This is a reusable Modal Footer component built with Ember.js. It provides a customizable UI element that allows users to add buttons to the footer of a modal.
To use the Modal Footer component, you can simply import it into your Ember component and include it in your template as follows:
You can customize the Modal Footer component by passing in different props:
Parameter | Description |
onClose | A function that will be called when the close button is clicked. |
submitTitle | The text to be displayed on the submit button. |
submitButtonType | The type of the submit button (e.g. "primary", "success", "danger"). |
submitDisabled | Whether or not the submit button should be disabled. |
closeTitle | The text to be displayed on the close button. |
buttonComponent | The name of the component to be used for the buttons (defaults to "button"). |
This will render a footer with two buttons: a "Save" button with the "success" type, and an "Ok" button with the "primary" type. When the "Save" button is clicked, the @onSubmit action will be called. The user can also click the "Ok" button to close the modal. Additionally, any additional content that is included between the opening and closing {{#ModalFooter}} tags will be rendered within the footer.