmetries are also involved.
  • Small inaccuracy when applying a mode solver bend_radius when the simulation grid is not symmetric w.r.t. the mode plane center. Previously, the radius was defined w.r.t. the middle grid coordinate, while now it is correctly applied w.r.t. the plane center.
  • Silence warning in graphene from checking fit quality at large frequencies.
  • CustomCurrentSource now correctly validates its current dataset.
  • Better plotting of grids, respecting 2D and 1D simulation edge cases.
  • Bug when td.inf are in attrs and files saved and loaded to .json twice.
  • Cached property cleared in copying an object with validate=False.
  • Error when JaxSimulation passed to ModeSolver.simulation: now it will be converted to a regular Simulation, with a warning.
  • Thread-safe creation of TIDY3D_DIR.

2.7.9 - 2025-01-22


  • Potential task name mismatches between forward and adjoint simulations in batch tasks.
  • Magnitude of gradient computation in CustomMedium by accounting properly for full volume element when permittivity data is defined over fewer dimensions than the medium.

2.7.8 - 2024-11-27


  • BatchData is now a mapping and can be accessed and iterated over like a Python dictionary (.keys(), .values(), .items()).


  • Gradient inaccuracy when a multi-frequency monitor is used but a single frequency is selected.
  • Revert single cell center approximation for custom medium gradient.

2.7.7 - 2024-11-15


  • Autograd support for local field projections using FieldProjectionKSpaceMonitor.
  • Function components.geometry.utils.flatten_groups now also flattens transformed groups when requested.
  • Differentiable smooth_min, smooth_max, and least_squares functions in tidy3d.plugins.autograd.
  • Differential operators grad and value_and_grad in tidy3d.plugins.autograd that behave similarly to the autograd operators but support auxiliary data via aux_data=True as well as differentiation w.r.t. DataArray.
  • @scalar_objective decorator in tidy3d.plugins.autograd that wraps objective functions to ensure they return a scalar value and performs additional checks to ensure compatibility of objective functions with autograd. Used by default in tidy3d.plugins.autograd.value_and_grad as well as tidy3d.plugins.autograd.grad.
  • Autograd support for simulations without adjoint sources in run as well as run_async, which will not attempt to run the simulation but instead return zero gradients. This can sometimes occur if the objective function gradient does not depend on some simulations, for example when using min or max in the objective.
  • angle_rotation in ModeSpec to improve accuracy in some cases when angle_theta is defined. This option is disabled by default but it can be tried when very high accuracy is required in ModeSource and ModeMonitor objects that are placed in slanted waveguides.


  • CustomMedium design regions require far less data when performing inverse design by reducing adjoint field monitor size for dims with one pixel.
  • Calling .values on DataArray no longer raises a DeprecationWarning during automatic differentiation.
  • Minimum number of PML layers set to 6.
  • Structure.background_permittivity : float for specifying background medium for shape differentiation deprecated in favor of Structure.background_medium : Medium for more generality.
  • Validate mode objects so that if a bend radius is defined, it is not smaller than half the size of the modal plane along the radial direction (i.e. the bend center is not inside the mode plane).


  • Regression in local field projection leading to incorrect projection results.
  • Bug when differentiating with respect to
  • xarray 2024.10.0 compatibility for autograd.
  • Some failing examples in the expressions plugin documentation.
  • Inaccuracy in transforming gradients from edge to PolySlab.vertices.
  • Bug in run_async where an adjoint simulation would sometimes be assigned to the wrong forward simulation.
  • Validate against nonlinearity or modulation in FullyAnisotropicMedium.from_diagonal.
  • Add warning to complex-field nonlinearities, which may require more careful physical interpretation.

2.7.6 - 2024-10-30


  • Users can pass the shading argument in the SimulationData.plot_field to Xarray.plot method. When shading='gouraud', the image is interpolated, producing a smoother visualization.
  • Users can manually specify the background medium for a structure to be used for geometry gradient calculations by supplying Structure.background_permittivity. This is useful when there are overlapping structures or structures embedded in other mediums.
  • Autograd functions can now be called directly on DataArray (e.g., np.sum(data_array)) in objective functions.
  • Automatic differentiation support for local field projections with FieldProjectionAngleMonitor and FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor using FieldProjector.project_fields(far_field_monitor).


  • Improved autograd tracer handling in DataArray, resulting in significant speedups for differentiation involving large monitors.
  • Triangulation of PolySlab polygons now supports polygons with collinear vertices.
  • Frequency and wavelength utilities under tidy3d.frequencies and tidy3d.wavelengths.


  • Minor gradient direction and normalization fixes for polyslab, field monitors, and diffraction monitors in autograd.
  • Resolved an issue where temporary files for adjoint simulations were not being deleted properly.
  • Resolve several edge cases where autograd boxes were incorrectly converted to numpy arrays.
  • Resolve issue where scalar frequencies in metric definitions (ModeAmp(f=freq) instead of ModeAmp(f=[freq])) would erroneously fail validation.

2.7.5 - 2024-10-16


  • TopologyDesignRegion is now invariant in z by default and supports assigning dimensions along which a design should be uniform via TopologyDesignRegion(uniform=(bool, bool, bool)).
  • Support for arbitrary padding sizes for all padding modes in tidy3d.plugins.autograd.functions.pad.
  • Expression.filter(target_type, target_field) method for extracting object instances and fields from nested expressions.
  • Additional constraints and validation logic to ensure correct setup of optimization problems in invdes plugin.
  • tidy3d.plugins.pytorch to wrap autograd functions for interoperability with PyTorch via the to_torch wrapper.


  • Renamed Metric.freqs --> Metric.f and made frequency argument optional, in which case all frequencies from the relevant monitor will be extracted. Metrics can still be initialized with both f or freqs.


  • Some validation fixes for design region.
  • Bug in adjoint source creation that included empty sources for extraneous FieldMonitor objects, triggering unnecessary errors.
  • Correct sign in objective function history depending on Optimizer.maximize.
  • Fix to batch mode solver run that could create multiple copies of the same folder.
  • Fixed ModeSolver.plot method when the simulation is not at the origin.
  • Gradient calculation is orders of magnitude faster for large datasets and many structures by applying more efficient handling of field interpolation and passing to structures.
  • Bug with infinite coordinates in ClipOperation not working with shapely.

2.7.4 - 2024-09-25


  • New tidy3d.plugins.expressions module for constructing and serializing mathematical expressions and simulation metrics like ModeAmp and ModePower.
  • Support for serializable expressions in the invdes plugin (InverseDesign(metric=ModePower(...))).
  • Added InitializationSpec as the default way to initialize design region parameters in the invdes plugin (DesignRegion(initialization_spec=RandomInitializationSpec(...))).
  • Callback support in invdes.Optimizer and support for running the optimizer for a fixed number of steps via the num_steps argument in Optimizer.continue_run().
  • Convenience method Structure.from_permittivity_array(geometry, eps_data), which creates structure containing CustomMedium with eps_data array sampled within geometry.bounds.


  • All filter functions in plugins/autograd now accept either an absolute size in pixels or a radius and dl argument.
  • Reverted fix for TFSF close to simulation boundaries that was introduced in 2.7.3 as it could cause different results in some cases with nonuniform mesh along the propagation direction.


  • Ensure path argument in run() function is respected when running under autograd or the adjoint plugin.
  • Bug in Simulation.subsection (used in the mode solver) when nonlinear materials rely on information about sources outside of the region.

2.7.3 - 2024-09-12


  • Added value_and_grad function to the autograd plugin, importable via from tidy3d.plugins.autograd import value_and_grad. Supports differentiating functions with auxiliary data (value_and_grad(f, has_aux=True)).
  • Simulation.num_computational_grid_points property to examine the number of grid cells that compose the computational domain corresponding to the simulation. This can differ from Simulation.num_cells based on boundary conditions and symmetries.
  • Support for dilation argument in JaxPolySlab.
  • Support for autograd differentiation with respect to Cylinder.radius and (for elements not along axis dimension).
  • Cylinder.to_polyslab(num_pts_circumference, **kwargs) to convert a cylinder into a discretized version represented by a PolySlab.
  • tidy3d.plugins.invdes.Optimizer now accepts an optional optimization direction via the maximize argument (defaults to maximize=True).


  • PolySlab now raises error when differentiating and dilation causes damage to the polygon.
  • Validator boundaries_for_zero_dims to raise error when Bloch boundaries are used along 0-sized dims.
  • FieldProjectionKSpaceMonitor support for 2D simulations with far_field_approx = True.


  • DataArray interpolation failure due to incorrect ordering of coordinates when interpolating with autograd tracers.
  • Error in CustomSourceTime when evaluating at a list of times entirely outside of the range of the envelope definition times.
  • Improved passivity enforcement near high-Q poles in FastDispersionFitter. Failed passivity enforcement could lead to simulation divergences.
  • More helpful error and suggestion if users try to differentiate w.r.t. unsupported FluxMonitor output.
  • Removed positive warnings in Simulation validators for Bloch boundary conditions.
  • Improve accuracy in Box shifting boundary gradients.
  • Improve accuracy in FieldData operations involving H fields (like .flux).
  • Better error and warning handling in autograd pipeline.
  • Added the option to specify the num_freqs argument and kwargs to the .to_source method for both ModeSolver and ComponentModeler.
  • Fixes to TFSF source in some 2D simulations, and in some cases when the injection plane is close to the simulation domain boundaries.

2.7.2 - 2024-08-07


  • Mode solver plugin now supports 'EMESimulation'.
  • TriangleMesh class: automatic removal of zero-area faces, and functions fill_holes and fix_winding to attempt mesh repair.
  • Added progress bar for EME simulations.
  • Support for grid specifications from grid cell boundary coordinates via CustomGridBoundaries that subclasses from GridSpec1d.
  • More convenient mesh importing from another simulation through grid_spec = GridSpec.from_grid(sim.grid).
  • autograd gradient calculations can be performed on the server by passing local_gradient = False into or web.run_async().
  • Automatic differentiation with autograd supports multiple frequencies through single, broadband adjoint simulation when the objective function can be formulated as depending on a single dataset in the output SimulationData with frequency dependence only.
  • Convenience method EMESimulation.subsection to create a new EME simulation based on a subregion of an existing one.
  • Added flux and poynting properties to FieldProjectionCartesianData.


