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πŸ“‘ Generate API documents from your tests.


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test2doc.js - Build API docs from your tests

npm npm Travis CI David David Gitter

test2doc.js helps you seamlessly integrate API documentation generation to your test flow.

You write something like this:

const doc = require('test2doc')
const request = require('supertest') // We use supertest as the HTTP request library
require('should') // and use should as the assertion library

// For Koa, you should exports app.listen() or app.callback() in your app entry
const app = require('./my-express-app.js')

after(function () {
  doc.emit('api-documentation.apib') // Or doc.emit('api-documentation.yaml', 'swagger') if you like Swagger
})'Products').is(doc => {
  describe('#Products', function () {
    doc.action('Get all products').is(doc => {
      it('should get all products', function () {
        // Write specs towards your API endpoint as you would normally do
        // Just decorate with some utility methods
        return request(app)
            minPrice: doc.val(10, 'Only products of which price >= this value should be returned').required()
          .then(res => {
            body = doc.resBody(res.body)
            body.desc('List of all products')
            body[0]'id', 'name', 'price')
            body[0].price.desc('Price of this product')

And then test2doc.js will capture all the info provided by you via doc.get / doc.query / doc.resBody / myVar.desc. You can choose a generator to generate the final documents based on these collected information. Since we capture every thing we need from tests, you will always get up-to-date documents.

Currently we provide API Blueprint generator and Swagger generator.

test2doc.js is not designed to run on a specified test framework, which means you can use this in conjunction with any test frameworks and assertion libraries.

We provide an extension for supertest called supertest-test2doc, which makes it much easier to integrate test2doc.js with supertest.


Install test2doc.js as an npm module and save it to your package.json file as a development dependency:

npm install test2doc --save-dev

Once installed it can now be referenced by simply calling require('test2doc').

The npm package name is test2doc without .js suffix.

Getting Started

First require this library, for convenience we use doc as the imported variable name:

const doc = require('test2doc')

test2doc.js has two core concepts: group and action. A group is a collection of actions and child groups, and an action describes a real API endpoint (HTTP method / url / queries / request body / response body / headers). Like a tree, actions are leaf nodes and groups are non-leaf nodes.

The doc variable imported here is the root group. When you call'Name of this subgroup'), it returns a new object represents the sub group, which has exactly the same interfaces as the root group.

When you call doc.action('Name of this action'), it returns a new object represents the action, which has different interfaces compared to group.

For convenience, we usually use the variable name doc all the way to make it easy to write clean codes.

Some methods of group object are:

  • doc.title(title) - set title of this group
  • doc.desc(...descriptions) - give descriptions for this group
  • doc.basePath(basePath) - set base path for this group
  • - create a child group, returns the child group

Some methods of action object are:

  • doc.get(url, parameters) - Capture a string as the url, returns this url so you call pass to your HTTP request library
  • doc.resBody(body) - Capture an object as the response body, returns an proxy of this object

Full list can be found at API references section.

Methods like doc.resBody(body) / doc.val(value, ...descriptions) and so on returns an ES6 Proxy of the object passed in. So we can add custom methods to these objects like desc(...descriptions), required(), etc. However because JS doesn't allow proxying non-object value (number / null / undefined etc.), we will create wrapper objects around these values. If these wrapper objects don't work well with your assertion / request library, you can use doc.uncapture(object) to get the original value.

Once you have collected all the info needed to build the documentations, call emit on the root group to emit the actual documentation file. Generally you will do this in a global after hook.

API references



  • title (title) - set title of this group
    • return: this group
  • desc (...descriptions) - give descriptions for this group
    • A group can have multiple descriptions. Generally each description will be rendered as a paragraph.
    • return: this group
  • scheme (...schemes) - set supported schemes on this group
    • e.g. scheme('http', 'https', 'ws', 'wss')
    • return: this group
  • host (host) - set hostname for this group
    • Only hostname, without 'http://' or trailing slash.
    • return: this group
  • version (version) - set API version for this group
    • return: this group
  • basePath (basePath, parameters) - set base path for this group
    • e.g. basePath('/v0/product/:id', { id: doc.val(123, 'Product ID') )
    • return: this group
  • val (value, ...descriptions) - capture an value and give it descriptions
    • return: a proxy of value
  • params (parameters) - describe parameters for the base path
    • Same as the second parameter in basePath(basePath, parameters)
    • return: this group
  • query (queries) - describe queries for the base path
    • return: this group
  • reqHeaders (headers) - describe common request headers for all actions in this group
    • e.g. doc.reqHeaders({ 'x-my-header': 'foobar', 'x-my-array-header': ['value1', 'value2'] })
    • return: this group
  • group (title) - create a child group titled title
    • return: the newly created child group
  • action (title) - create an action titled title belonging to this group
    • return: the newly created action
  • is (collectFn) - call collectFn with this group as the first argument
    • Usually used in chaining call.
    • e.g.'a child group').is(doc => { ... }), first doc refers to the parent group, second doc refers to the child group
    • return: this group, or a promise if collectFn returns a promise, which will be resolved with this group when the promise returned by collectFn finishes.
  • uncapture (object, shouldSliceArray = false) - uncapture an object (strip the proxy)
    • If shouldSliceArray is true, then any array in object will be subsetted according to offset() and limit() set on it.
    • return: an uncaptured object, with all its children and nested children uncaptured
  • emit (file, generator = 'apib', options = {}) - generate the actual documentation file
    • file can be a filename or a file descriptor. It's the same object passed into fs.writeFileSync.
    • If file is omitted, the generated text will be the return value.
    • Available generators: apib / swagger
    • return: void