  • Mode solver now always operates on a reduced simulation copy.
  • Moved EMESimulation size limit validators to preupload.
  • Error if field projection monitors found in 2D simulations, except FieldProjectionAngleMonitor or FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor with far_field_approx = True. Support for other monitors and for exact field projection will be coming in a subsequent Tidy3D version.


  • Error when loading a previously run Batch or ComponentModeler containing custom data.
  • Error when plotting mode plane PML and the simulation has symmetry.
  • Validators using TriangleMesh.intersections_plane will fall back on bounding box in case the method fails for a non-watertight mesh.
  • Bug when running the same ModeSolver first locally then remotely, or vice versa, in which case the cached data from the first run is always returned.
  • Gradient monitors for PolySlab only store fields at the center location along axis, reducing data usage.
  • Validate the forward simulation on the client side even when using local_gradient=False for server-side gradient processing.
  • Gradient inaccuracies in PolySlab.vertices, Medium.conductivity, and DiffractionData s-polarization.
  • Adjoint field monitors no longer store H fields, which aren't needed for gradient calculation.
  • MeshOverrideStructures in a Simulation.GridSpec are properly handled to remove any derivative tracers.

2.7.1 - 2024-07-10


  • Support for differentiation with respect to GeometryGroup.geometries elements.
  • Users can now export SimulationData to MATLAB .mat files with the to_mat_file method.
  • ModeSolver methods to plot the mode plane simulation components, including .plot(), .plot_eps(), .plot_structures_eps(), .plot_grid(), and .plot_pml().
  • Support for differentiation with respect to monitor attributes that require interpolation, such as flux and intensity.
  • Support for automatic differentiation with respect to .eps_inf and .poles contained in dispersive mediums td.PoleResidue and td.CustomPoleResidue.
  • Support for FieldProjectionAngleMonitor for 2D simulations with far_field_approx = True.


  • Bug where boundary layers would be plotted too small in 2D simulations.
  • Bug when plotting transformed geometries.
  • Bug when snapping CoaxialLumpedPort to grid cell boundaries.
  • Errors in PolySlab when using autograd differentiation with non-zero sidewall_angle and dilation.
  • Error in EMESimulationData.smatrix_in_basis when using older versions of xarray.
  • Gradients for Box objects when simulation size is < 3D.

2.7.0 - 2024-06-17


  • HeatSimulation is now under the more generic class HeatChargeSimulation. This new class sallows for imulations of both HEAT and electric CONDUCTION types. One-way coupling between these is possible in which the CONDUCTION simulation is used to compute Joule heating which is subsequently used as a source in the HEAT simulation.
  • EME solver through EMESimulation class.
  • 2D heat simulations are now fully supported.
  • tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.web.run_local used in place of run will skip validators that restrict the size or number of input_structures.
  • Introduces the microwave plugin which includes ImpedanceCalculator for computing the characteristic impedance of transmission lines.
  • Simulation now accepts LumpedElementType, which currently only supports the LumpedResistor type. LumpedPort together with LumpedResistor make up the new TerminalComponentModeler in the smatrix plugin.
  • Uniaxial medium Lithium Niobate to material library.
  • Properties num_time_steps_adjoint and tmesh_adjoint to JaxSimulation to estimate adjoint run time.
  • Ability to add path to updated_copy() method to recursively update sub-components of a tidy3d model. For example sim2 = sim.updated_copy(size=new_size, path="structures/0/geometry") creates a recursively updated copy of sim where sim.structures[0].geometry is updated with size=new_size.
  • Python 3.12 support. Python 3.8 deprecation. Updated dependencies.
  • Tidy3D objects may store arbitrary metadata in an .attrs dictionary.
  • JaxSimulation now supports the following GDS export methods: to_gds(), to_gds_file(), to_gdspy(), and to_gdstk().
  • RunTimeSpec accepted by Simulation.run_time to adaptively set the run time based on Q-factor, propagation length, and other factors.
  • JaxDataArray now supports selection by nearest value via JaxDataArray.sel(..., method="nearest").
  • Convenience method constant_loss_tangent_model in FastDispersionFitter to fit constant loss tangent material model.
  • Classmethods in DispersionFitter to load complex-valued permittivity or loss tangent data.
  • Pre-upload validator to check that mode sources overlap with more than 2 grid cells.
  • Support 2DMedium for Transformed/GeometryGroup/ClipOperation geometries.
  • num_proc argument to tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.web.run_local to control the number of processes used on the local machine for gradient processing.
  • Support for complex and self-intersecting polyslabs in adjoint module via JaxComplexPolySlab.
  • Support for .gz files in Simulation version updater.
  • Warning if a nonuniform custom medium is intersecting PlaneWave, GaussianBeam, AstigmaticGaussianBeam, FieldProjectionCartesianMonitor, FieldProjectionAngleMonitor, FieldProjectionKSpaceMonitor, and DiffractionMonitor.
  • Added a CoaxialLumpedPort and CoaxialLumpedResistor for coaxial type transmission lines and excitations.
  • Automatic differentiation supported natively in Tidy3D components, and through the and web.run_async() functions through autograd.
  • A batch of ModeSolver objects can be run concurrently using tidy3d.plugins.mode.web.run_batch()
  • RectangularWaveguide.plot_field optionally draws geometry edges over fields.
  • RectangularWaveguide supports layered cladding above and below core.
  • SubpixelSpec accepted by Simulation.subpixel to select subpixel averaging methods separately for dielectric, metal, and PEC materials. Specifically, added support for conformal mesh methods near PEC structures that can be specified through the field pec in the SubpixelSpec class. Note: previously, subpixel=False was implementing staircasing for every material except PEC. Now, subpixel=False implements direct staircasing for all materials. For PEC, the behavior of subpixel=False in Tidy3D < 2.7 is now achieved through subpixel=SubpixelSpec(pec=HeuristicPECStaircasing()), while subpixel=True in Tidy3D < 2.7 is now achieved through subpixel=SubpixelSpec(pec=Staircasing()). The default is subpixel=SubpixelSpec(pec=PECConformal()) for more accurate PEC modelling.
  • Lossless Green2008 variant for crystalline silicon added to material library.
  • GridSpec supports snapping_points that enforce grid boundaries to pass through them.
  • Support for unstructured datasets (TriangularGridDataset and TetrahedralGridDataset) in custom medium classes.
  • Support for Transformed/GeometryGroup/ClipOperation geometries in heat solver.
  • Parameter relative_min_dl in UniformUnstructuredGrid and DistanceUnstructuredGrid to control minimal mesh size.
  • Improved validation for HeatSimulation.
  • Functions to clean unstructured datasets from degenerate cells and unused points.


  • IMPORTANT NOTE: differentiable fields in the adjoint plugin (JaxBox.size,, JaxPolySlab.vertices) no longer store the derivative information after the object is initialized. For example, if using JaxPolySlab.vertices directly in an objective function, the vertices will have no effect on the gradient. Instead, this information is now stored in a field of the same name with _jax suffix, eg. JaxPolySlab.vertices_jax. For some applications, such as evaluating penalty values, please change to radius_penalty.evaluate(polyslab.vertices_jax) or use the vertices as generated by your parameterization functions (make_vertices(params)).
  • run_time of the adjoint simulation is set more robustly based on the adjoint sources and the forward simulation run_time as sim_fwd.run_time + c / fwdith_adj where c=10.
  • FieldTimeMonitor restriction to record at a maximum of 5000 time steps if the monitor is not zero-dimensional, to avoid creating unnecessarily large amounts of data.
  • Bumped trimesh version to >=4,<4.2.
  • Make directories in path passed to .to_gds_file() methods, if they don't exist.
  • Changed sign of mode solver PML conductivity to match the exp(-1j * omega * t) convention used everywhere else. Previously, loss due to PML was coming out as negative k_eff of the mode, while now it comes out as positive k_eff, in line with material loss.
  • Augmented the PML mode solver profile to the form s(x) = kappa(x) + 1j * sigma(x) / (omega * EPSILON_0). Previously, kappa was not used. The parameters are currently set to kappa_min = 1, kappa_max = 3, sigma_max = 2. These are not yet exposed to the user.
  • Also scaling sigma_max by the average relative impedance in the mode solver PML region.
  • tidy3d convert from .lsf files to tidy3d scripts has moved to another repository at
  • Relax validation of smallest triangle area in TriangleMesh.
  • Default variant for silicon dioxide in material library switched from Horiba to Palik_Lossless.
  • Sources and monitors which are exactly at the simulation domain boundaries will now error. They can still be placed very close to the boundaries, but need to be on the inside of the region.
  • Relaxed dt stability criterion for 1D and 2D simulations.
  • Switched order of angle and bend transformations in mode solver when both are present.


  • Bug in PolySlab intersection if slab bounds are inf on one side.
  • Better error message when trying to transform a geometry with infinite bounds.
  • JaxSimulation.epsilon properly handles input_structures.
  • FieldData.flux in adjoint plugin properly returns JaxDataArray containing frequency coordinate f instead of summing over values.
  • Proper error message when trying to compute Poynting vector for adjoint field data.
  • Bug in plotting and computing tilted plane intersections of transformed 0 thickness geometries.
  • Simulation.to_gdspy() and Simulation.to_gdstk() now place polygons in GDS layer (0, 0) when no gds_layer_dtype_map is provided, instead of erroring.
  • task_id now properly stored in JaxSimulationData.
  • Bug in FastDispersionFitter when poles move close to input frequencies.
  • Bug in plotting polarization vector of angled sources.
  • Bug in SpatialDataArray.reflect() that was causing errors for older versions of xarray.
  • ModeSolver.plot_field correctly returning the plot axes.
  • Avoid error if non-positive refractive index used for integration resolution in adjoint.
  • Make Batch.monitor robust if the run status is not found.
  • Bugs in slicing unstructured datasets along edges.
  • Correct behavior of temperature monitors in the presence os symmetry.

2.6.4 - 2024-04-23


  • Set importlib-metadata, boto3, requests, and click version requirements to how they were in Tidy3D v2.5.
  • Bug in td.FullyAnisotropicMedium when added to adjoint.JaxStructureStaticMedium.
  • Bug when extra **kwargs passed to Design.run_batch().

2.6.3 - 2024-04-02


  • Added new validators in HeatSimulation: no structures with dimensions of zero size, no all-Neumann boundary conditions, non-empty simulation domain.
  • web.Batch uses multi-threading for upload and download operations. The total time for many tasks is reduced by an order of magnitude.


  • Revert forbidden " in component names.

2.6.2 - 2024-03-21


  • Characters " and / not allowed in component names.
  • Change error when JaxPolySlab.sidewall_angle != 0.0 to a warning, enabling optimization with slanted sidewalls if a lower accuracy gradient is acceptable.
  • Simplified output and logging in web.Batch with verbose=True.


  • Compute time stepping speed shown tidy3d.log using only the number of time steps that was run in the case of early shutoff. Previously, it was using the total number of time steps.
  • Bug in PolySlab intersection if slab bounds are inf on one side.
  • Divergence in the simultaneous presence of PML, absorber, and symmetry.
  • Fixed validator for ModeSpec.bend_radius == 0, which was not raising an error.

2.6.1 - 2024-03-07


  • store the BatchData for batch runs in the .batch_data field.
  • Prompting user to check solver log when loading solver data if warnings were found in the log, or if the simulation diverged or errored.


  • Slightly reorganized logging when verbose=True to make it clearer.


  • Fix to 3D surface integration monitors with some surfaces completely outside of the simulation domain which would sometimes still record fields.
  • Better error handling if remote ModeSolver creation gives response of None.
  • Validates that certain incompatible material types do not have intersecting bounds.
  • Fixed handling of the frequency argument in PEC medium.
  • Corrected plotting cmap if val='re' passed to SimulationData.plot_field.
  • Bug when converting point FieldMonitor data to scalar amplitude for adjoint source in later jax versions.
  • Handle special case when vertices overlap in JaxPolySlab to give 0 grad contribution from edge.
  • Corrected some mistakes in the estimation of the solver data size for each monitor type, which affects the restrictions on the maximum monitor size that can be submitted.
  • Bug in visualizing a slanted cylinder along certain axes in 2D.
  • Bug in ModeSolver.reduced_simulation_copy that was causing mode profiles to be all NaN.
  • Bug in Simulation.subsection() that was causing zero-size dimensions not to be preserved.
  • Bug in CustomGrid that was causing an error when using for zero-size dimensions.
  • When downloading gzip-ed solver data, automatically create the parent folder of the to_file path if it does not exist.

2.6.0 - 2024-02-21


  • Automatic subdivision of 2D materials with inhomogeneous substrate/superstrate.
  • Mode field profiles can be stored directly from a ModeMonitor by setting store_fields_direction.
  • Users can toggle https ssl version through from tidy3d.web.core.environment import Env and Env.set_ssl_version(ssl_version: ssl.TLSVersion)
  • Free-carrier absorption (FCA) and free-carrier plasma dispersion (FCPD) nonlinearities inside TwoPhotonAbsorption class.
  • log_path argument in set_logging_file, set to False by default.
  • ErosionDilationPenalty to tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.utils.penalty to penalize parameter arrays that change under erosion and dilation. This is a simple and effective way to penalize features that violate minimum feature size or radius of curvature fabrication constraints in topology optimization.
  • tool to explore user-defined design spaces.
  • ModeData.dispersion and ModeSolverData.dispersion are calculated together with the group index.
  • A utility function td.medium_from_nk() that automatically constructs a non-dispersive medium when permittivity>=1, and a single-pole Lorentz medium when permittivity<1.
  • Integration of the documentation alongside the main codebase repository.
  • Integration of the tidy3d-notebooks repository.
  • tidy3d develop CLI and development guide on the main documentation.
  • Added a convenience method Simulation.subsection() to a create a new simulation based on a subregion of another one.
  • Users can toggle task caching through from tidy3d.web.core.environment import Env and Env.enable_caching(True) to enable, Env.enable_caching(False) to disable, or Env.enable_caching(None) to use global setting from web client account page.


  • DataArray.to_hdf5() accepts both file handles and file paths.
  • ModeSolverMonitor is deprecated. Mode field profiles can be retrieved directly from ModeMonitor with store_fields_direction set.
  • The log file for a simulation run has been modified to include more information including warnings collected during execution.
  • poetry based installation. Removal of and requirements.txt.
  • Upgrade to sphinx 6 for the documentation build, and change of theme.
  • Remote mode solver web api automatically reduces the associated Simulation object to the mode solver plane before uploading it to server.
  • All solver output is now compressed. However, it is automatically unpacked to the same simulation_data.hdf5 by default when loading simulation data from the server.
  • Internal refactor of adjoint plugin to separate jax-traced fields from regular tidy3d fields.
  • Added an optional argument field in class method .from_vtu() of TriangularGridDataset and TetrahedralGridDataset for specifying the name of data field to load.


  • Add dispersion information to dataframe output when available from mode solver under the column "dispersion (ps/(nm km))".
  • Skip adjoint source for diffraction amplitudes of NaN.
  • Helpful error message if val supplied to SimulationData.plot_field not supported.
  • Fixed validator that warns if angled plane wave does not match simulation boundaries, which was not warning for periodic boundaries.
  • Validates that no nans are present in DataArray values in custom components.
  • Removed nans from Cartesian temperature monitors in thermal simulations by using nearest neighbor interpolation for values outside of heat simulation domain.
  • Removed spurious warnings realted to reloading simulation containing PerturbationMedium with CustomChargePerturbation/CustomHeatPerturbation.

2.5.2 - 2024-01-11


  • Internal storage estimation for 3D surface integration monitors now correctly includes only fields on the surfaces, and not the whole volume.

2.5.1 - 2024-01-08


  • ModeData.dispersion and ModeSolverData.dispersion are calculated together with the group index.
  • String matching feature contains_str to assert_log_level testing utility.
  • Warning in automatic grid generation if a structure has a non-zero size along a given direction that is too small compared to a single mesh step.
  • assert_log_level adds string matching with contains_str and ensures no higher log level recorded than expected.
  • AssertLogLevel context manager for testing log level and automatically clearing capture.
  • More robust validation for boundary conditions and symmetry in 1D and 2D simulations.


  • jax and jaxlib versions bumped to 0.4.*.
  • Improved and unified warning message for validation failure of dependency fields in validators.


  • Error in automatic grid generation in specific cases with multiple thin structures.

2.5.0 - 2023-12-13


  • Ability to mix regular mediums and geometries with differentiable analogues in JaxStructure. Enables support for shape optimization with dispersive mediums. New classes JaxStructureStaticGeometry and JaxStructureStaticMedium accept regular Tidy3D geometry and medium classes, respectively.
  • Warning if nonlinear mediums are used in an adjoint simulation. In this case, the gradients will not be accurate, but may be approximately correct if the nonlinearity is weak.
  • Validator for surface field projection monitors that warns if projecting backwards relative to the monitor's normal direction.
  • Validator for field projection monitors when far field approximation is enabled but the projection distance is small relative to the near field domain.
  • Ability to manually specify a medium through which to project fields, when using field projection monitors.
  • Added support for two-photon absorption via TwoPhotonAbsorption class. Added KerrNonlinearity that implements Kerr effect without third-harmonic generation.
  • Can create PoleResidue from LO-TO form via PoleResidue.from_lo_to.
  • Added TriangularGridDataset and TehrahedralGridDataset for storing and manipulating unstructured data.
  • Support for an anisotropic medium containing PEC components.
  • SimulationData.mnt_data_from_file() method to load only a single monitor data object from a simulation data .hdf5 file.
  • _hash_self to base model, uses hashlib to hash a Tidy3D component the same way every session.
  • ComponentModeler.plot_sim_eps() method to plot the simulation permittivity and ports.
  • Support for 2D PEC materials.
  • Ability to downsample recorded near fields to speed up server-side far field projections.
  • FieldData.apply_phase(phase) to multiply field data by a phase.
  • Optional phase argument to SimulationData.plot_field that applies a phase to complex-valued fields.
  • Ability to window near fields for spatial filtering of far fields for both client- and server-side field projections.
  • Support for multiple frequencies in output_monitors in adjoint plugin.
  • GDSII export functions to_gds_file, to_gds, to_gdspy, and to_gdstk to Simulation, Structure, and Geometry.
  • verbose argument to estimate_cost and real_cost functions such that the cost is logged if verbose==True (default). Additional helpful messages may also be logged.
  • Support for space-time modulation of permittivity and electric conductivity via ModulationSpec class. The modulation function must be separable in space and time. Modulations with user-supplied distributions in space and harmonic modulation in time are supported.
  • Geometry.intersections_tilted_plane calculates intersections with any plane, not only axis-aligned ones.
  • Transformed class to support geometry transformations.
  • Methods Geometry.translated, Geometry.scaled, and Geometry.rotated can be used to create transformed copies of any geometry.
  • Time zone in webAPI logging output.
  • Class Scene consisting of a background medium and structures for easier drafting and visualization of simulation setups as well as transferring such information between different simulations.
  • Solver for thermal simulation (see HeatSimulation and related classes).
  • Specification of material thermal properties in medium classes through an optional field .heat_spec.