  • get/post/put/delete/...(url, parameters) - shortcut of method(method).url(url, parameters)
    • Supports all methods provided by npm package methods.
    • return: the url with parameters filled in
  • method (method) - set request method of this action
    • return: this action
  • title (title) - set title of this action
    • return: this action
  • desc (...descriptions) - give descriptions for this action
    • return: this action
  • url (url, parameters) - describe url and url parameters for this action
    • url can be an express-route-style path, which can include parameters
    • use parameters to describe parameters in the url
    • return: the url with parameters filled in
  • val (value, ...descriptions) - Same as group.val
  • anotherExample () - as a seperator between different exapmles
    • an example = params + query + reqBody + resBody
    • return: this action
    • e.g.
doc.params ...blahblah... doc.query ...blahblah... doc.reqBody ...blahblah... doc.resBody
doc.anotherExample() // Divide into two examples in a same code block
doc.params ...blahblah... doc.query ...blahblah... doc.reqBody ...blahblah... doc.resBody
  • params (parameters, returnProxy = false) - Same as group.params, except this is for action
  • query (queries, returnProxy = false) - Same as group.query, except this is for action
  • reqHeader (name, value, returnProxy = false) - describe a single header for this action
    • e.g. doc.reqHeader('authorization', 'Bearer 123456') returns ['authorization', 'Bearer 123456']
    • return: an array with two items, name and value
  • reqHeaders (headers, returnProxy = false) - describe request headers for this action
    • e.g. doc.reqHeaders({ 'x-my-header': 'foobar', 'x-my-array-header': ['value1', 'value2'] })
    • return: the headers object passed in, or a proxy of headers if returnProxy is true
  • reqBody (body, description, returnProxy = false) - Capture an object as the request body and give it a description
    • return: the body object passed in, or a proxy of body if returnProxy is true
  • resHeaders (headers) - describe response headers for this action
    • e.g. doc.resHeaders({ 'content-type': 'application-json', 'x-total-page': '16' })
    • return: a proxy of headers
  • status (statusCode) - describe the response HTTP status code for this action
    • return: the statusCode passed in
  • resBody (body) - Capture an object as the response body
    • return: a proxy of body
  • is (collectFn) - Same as, except the parameter passed to collectFn is this action
  • uncapture (object) - Same as group.uncapture

Captured Objects


  • desc (...descriptions) - give descriptions for this object
    • return: this captured object
  • required () - mark this as required
    • return: this captured object
  • optional () - mark this as optional (opposite to required())
    • return: this captured object
  • nullable (nullable = true) - mark this as nullable or non-nullable
    • return: this captured object
  • fixed (fixed = true) - mark this as fixed
    • return: this captured object
  • fixedType (fixedType = true) - mark this as fixed-type
    • return: this captured object
  • enum (...possibleValues) - mark this should be a member of possibleValues
    • return: this captured object
  • default (defaultValue) - mark the default value for this
    • return: this captured object
  • sample (...sampleValues) - give a sample value for this
    • return: this captured object
  • offset (offset) - specify the offset in the array to be included in the documents
    • Only makes sense if this is an array
    • Useful if you only want to include a subset of this array in the documents
    • return: this captured object
  • limit (limit) - specify the number of items from the offset in the array to be included in the documents
    • Only makes sense if this is an array
    • Useful if you only want to include a subset of this array in the documents
    • return: this captured object
  • uncapture (shouldSliceArray = false) - uncapture this
    • If shouldSliceArray is true, then any array in this object will be subsetted according to offset() and limit() set on it.
    • return: the uncaptured original object for this


  • Add tests and integrate with Travis CI
  • Swagger support
  • Write an extension for supertest to simplify grammer
  • Incremental document generation
  • An official website


The project is released under MIT License.


πŸ“‘ Generate API documents from your tests.







No packages published


  • JavaScript 82.6%
  • API Blueprint 17.4%