  • Credit cost for remote mode solver has been modified to be defined in advance based on the mode solver details. Previously, the cost was based on elapsed runtime. On average, there should be little difference in the cost.
  • Mode solves that are part of an FDTD simulation (i.e. for mode sources and monitors) are now charged at the same flex credit cost as a corresponding standalone mode solver call.
  • Any FreqMonitor.freqs or Source.source_time.freq0 smaller than 1e5 now raise an error as this must be incorrect setup that is outside the Tidy3D intended range (note default frequency is Hz).
  • When using complex fields (e.g. with Bloch boundaries), FluxTimeMonitor and frequency-domain fields (including derived quantities like flux) now only use the real part of the time-domain electric field.
  • Indent for the json string of Tidy3D models has been changed to None when used internally; kept as indent=4 for writing to json and yaml files.
  • API for specifying one or more nonlinear models via NonlinearSpec.models.
  • freqs and direction are optional in ModeSolver methods converting to monitor and source, respectively. If not supplied, uses the values from the ModeSolver instance calling the method.
  • Removed spurious -1 factor in field amplitudes injected by field sources in some cases. The injected E-field should now exactly match the analytic, mode, or custom fields that the source is expected to inject, both in the forward and in the backward direction.
  • Restriction on the maximum memory that a monitor would need internally during the solver run, even if the final monitor data is smaller.
  • Restriction on the maximum size of mode solver data produced by a ModeSolver server call.
  • Updated versions of boto3, requests, and click.
  • python 3.7 no longer tested nor supported.
  • Removed warning that monitors now have colocate=True by default.
  • If PML or any absorbing boundary condition is used along a direction where the Simulation size is zero, an error will be raised, rather than just a warning.
  • Remove warning that monitors now have colocate=True by default.
  • Internal refactor of Web API functionality.
  • Geometry.from_gds doesn't create unnecessary groups of single elements.


  • Fixed energy leakage in TFSF when using complex fields.
  • Fixed the duplication of log messages in Jupyter when set_logging_file is used.
  • If input to circular filters in adjoint have size smaller than the diameter, instead of erroring, warn user and truncate the filter kernel accordingly.
  • When writing the json string of a model to an hdf5 file, the string is split into chunks if it has more than a set (very large) number of characters. This fixes potential error if the string size is more than 4GB.
  • Proper equality checking between Tidy3dBaseModel instances, which takes DataArray values and coords into account and handles np.ndarray types.
  • Correctly set the contour length scale when exporting 2D (or 1D) structures with custom medium to GDSII.
  • Improved error handling if file can not be downloaded from server.
  • Fix for detection of file extensions for file names with dots.
  • Restrict to matplotlib >= 3.5, avoiding bug in plotting CustomMedium.
  • Fixes ComponentModeler batch file being different in different sessions by use of deterministic hash function for computing batch filename.
  • Can pass kwargs to ComponentModeler.plot_sim() to use in Simulation.plot().
  • Ensure that mode solver fields are returned in single precision if ModeSolver.ModeSpec.precision == "single".
  • If there are no adjoint sources for a simulation involved in an objective function, make a mock source with zero amplitude and warn user.

2.4.3 - 2023-10-16


  • Geometry.zero_dims method that uses Geometry.bounds and speeds up the validator for zero-sized geometries.


  • Limited number of distinct sources to 1000. In cases where a complicated spatial dependence of the source is desired, a CustomFieldSource or a CustomCurrentSource can be used instead of multiple distinct sources.


  • Properly handle .freqs in output_monitors of adjoint plugin.
  • Simulation updater for .hdf5 files with custom data.
  • Fix to solver geometry parsing in some edge cases of slanted polyslab and STL geometries that could lead to an error or divergence.
  • Fix to errors in some edge cases of a TFSF source setup.

2.4.2 - 2023-9-28


  • Warnings for too many frequencies in monitors; too many modes requested in a ModeSpec; too many number of grid points in a mode monitor or mode source.


  • Time domain monitors warn about data usage if all defaults used in time sampler specs.


  • Faster sorting of modes in ModeSolverData.overlap_sort by avoiding excessive data copying.
  • Ensure same Grid is generated in forward and adjoint simulations by setting GridSpec.wavelength manually in adjoint.
  • Properly handling of JaxBox derivatives both for multi-cell and single cell thickness.
  • Properly handle JaxSimulation.monitors with .freqs as np.ndarray in adjoint plugin.
  • Properly handle JaxDataArray.sel() with single coordinates and symmetry expansion.
  • Properly handle JaxDataArray * xr.DataArray broadcasting.
  • Stricter validation of JaxDataArray coordinates and values shape.

2.4.1 - 2023-9-20


  • ModeSolverData.pol_fraction and ModeSolverData.pol_fraction_waveguide properties to compute polarization fraction of modes using two different definitions.
  • ModeSolverData.to_dataframe() and ModeSolverData.modes_info for a convenient summary of various modal properties of the computed modes.
  • Loss upper bound estimation in PoleResidue material model.
  • Command line tool tidy3d convert for conversion from .lsf project files into equivalent python scripts implementing the project in Tidy3D. Usage: tidy3d convert example.lsf


  • Output task URL before and after simulation run and make URLs blue underline formatting.
  • Support to load and save compressed HDF5 files (.hdf5.gz) directly from Tidy3dBaseModel.
  • Line numbers no longer printed in webapi log output.
  • Empty list returned if the folder cannot be queried in web.get_tasks().


  • Filtering based on ModeSpec.filter_pol now uses the user-exposed ModeSolverData.pol_fraction property. This also fixes the previous internal handling which was not taking the nonuniform grid, as well as and the propagation axis direction for modes in angled waveguides. In practice, the results should be similar in most cases.
  • Bug with truly anisotropic JaxCustomMedium in adjoint plugin.
  • Bug in adjoint plugin when JaxBox is less than 1 grid cell thick.
  • Bug in adjoint plugin where JaxSimulation.structures did not accept structures containing td.PolySlab.

2.4.0 - 2023-9-11


  • Configuration option config.log_suppression can be used to control the suppression of log messages.
  • web.abort() and Job.abort() methods allowing user to abort running tasks without deleting them. If a task is aborted, it cannot be restarted later, a new one needs to be created and submitted.
  • FastDispersionFitter for fast fitting of material dispersion data.
  • Simulation.monitors_data_size property mapping monitor name to its data size in bytes.
  • Source with arbitrary user-specified time dependence through CustomSourceTime.
  • Interface for specifying material heat and charge perturbation models. Specifically, non-dispersive and dispersive mediums with heat and/or charge perturbation models can be defined through classes PerturbationMedium and PerturbationPoleResidue, where perturbations to each parameter is specified using class ParameterPerturbation. A convenience function Simulation.perturbed_mediums_copy is added to class Simulation which applies heat and/or charge fields to mediums containing perturbation models.
  • Added hlim and vlim kwargs to Simulation.plot() and Simulation.plot_eps() for setting horizontal and vertical plot limits.
  • Added support for chi3 nonlinearity via NonlinearSusceptibility class.
  • Spatial downsampling allowed in PermittivityMonitor through the interval_space argument.
  • ClipOperation geometry type allows the construction of complex geometries through boolean operations.
  • Operations on geometry (+, |, *, &, -, ^) will create the appropriate ClipOperation or GeometryGroup.
  • Geometry.from_shapely to extrude shapely primitives into Tidy3D geometry.
  • Geometry.from_gds to extrude GDS cells into geometry groups with support for holes.
  • components.geometry.utils.traverse_geometry used internally to traverse geometry trees.
  • components.geometry.utils.flatten_groups used internally to validate large geometry trees.


  • Add width and height options to Simulation.plot_3d().
  • sim_with_source(), sim_with_monitor(), and sim_with_mode_solver_monitor() methods allowing the ModeSolver to create a copy of its Simulation with an added ModeSource, ModeMonitor, or ModeSolverMonitor, respectively.
  • nyquist_step also taking the frequency range of frequency-domain monitors into account.
  • Added option to allow DC component in GaussianPulse spectrum, by setting remove_dc_component=False in GaussianPulse.
  • Jax installation from pip install "tidy3d[jax]" handled same way on windows as other OS if python >= 3.9.
  • colocate introduced as an argument to ModeSolver and a Field in ModeSolverMonitor, set to True by default.
  • FieldTimeMonitor-s and FieldMonitor-s that have colocate=True return fields colocated to the grid boundaries rather than centers. This matches better user expectations for example when the simulation has a symmetry (explicitly defined, or implicit) w.r.t. a given axis. When colocating to centers, fields would be dl / 2 away from that symmetry plane, and components that are expected to go to zero do not (of course, they still do if interpolated to the symmetry plane). Another convenient use case is that it is easier to place a 2D monitor exactly on a grid boundary in the automatically generated grid, by simply passing an override structure with the monitor geometry.
  • In these monitors, colocate is now set to True by default. This is to avoid a lot of potential confusion coming from returning non-colocated fields by default, when colocated fields need to be used when computing quantities that depend on more than one field component, like flux or field intensity.
  • Field colocation for computations like flux, Poynting, and modal overlap also happen to cell boundaries rather than centers. The effect on final results should be close to imperceptible as verified by a large number of backend tests and our online examples. Any difference can be at most on the scale of the difference that can be observed when slightly modifying the grid resolution.
  • GeometryGroup accepts other GeometryGroup instances as group elements.
  • FDTD and mode solver tasks always upload hdf5.gz file instead of hdf5 or json.
  • web.download_json() will download simulation.hdf5.gz and unzip it, then load the json from the hdf5 file.
  • SimulationTask.get_simulation_hdf5() will download simulation.hdf5.gz and unzip it to hdf5 file.
  • The width of Tidy3D logging output is changed to 80 characters.
  • Upgrades to pydantic==2.* with pydantic.v1 imports.
  • Uses ruff for linting instead of pylint.
  • Added lower bound validator to freqs in mode solver.
  • Added lower bound validator to group_index_step in ModeSpec.
  • ComponentModeler.freqs now a FreqArray, so it can be initialized from numpy, list or tuple.


  • Handles TIDY3D_ENV properly when set to prod.
  • Redundant phase compensation for shifted source in smatrix plugin.
  • Bug in angled mode solver with negative angle_theta.
  • Properly include JaxSimulation.input_structures in JaxSimulationData.plot_field().
  • Numerically stable sigmoid function in radius of curvature constraint.
  • Spatial monitor downsampling when the monitor is crossing a symmetry plane or Bloch boundary conditions.
  • Cast JaxDataArray.__abs__ output to jnp.array, reducing conversions needed in objective functions.
  • Correct color and zorder for line segments when plotting 2D geometries.
  • Bug in Simulation.eps_bounds that was always setting the lower bound to 1.
  • Extended lower limit of frequency range for Graphene to zero.
  • Improved warnings for Medium2D.
  • Improved mode solver handling of 1D problem to avoid singular matrix issue.
  • Set colocate=False automatically in output FieldMonitor objects in adjoint plugin, warning instead of erroring for backwards compatibility.
  • Validation for ModeSpec.group_index_step working incorrectly if the value was set to 1.

2.3.3 - 2023-07-28




  • Adjoint plugin import failures after jax.numpy.DeviceArray -> jax.Array in jax 0.4.14.
  • Fixed definition of shapely box bounds in Geometry.intersections_2dbox()

2.3.2 - 2023-7-21



  • Surface integration monitor validator changed to error only if all integration surfaces are outside of the simulation domain.
  • Inverse design convenience utilities in plugins.adjoint.utils for image filtering (ConicFilter), projection (BinaryProjector), and radius of curvature penalization (RadiusPenalty).


  • Properly handle sign flip in ModeMonitor outputs with direction="-" in adjoint plugin.
  • Bug in CustomMedium.grids, which was giving incorrect grid boundaries at edges.
  • Out of date endpoint in migrate option of webapi.

2.3.1 - 2023-7-14


  • Support for differentiating with respect to JaxMedium.conductivity.
  • Validating that every surface (unless excluded in exclude_surfaces) of a 3D SurfaceIntegrationMonitor (flux monitor or field projection monitor) is not completely outside the simulation domain.


  • Source validation happens before simulation upload and raises an error if no source is present.
  • Warning instead of error if structure out of simulation bounds.
  • Internal refactor of ComponentModeler to simplify logic.
  • (Changed effective 2.3.0) Backward-direction mode amplitudes from ModeMonitors have a flipped sign compared to previous versions. Previously, the amplitudes were computed directly through the dot product amp = (mode, field), while, since 2.3.0, we use amp = (mode, field) / (mode, mode) instead. The modes are already normalized to unit directed flux, such that (mode, mode) = 1 for forward modes, and (mode, mode) = -1 for backward modes (the dot product of a mode with itself is equal to the flux through the mode plane). Therefore, the change in the amp formula is equivalent to a sign change for backward modes. This makes their interpretation more intuitive, since the amplitude is now 1 if the recorded field and a mode match exactly. A -1 amplitude means that the fields match exactly except for a pi phase shift. This interpretation is also now independent of forward/backward direction.


  • Point-like objects correctly appear as single points using plt.scatter.
  • Cleaner display of ArrayLike in docs.
  • ArrayLike validation properly fails with None or nan contents.
  • Apply finite grid correction to the fields when calculating the Poynting vector from 2D monitors.
  • JaxCustomMedium properly handles complex-valued permittivity.

2.3.0 - 2023-6-30


  • Specification of spatial permittivity distribution of dispersive material using user-supplied data through CustomPoleResidue, CustomSellmeier, CustomLorentz, CustomDebye, and CustomDrude components.
  • CustomAnisotropicMedium where each component can take user-supplied data to define spatial permittivity distribution of non-dispersive or dispersive material.
  • Coords.spatial_interp to interpolate spatial data avoiding pitfalls of xarray.interp in directions where there is a single data point.
  • All medium types accept allow_gain which is False by default, but allows the medium to be active if True.
  • Causality validation in PoleResidue model.
  • Group index calculation added to mode monitors and available through ModeData.n_group.
  • Support for JaxGeometryGroup in adjoint plugin.
  • Support for gradients w.r.t. FieldMonitor data from output_monitors in adjoint plugin.
  • estimate_cost() method for Job and Batch.
  • s3utils.get_s3_sts_token accepts extra query parameters.
  • plugins.mode.web to control the server-side mode solver.
  • Support for JaxDataArray.interp, allowing differentiable linear interpolation.
  • Support for JaxSimulationData.get_intensity(), allowing intensity distribution to be differentiated in adjoint plugin.
  • Support for JaxFieldData.flux to compute differentiable flux value from FieldData.
  • All custom medium types accept subpixel which is False by default, but applies subpixel averaging of the permittivity on the interfaces of the structure (including exterior boundary and intersection interfaces with other structures) if True and simulation's subpixel is also True.


  • Add Medium2D to full simulation in tests.
  • DispersionFitter and StableDispersionFitter unified in a single DispersionFitter interface.
  • StableDispersionFitter deprecated, with stable fitter now being run instead through
  • Removed validator from CustomFieldSource that ensured data spanned the source geometry. Now the current values are extrapolated outside of the supplied data ranges.
  • CustomMedium now take fields permittivity and conductivity. eps_dataset will be deprecated in v3.0.
  • Moved CustomMedium._interp to Coords.spatial_interp to be used by custom current sources.
  • Adjoint simulations no longer contain unused gradient permittivity monitors, reducing processing time.
  • Batch prints total estimated cost if verbose=True.
  • Unified config and authentication.
  • Remove restriction that JaxCustomMedium must not be a 3D pixelated array.
  • Limit total number of input structures in adjoint plugin for performance reasons.
  • ModeSolver and ModeSolverMonitor now contain direction field that explicitly specifies the mode propagation direction (default is "+").
  • Added an interpolate option to CustomCurrentSource and UniformCurrentSource, which uses linear interpolation to emulate exact placement of the source along directions where the source has zero size, rather than snapping to the nearest grid location, similar to the behavior for PointDipole. Default: True.


  • Plotting 2D materials in SimulationData.plot_field and other circumstances.
  • More segments in plotting of large cylinder and sphere cross-sections.
  • Proper handling of nested list of custom data components in IO, needed for custom dispersive medium coefficients.
  • ElectromagneticFieldData.outer_dot now works correctly for FieldData, not only ModeSolverData.
  • Fix to the setting of the mode solver PML parameters that produces better results for modes which do not decay in the PML, and fewer spurious modes.
  • Fix to single-precision mode solver to do the type conversion on the final matrix only rather than at intermediate steps, which improves accuracy in some cases.
  • Improvements to graphene medium fit.
  • Schema titles in ArrayLike fields.
  • Fix web.estimate_cost error/time-out for large simulations, it should now always work but may take some time for complex cases.
  • A more accurate injection and decomposition of backward propagating waveguide modes in lossy and gyrotropic systems.

2.2.3 - 2023-6-15




  • Callback URL: "call_back_url" replaced with proper "callbackUrl".

2.2.2 - 2023-5-25



  • Tidy3D component .to_hdf5() and .from_hdf5() now accept custom encoder and decoder functions for more flexible IO.


  • JaxDataArrays are properly handled when reading and writing to file, dramatically reducing the VJP simulation download size in server-side adjoint.
  • A bug in a total-field scattered-field (TFSF) validator which was causing unnecessary errors when a TFSF surface intersected with 2D materials.
  • CI tests working with binary installation of gdstk instead of compiling from source.

2.2.1 - 2023-5-23




  • Downgrade typing_extensions to <=4.5.0 to avoid bug with pydantic for python <= 3.9.
  • Bug in ModeSolver which was causing a preconditioner to be applied even when it is not needed.

2.2.0 - 2023-5-22


  • Fully anisotropic medium class (FullyAnisotropicMedium) that allows to simulate materials with permittivity and conductivity tensors oriented arbitrary with respect to simulation grid.
  • Adjoint processing is done server side by default, to avoid unnecessary downloading of data.
  • JaxPolySlab in adjoint plugin, which can track derivatives through its .vertices.
  • run_local and run_async_local options in tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.web to provide way to run adjoint processing locally.
  • web.test() to simply test if the authentication is configured correctly and raise exception otherwise.
  • SimulationTask.get_running_tasks() to get a list of running tasks from the server.
  • Retry for set number of seconds in web functions if internet connection errors.
  • Argument scale to ModeSolver.plot_field to control plot scaling.
  • Simulation.plot_3d() method to make 3D rendering of simulation.


  • Perfect electric conductors (PECs) are now modeled as high-conductivity media in both the frontend and backend mode solvers, and their presence triggers the use of a preconditioner to improve numerical stability and robustness. Consequently, the mode solver provides more accurate eigenvectors and field distributions when PEC structures are present.
  • Include source amplitude in amp_time.
  • Increased the maximum allowed estimated simulation data storage to 50GB. Individual monitors with projected data larger than 10GB will trigger a warning.
  • PolySlab.inside now uses matplotlib.path.contains_points for better performance.
  • JaxCustomMedium accepts a maximum of 250,000 grid cells to avoid slow server-side processing.
  • PolySlab.inside now uses matplotlib.path.contains_points.
  • JaxCustomMedium accepts a maximum of 250,000 grid cells.
  • Logging messages are suppressed and summarized to avoid repetitions.


  • Log messages provide the correct caller origin (file name and line number).
  • Medium2D is removed from the list of allowed options for Simulation.medium in the documentation.
  • Symmetry works properly in adjoint plugin.

2.1.1 - 2023-4-25



  • adjoint plugin now filters out adjoint sources that are below a threshold in amplitude relative to the maximum amplitude of the monitor data, reducing unnecessary processing by eliminating sources that won't contribute to the gradient.
  • web.run_async uses Batch under the hood instead of asyncio.


  • More helpful error messages from HTTP responses.
  • Bug in _validate_no_structures_pml, which was using wrong pml thicknesses.
  • Broken callback_url in webapi.

2.1.0 - 2023-4-18


  • Group index calculation added to ModeSpec.
  • Waveguide plugin for quickly calculating modes in dielectric waveguides.
  • ElectromagneticFieldData.dot_intep to calculate mode overlap integrals between modes with different discretizations.
  • ElectromagneticFieldData.mode_area to calculate the effective mode area.
  • ElectromagneticFieldData.intensity returns the sum of the squared components of the electric field.
  • Group index calculation added to ModeSolver.
  • Web interface prints clickable link to task on Tidy3D web interface.
  • Allow configuration through API key in python via tidy3d.web.configure(apikey: str) function.


  • adjoint plugin now filters out adjoint sources that are below a threshold in amplitude relative to the maximum amplitude of the monitor data, reducing unnecessary processing by eliminating sources that won't contribute to the gradient.
  • ArrayLike fields use np.ndarray internally instead of TidyNDArray subclass. Tidy3D objects are no longer hashable, instead, hash the obj.json() string.


  • web.Batch monitoring is more robust, will not raise exception if a job errors or diverges. In this case, the progressbar text will render in red.
  • More robust handling for 2D structure validator.

2.0.3 - 2023-4-11



  • Times logged in tidy3d.log during solver run now split into Solver time (time-stepping only), Field projection time (after the time stepping if any field projection monitors present) and Data write time (when the raw data is packaged to disk). Previously, Solver time used to include the Field projection time and not Data write time.


  • Port name duplication in smatrix plugin for multimode ports.
  • Web functions create the leading directories for the supplied filename if they don't exist.
  • Some docstring examples that were giving warnings.
  • web.monitor() only prints message when condition met.
  • PML boxes have non-zero extent along any dimensions where the simulation has 0 size, to fix plotting issues for 2D simulations.
  • Improved PEC handling around curved interfaces and structure intersections. Old handling accessible with subpixel=False (previously, it was independent of the subpixel setting).
  • Fix to field projections sometimes containing NaN values.

2.0.2 - 2023-4-3




  • Bug in web interface when Simulation upload was not putting quotes around td.inf values.

2.0.1 - 2023-3-31



  • Default Tidy3D logging level is now set to 'WARNING'.
  • Tidy3D is no longer pip installable from tidy3d-beta on PyPI.
  • Plugins must be imported from their respective directories, eg. from tidy3d.plugins.mode import ModeSolver.
  • Removed Geometry.intersections().
  • Log level only accepts upper case strings.
  • PolySlab reference_plane is "middle" by default.
  • Boundary conditions are now PML() by default.
  • PointDipole sources now have a continuous dependence on the source position, as opposed to snapping to Yee grid locations. Behavior is controlled by the interpolate argument, set to True by default.
  • smatrix plugin accepts list of frequencies and returns data as an xarray.DataArray instead of a nested dict.
  • importlib-metadata version set to >= 6.0.0.


  • Helpful error message if user has insufficient credits.

1.10.0 - 2023-3-28


  • TriangleMesh class for modeling geometries specified by triangle surface meshes, with support for STL file import.
  • Total-field scattered-field (TFSF) source which allows angled plane waves to be injected into a finite region of space (the total-field region), such that only scattered fields exist outside this region (scattered-field region).
  • Medium2D class for surface conductivity model of a 2D material.
  • Entries in material_library for graphene and some common TMDs.
  • Ability to create a 2D representation of a thin 3D material.
  • SimulationData.plot_field accepts new field components and values, including the Poynting vector.
  • SimulationData.get_poynting_vector for calculating the 3D Poynting vector at the Yee cell centers.
  • Post-init validation of Tidy3D components.
  • Validate post-Simulation init to error if any structures have bounds that terminate inside of the PML.
  • Validate slab_bounds for PolySlab.


  • Tidy3D account authentication done solely through API key. Migration option offered for users with old username / password authentication.
  • export_matlib_to_file in material_library exports material's full name in addition to abbreviation.
  • Simpler progress bars for run_async.
  • Medium property n_cfl added to adjust time step size according to CFL condition.
  • In the mode solver plugin, regular methods in transformed into classmethods.
  • ArrayLike types are stored internally as np.ndarray and written to json as lists. constrained_array() provides way to validate ArrayLike values based on ndim and dtype.
  • Pip installing tidy3d automatically creates ~/.tidy3d directory in home directory.
  • Percentage done and field decay determined through http request.
  • SourceTime plotting methods .plot() and .plot_spectrum() accept a val kwarg, which selects which part of the data ('real', 'imag', or 'abs') to plot, rather than plotting all at once.


  • Bug in remote file transfer when client environment has no correct certificate authority pem file install locally.
  • Tidy3D exceptions inherit from ValueError so they are handled properly by pydantic.
  • Two unstable materials in material_library: Cu_JohnsonChristy1972 and Ni_JohnsonChristy1972. TiOx_HoribStable added for improved stability.
  • Bug in infinite long cylinder when the reference_plane is not at the bottom or the cylinder is slanted.

1.9.3 - 2023-3-08


  • Allow new tidy3d.config.logging_level to accept lower case for backwards compatibility.

1.9.2 - 2023-3-08


  • set_logging_console allows redirection of console messages to stderr.


  • Use custom logger to avoid changing global logging state when importing tidy3d.
  • Separate logging configuration from custom exception definitions.

1.9.1 - 2023-3-06


  • Avoiding shapely warning in some cases when checking intersection with an empty shape.
  • Medium.eps_model error when supplied a list of frequencies rather than a numpy array.
  • Set install requirement rich<12.6.0 to fix double output in webapi functions.

1.9.0 - 2023-3-01


  • Specification of relative permittivity distribution using raw, user-supplied data through a CustomMedium component.
  • Automatic differentiation through Tidy3D simulations using jax through tidy3d.plugins.adjoint.
  • New Drude model variants for Gold and Silver in the material_library.
  • Plugin ComplexPolySlab for supporting complex polyslabs containing self-intersecting polygons during extrusion.
  • Asynchronous running of multiple simulations concurrently using web.run_async.
  • Jax-compatible run_async in the adjoint plugin for efficiently running multi-simulation objectives concurrently and differentiating result.
  • Warning in Simulation.epsilon if many grid cells and structures provided and slow run time expected as a result.
  • verbose option in tidy3d.web functions and containers. If False, there will be no non-essential output when running simulations over web api.
  • Warning if PML or absorbing boundaries are used along a simulation dimension with zero size.


  • Saving and loading of .hdf5 files is made orders of magnitude faster due to an internal refactor.
  • PolySlab.from_gds supports gds_cell from both gdspy and gdstk, both packages are made optional requirements.
  • Adjoint plugin JaxCustomMedium is made faster and can handle several thousand pixels without significant overhead.
  • Jax is made an optional requirement. The adjoint plugin supports jax versions 0.3 and 0.4 for windows and non-windows users, respectively.
  • Issue a deprecation warning that Geometry.intersections will be renamed to Geometry.intersections_plane in 2.0.
  • Limit some warnings to only show for the first structure for which they are encountered.
  • Billed flex unit no longer shown at the end of as it may take a few seconds until it is available. Instead, added a web.real_cost(task_id) function to get the cost after a task run.
  • Refactored tidy3d.web for more robustness and test coverage.


  • Progressbars always set to 100% when webapi functions are finished.
  • Faster handling of Geometry.intersects and Geometry.inside by taking into account geometry bounds.
  • Numpy divide by zero warning in mode solver fixed by initializing jacobians as real instead of complex.
  • Bug in validators for 2D objects being in homogeneous media which were looking at the infinite plane in which the objects lie. This can also significantly speed up some validators in the case of many structures.
  • Sources and monitors with bend radii are displayed with curved arrows.

1.8.4 - 2023-2-13


  • Error importing Axes type with most recent matplotlib release (3.7).

1.8.3 - 2023-1-26


  • Bug in Simulation.epsilon with coord_key="centers" in which structures were not rendered.
  • Missing @functools.wrap in ensure_freq_in_range decorator from causing incorrect docstrings.

1.8.2 - 2023-1-12


  • Warning if users install via tidy3d-beta on pip, from now on, best to use tidy3d directly.
  • Support for dispersive media in AnisotropicMedium


  • Support shapely version >=2.0 for all python versions.
  • Internally refactor Simulation.epsilon and move eps_diagonal to Structure in preparation for future changes.
  • Readme displays updated instructions for installing tidy3d (remove beta version mention).


  • Field decay warning in mode solver when symmetry present.
  • Formatting bug in Tidy3d custom exceptions.


1.8.1 - 2022-12-30


  • Environment variable TIDY3D_SSL_VERIFY to optionally disable SSL authentication (default is True).
  • Billed FlexUnit cost displayed at the end of web.monitor.


  • Bug on Windows systems with submitting CustomFieldSource data to the server.
  • Fix to FieldData.symmetry_expanded_copy for monitors with colocate=True.


  • The Simulation version updater is called every time a Simulation object is loaded, not just from_file.
  • Boundary specifications that rely on the default Periodic boundary now print a deprecation warning, as the default boundaries will change to PML in Tidy3D 2.0.

1.8.0 - 2022-12-14


  • CustomFieldSource that can inject arbitrary source fields.
  • ElectromagneticFieldData.flux property for data corresponding to 2D monitors, and method for computing the overlap integral over two sets of frequency-domain field data.
  • Data corresponding to 2D FieldMonitor and FieldTimeMonitor, as well as to ModeSolverMonitor, now also stores grid_correction data related to the finite grid along the normal direction. This needs to be taken into account to avoid e.g. numerical oscillations of the flux with the exact position of the monitor that is due to the interpolation from the grid cell boundaries. These corrections are automatically applied when using the flux and dot methods.
  • Resonance finding plugin for estimating resonance frequency and Q-factor of multiple resonances from time-domain data. Accessed through tidy3d.plugins.ResonanceFinder.
  • New .updated_copy(**kwargs) method to all tidy3d objects to add a more convenient shortcut to copying an instance with updated fields, i.e. med.copy(update=dict(permittivity=3.0)) becomes med.updated_copy(permittivity=3.0).
  • Test support for python 3.11.
  • sidewall_angle option for Cylinder that allows a Cylinder to be tuned into a conical frustum or a cone.
  • reference_plane for PolySlab that provides options to define the vertices at the bottom, middle, or top of the PolySlab.
  • Automesh generation: MeshOverrideStructure that allows for a direct grid size specification in override structures, and dl_min that bounds the minimal grid size.
  • More material models to the material database such as gold from Olman2012.
  • In AdvancedFitterParam for StableDispersionFitter, random_seed option to set the random seed, and bound_f_lower to set the lower bound of pole frequency.
  • Introduced the option to project fields at near, intermediate, and far distances using an exact Green's function formalism which does not make far-field approximations. This can be enabled in any AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor by setting far_field_approx=False. A tutorial notebook as a comprehensive reference for field projections was added to the documentation.
  • Tracking of modes in ModeSolverData based on overlap values, controlled through ModeSpec.track_freq.
  • Native broadband support for GassuainBeam AstigmaticGaussianBeam, and ModeSource through the num_freqs argument.
  • Apodization option for frequency-domain monitors to ignore temporal data in the beginning and/or end of a simulation


  • Minimum flex unit charge reduced from 0.1 to 0.025.
  • Default Courant factor was changed from 0.9 to 0.99.
  • A point dipole source placed on a symmetry plane now always has twice the amplitude of the same source in a simulation without the symmetry plane, as expected by continuity with the case when the dipole is slightly off the symmetry plane, in which case there are effectively two dipoles, the original one and its mirror image. Previously, the amplitude was only doubled for dipoles polarized normal to the plane, because of Yee grid specifics.
  • FluxMonitor and FluxTimeMonitor no longer snap fields to centers, but instead provide continuous interpolation of the flux over the exact geometry of the monitor.
  • Major refactor to internal handling of data structures, including pure Dataset components that do not depend on other Tidy3D components and may therefore be used to define custom data in Tidy3D models.
  • Speed and memory usage improvement when writing and reading Tidy3d models to and from .hdf5 files.
  • Writing Tidy3D models containing custom data to .json file will log a warning and exclude the raw data from the file for performance reasons.
  • Material database reorganization and fixing a few references to the dispersion data.
  • The name Near2Far has been replaced with FieldProjection. For example, Near2FarAngleMonitor is now FieldProjectionAngleMonitor.
  • The API for far field projections has been simplified and several methods have now become properties. For example, the radar cross section is now accessed as .radar_cross_section, not .radar_cross_section().
  • Added a method renormalize_fields to AbstractFieldProjectionData to re-project far fields to different projection distances.
  • The API for DiffractionData was refactored to unify it with the API for AbstractFieldProjectionData.
  • The user no longer needs to supply orders_x and orders_y when creating a DiffractionMonitor; all allowed orders are automatically generated and returned in the resulting DiffractionData.
  • The user no longer needs to supply a medium when creating a DiffractionMonitor or any AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor; the medium through which fields are to be projected is now determined automatically based on the medium in which the monitor is placed.
  • The following attributes of AbstractFieldProjectionMonitor are now properties rather than methods: fields_spherical, fields_cartesian, power, radar_cross_section.


  • Some issues in DiffractionMonitor that is not z-normal that could lead to solver errors or wrong results.
  • Bug leading to solver error when Absorber boundaries with num_layers = 0 are used.
  • Bug leading to solver error when a FieldMonitor crosses a BlochBoundary and not all field components are recorded.
  • When running a Batch, path_dir is created if not existing.
  • Ignore shapely STRtree deprecation warning.
  • Ignore x axis when plotting 1D Simulation cross sections to avoid plot irregularities.
  • Local web api tests.
  • Use Tidy3D logger for some warnings that used to use default python logging.


  • Replaced gdspy dependency with gdstk.

1.7.1 - 2022-10-10


  • medium field in DiffractionMonitor for decomposition of fields that are not in vacuum.


  • Bug in meshing an empty simulation with zero size along one dimension.
  • Bug causing error in the solver when a PermittivityMonitor is present in the list of monitors and is not at the end of the list.

1.7.0 - 2022-10-03


  • DiffractionMonitor to compute the power amplitude distribution in all diffraction orders in simulations of periodic structures.
  • PolySlab can be oriented along x or y, not just z.


  • Loading components without validation no longer supported as it is too unpredictable.
  • Webplots plugin was removed as it was cumbersome to maintain and no longer used in web UI.

1.6.3 - 2022-9-13


  • Type field for DataArray subclasses written to hdf5.


  • Docstring for FluxMonitor and FluxTimeMonitor.


  • Explicit error message about grid_size deprecation.

1.6.2 - 2022-9-6


  • Support for Near2Far monitors in the presence of simulation symmetries.


  • Bug in 3D Near2Far monitors where surfaces defined in exclude_surfaces will no actually be excluded.
  • Bug in getting angles from k-space values in Near2FarKSpaceMonitor.
  • Bug in SimulationData.plot_field when getting the position along the normal axis for a 2D plot.

1.6.1 - 2022-8-31


  • Bug in new simulation upload on Windows machines.

1.6.0 - 2022-8-29


  • New classes of near-to-far monitors for server-side computation of the near field to far field projection.
  • Option to exclude DataArray Fields from a Tidy3dBaseModel json.
  • Option to save/load all models to/from hdf5 format.
  • Option to load base models without validation.
  • Support negative sidewall angle for slanted PolySlab-s.
  • Option to specify only a subset of the S-matrix to compute in the S-matrix plugin, as well as to provide mapping between elements (due to symmetries).
  • More Lorentz-Drude material models to the material database.


  • Raise a more meaningful error if login failed after MAX_ATTEMPTS.
  • Environment login credentials set to "" are now ignored and credentials stored to file are still looked for.
  • Improved subpixel coefficients computation around sharp edges, corners, and three-structure intersections.


  • Major refactor of the way data structures are used internally.
  • ModeFieldMonitor -> ModeSolerMonitor with associated ModeSolverData. ModeSolverData is now also stored internally in ModeSolver, and the plot_field method can be called directly from ModeSolver instead of ModeSolverData.
  • Field data for monitors that have a zero size along a given dimension is now interpolated to the exact along that dimension.
  • Removed nlopt from requirements, user-side material fitting now uses scipy.
  • New Field normalize_index in Simulation - used to be input parameter when loading simulation data. A given SimulationData can still be renormalized to a different source later on using the new SimulationData.renormalize.
  • FluxMonitor and FluxTimeMonitor-s can now have a 3D box geometry, in which case the flux going out of all box surfaces is computed (optionally, some surfaces can be excluded).
  • Frequency-domain monitors require a non-empty list of frequencies.
  • Reduced the minimum flex unit cost to run a simulation to 0.1.
  • Reduced the premium cost for dispersive materials in typical cases.
  • Added a cost for monitors that should be negligible in typical cases but affects large monitors that significantly slow down the simulation.

1.5.0 - 2022-7-21


  • Bug in computing the bounds of GeometryGroup.
  • Bug in auto-mesh generation.


  • Ability to compute field projections server-side.


  • All Tidy3D components apart from data structures are now fully immutable.
  • Stopped support for python 3.6, improved support for python 3.10.
  • Web material fitter for lossless input data (no k data provided) will now return a lossless medium.
  • sort_by changed to filter_pol in ModeSpec.
  • center no longer a field of all Geometry components, instead only present when needed, removed in PolySlab and GeometryGroup. Planar geometries no longer have a mandatory length field, but have center_axis and lengt_axis properties for the center and length along the extrusion axis. PolySlab now defined exclusively through slab_bounds, while Cylinder through center and length.
  • In mode solver, allow precision to switch between double and single precision.
  • Near-to-far transformation tool is no longer a plugin, but is now part of Tidy3D's new core data structures

1.4.1 - 2022-6-13


  • Bug in plotting polarization of a normal incidence source for some angle_phi.
  • Bloch vector values required to be real rather than complex.
  • Web security mitigation.

1.4.0 - 2022-6-3


  • Bug in plotting when alpha is turned off in permittivity overlay.
  • Bug in plotting polarization of an angled incidence source (S,P -> P,S).
  • Throw warning if user tries to download data instances in yaml or json format.
  • Arrow length plotting issues for infinite sources.
  • Issues with nonuniform mesh not extending exactly to simulation boundaries.


  • Bloch periodic boundary conditions, enabling modeling of angled plane wave.
  • GeometryGroup object to associate several Geometry instances in a single Structure leading to improved performance for many objects.
  • Ability to uniquely specify boundary conditions on all 6 Simulation boundaries.
  • Options in field monitors for spatial downsampling and evaluation at Yee grid centers.
  • BatchData.load() can load the data for a batch directly from a directory.
  • Utility for updating Simulation objects from old versions of Tidy3d to current version.
  • Explicit web. functions for downloading only simulation.json and tidy3d.log files.


  • Batch objects automatically download their json file upon download and load.
  • Uses shapely instead of gdspy to merge polygons from a gds cell.
  • ComponentModeler (S matrix tool) stores the Batch rather than the BatchData.
  • Custom caching of properties to speed up subsequent calculations.
  • Tidy3D configuration now done through setting attributes of tidy3d.config object.

1.3.3 - 2022-5-18


  • Bug in Cylinder.inside when axis != 2.


  • AstigmaticGaussianBeam source.


  • Internal functions that may require hashing the simulation many times now use a make_static decorator. This pre-computes the simulation hash and stores it, and makes sure that the simulation has not changed at the beginning and end of the function execution.
  • Speeding up initialization of PolySlab when there is no dilation or slant angle.
  • Allow customizing data range that colormap covers in plot_field.
  • Speeding up of the automatic grid generation using Rtree and other improvements.
  • Better handling of http response errors.
  • In web.monitor, the estimated cost is only displayed when available; avoid "Unable to get cost" warning.
  • In PolySlab.from_gds, the selected polygons are first merged if possible, before the PolySlab-s are made. This avoids bugs e.g. in the case of slanted walls.

1.3.2 - 2022-4-30


  • Bug in nonuniform mesh where the simulation background medium may be taken into account if higher than other structures overriding it.

1.3.1 - 2022-4-29



  • The copy() method of Tidy3D components is deep by default.
  • Maximum allowed number of distinct materials is now 65530.


  • Monitor/source opacity values also applied to associated arrows.
  • Auto meshing in the presence of symmetries ignores anything outside of the main symmetry quadrant.
  • If an interface is completely covered by another structure, it is ignored by the mesher.

1.3.0 - 2022-4-26


  • New grid_spec Field in Simulation that allows more flexibility in defining the mesh.
  • GridSpec1d class defining how the meshing along each dimension should be done, with subclasses UniformGrid and CustomGrid that cover the functionality previously offered by supplying a float or a list of floats to Simulation.grid_size. New functionality offered by AutoGrid subclass, with the mesh automatically generated based on the minimum required steps per wavelength.
  • New PointDipole source.
  • Opacity kwargs for monitor and source in sim.plot.
  • Separated plotly-based requirements from core requirements file, can be added with "pip install tidy3d-beta[plotly]".


  • Simulation.grid_spec uses the default GridSpec, which has AutoGrid(min_steps_per_wvl=10) in each direction. To initialize a Simulation then it is no longer needed to provide grid information, if sources are added to the simulation. Otherwise an error will be raised asking to provide a wavelength for the auto mesh.
  • VolumeSource is now called UniformCurrentSource.
  • S-matrix module now places the monitors exactly at the port locations and offsets the source slightly for numerical reasons (more accurate).
  • Fixed bug in PolySlab visualization with sidewalls.
  • Inheritance structure of Source reorganized.
  • Better handling of only one td.inf in Box.from_bounds.
  • Added proper label to intensity plots.
  • Made all attributes Field() objects in to clean up docs.
  • Proper handling of Medium.eps_model at frequency of td.inf and None.


  • Simulation.grid_size is removed in favor of Simulation.grid_spec.

1.2.2 - 2022-4-16


  • SimulationDataApp GUI for visualizing contents of SimulationData in tidy3d.plugings.
  • SimulationPlotly interface for generating Simulation.plot() figures using plotly instead of matplotlib.
  • New PermittivityMonitor and PermittivityData to store the complex relative permittivity as used in the simulation.
  • The maximum credit cost for a simulation can now be queried using web.estimate_cost. It is also displayed by default during web.upload.


  • Faster plotting for matplotlib and plotly.
  • SimulationData normalization keeps track of source index and can be normalized when loading directly from .hdf5 file.
  • Monitor data with symmetries now store the minimum required data to file and expands the symmetries on the fly.
  • Significant speedup in plotting complicated simulations without patch transparency.
  • When a list of dl is provided as a grid_size along a given direction, the grid is placed such that the total size np.sum(dl) is centered at the simulation center. Previously, a grid boundary was always placed at the simulation center.

1.2.1 - 2022-3-30



  • webapi functions now only authenticate when needed.
  • Credentials storing folder only created when needed.
  • Added maximum number of attempts in authentication.
  • Made plotly plotting faster.
  • Cached Simulation.medium and Simulation.medium_map computation.

1.2.0 - 2022-3-28


  • PolySlab geometries support dilation and angled sidewalls.
  • Percent done monitoring of jobs running longer than 10 seconds.
  • Can use vectorized spherical coordinates in tidy3d.plugins.Near2Far.
  • ModeSolver returns a ModeSolverData object similar to SimulationData, containing all the information about the modes.
  • ModeFieldMonitor and ModeFieldData allow the results of a mode solve run server-side to be stored.
  • Plotting of ModeFieldData fields in SimulationData.plot_field and ModeSolverData.plot_field.
  • Ordering of modes by polarization fraction can be specified in ModeSpec.
  • Angled mode sources.


  • Significant speed improvement for Near2Far calculations.
  • freq no longer passed to ModeSolver upon init, instead a list of freqs passed to ModeSolver.solve.
  • Mode solver now returns ModeSolverData object containing information about the mode fields and propagation constants as data arrays over frequency and mode index.
  • Reorganized some of the internal Source classes.
  • Major improvements to Batch objects. returns a BatchData object that maps task_name to SimulationData.
  • Infinity stored as str in json outputs, conforming to json file specifications.
  • No longer need to specify one of x/y/z in SimulationData.plot_field if the monitor has a zero-sized dimension.
  • Simulation.run_time but must be > 0 to upload to server.

1.1.1 - 2022-3-2



  • Fixed issue where smatrix was not uploaded to pyPI.

1.1.0 - 2022-3-1


  • Simulation symmetries now fully functional.
  • Ability to perform near-to-far transformations from multiple surface monitors oriented along the x, y or z directions using tidy3d.plugins.Near2Far.
  • tidy3d.plugins.ComponentModeler tool for scattering matrix calculations.


  • Major enhancements to near field to far field transformation tool: multiple monitors supported with arbitrary configuration, user control over sampling point density.
  • Fixed visualization bug in symmetry.

1.0.2 - 2022-2-24


  • Clarified license terms to not include scripts written using the tidy3d python API.
  • Simulation symmetries are now enabled but currently only affect the mode solver, if the mode plane lies on the simulation center and there's a symmetry.
  • Validator that mode objects with symmetries are either entirely in the main quadrant, or lie on the symmetry axis.
  • Simulation.plotly() makes a plotly figure of the cross section.
  • Dispersion fitter can parse urls from
  • Clarified license terms to not include scripts written using the tidy3d python API.


  • Fixed a bug in python 3.6 where polyslab vertices loaded differently from file.

1.0.1 - 2022-2-16


  • Selmeier.from_dispersion() method to quickly make a single-pole fit for lossless weakly dispersive materials.
  • Stable dispersive material fits via webservice.
  • Allow to load dispersive data directly by providing URL to txt or csv file
  • Validates simulation based on discretized size.


  • Polyslab.from_gds returns a list of PolySlab objects imported from all polygons in given layer and dtype, can optionally specify single dtype.
  • Warning about structure close to PML disabled if Absorber type.
  • Source dft now ignores insignificant time amplitudes for speed.
  • New color schemes for plots.

1.0.0 - 2022-1-31


  • Stable dispersive material fits via webservice.


  • Refined and updated documentation.

0.2.0 - 2022-1-29


  • FieldMonitor.surface() to split volume monitors into their surfaces.
  • Units and annotation to data.
  • Faster preprocessing.
  • Web authentication using environment variables TIDY3D_USER and TIDY3D_PASS.
  • callback_url in web API to put job metadata when a job is finished.
  • Support for non uniform grid size definition.
  • Gaussian beam source.
  • Automated testing through tox and github actions.

0.1.1 - 2021-11-09



0.1.0 - 2021-10-21


  • Web API implemented by converting simulations to old tidy3D

Alpha Release Changes


  • Solver speed improvement (gain depending on simulation + hardware details).
  • Bringing the speed of the non-angled mode solver back to pre-21.4.2 levels.


  • Improvements to subpixel averaging for dispersive materials.
  • Enabled web login using environment variables TIDY3D_USER and TIDY3D_PASS.


  • Bugfix when running simulation with zero run_time.
  • More internal logging.
  • Fixed unstable 'Li1993_293K' variant of cSi in the material library.

  • Bugfix when downloading data on Windows.
  • Bugfix in material fitting tool when target tolerance is not reached.


  • New Gaussian beam source and example usage <examples/GratingCoupler.html>__.
  • Modal sources and monitors in bent and in angled waveguides with tutorial <examples/Modes_bent_angled.html>__.
  • Nyquist-limit sampling in frequency-domain monitors (much faster without loss of accuracy).
  • Support for Drude model of material dispersion.
  • Small bugfixes to some of the other dispersion models.
  • PEC boundaries applied by default at the truncation of any boundary with PML, avoiding potential issues with using periodic boundaries under the PML instead.
  • Source normalization no longer adding a spurious frequency-dependent phase to the fields.
  • Fixed bug in unpacking monitor fields with symmetries and interpolate=False.
  • Lots of streamlining on the backend side.


  • Fixed bug with zero-size monitor plotting.
  • Fixed bug with empty simulation run introduced in 21.4.0.


  • A few small fixes.

  • Fixed nonlinear constraint in dispersive material fitting tool.
  • Fixed potential issue when a monitor stores neither 'E' nor 'H'.
  • Fixed some backwards compatibility issues introduced in

  • Frequency monitors can now optionally store the complex permittivity at the same locations where the E-fields are recorded, at the monitor frequencies.
  • Frequency monitors now also have an 'interpolate' keyword, which defaults to True and reproduces the behavior of previous versions. If set to False, however, the raw fields evaluated at their corresponding Yee grid locations are returned, instead of the fields interpolated to the Yee cell centers. This also affects the returned permittivity, if requested.
  • Reorganized internal source time dependence handling, enabling more complicated functionality in the future, like custom source time.
  • Total field in the simulation now sampled at the time step of the peak of the source time dependence, for better estimation of the shutoff factor.
  • A number of bug fixes, especially in the new plotting introduced in

  • Reorganized plotting:
  • Speeding up structure visualizations.
  • Structures now shown based on primitive definitions rather than grid discretization. This then shows the physical structures but not what the simulation "sees". Will add an option to display the grid lines in next version.
  • Bumped down matplotlib version requirement to 3.2 and python version requirement to 3.6.
  • Improved handling of PEC interfaces.- Reorganized and extended internal logging.
  • Added tidy3d.__version__.
  • A number of fixes to the example notebooks and the colab integration.

  • Bumping back python version requirement from 3.8 to 3.7.

  • Hotfix to an internal bug in some simulation runs.

  • New dispersion fitting tool for material data and accompanying tutorial <examples/Fitting.html>__.
  • (beta) Non-uniform Cartesian meshing now supported. The grid coordinates are provided by hand to Simulation. Next step is implementing auto-meshing.
  • DispersionModel objects can now be directly used as materials.
  • Fixed bug to Cylinder subpixel averaging.
  • Small bugs fixes/added checks for some edge cases.

  • Rehash of symmetries and support for mode sources and monitors with symmetries.
  • Anisotropic materials (diagonal epsilon tensor).
  • Rehashed error handling to output more runtime errors to tidy3d.log.
  • Job and Batch classes for better simulation handling (eventually to fully replace webapi functions).
  • A large number of small improvements and bug fixes.