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Thanks for contributing to this repo! This is a short guide to set you up for running Ballsdex in a development environment, with some tips on the code structure.

Setting up the environment

PostgreSQL and Redis

Using Docker:

  1. Install Docker.
  2. Run docker compose build at the root of this repository.
  3. Run docker compose up -d postgres-db. This will not start the bot, only the database and redis server.

Without docker, check how to install and setup PostgreSQL on your OS. Export the appropriate environment variables as described in the README.

Installing the dependencies

  1. Get Python 3.13 and pip.
  2. Install poetry with pip install poetry.
  3. Run poetry install.
  4. You may run commands inside the virtualenv with poetry run ..., or use poetry shell.

Running the code

Before running any command, you must be in the poetry virtualenv, with the following environment variables exported:

poetry shell
export BALLSDEXBOT_DB_URL="postgres://ballsdex:defaultballsdexpassword@localhost:5432/ballsdex"

If needed, feel free to change the host, port, user or password of the database or redis server.

Starting the bot

python3 -m ballsdex --dev --debug

You can do python3 -m ballsdex -h to see the available options.

Starting the admin panel

cd admin_panel
python3 migrate
python3 collectstatic --no-input
uvicorn --reload --reload-include "*.html" admin_panel.asgi:application

You will be running the admin panel with additional debug tools. There is the django debug toolbar to inspect SQL queries, loading times, template loading and other tools. You also get pyinstrument, allowing you to profile a page by appending ?profile at the end.


python3 contains a lot of commands, feel free to explore them! To name a few:

  • shell launches a Python REPL ready to interact with models and database
  • dbshell will launch psql with the right settings for the database
  • check performs general system checks to ensure everything works
  • createsuperuser creates a superuser account
  • showmigrations shows the applied/missing migrations


Do not use python3 runserver to run the server, since the bot relies on async code. Django must be started with an ASGI server, not the default WSGI.

Integrating your IDE

To have proper autocompletion and type checking, your IDE must be aware of your poetry virtualenv.

The path to Python can be obtained with poetry env info -p, copy that and configure your editor to use it. Some editors like VS code may detect your poetry env automatically when picking versions.

You can also install extensions to work with black, flake8 and pyright (Pylance for VS code). Their configurations are already written in pyproject.toml, so it should work as-is.


If you are modifying models definition, you need migrations to update the database schema.

First, synchronize your changes between ballsdex/core/ and admin_panel/bd_models/, they must be identical!

Then you can run python3 makemigrations to generate a migration file. Re-read its contents to ensure there is only what you modified, and commit it.

You can read more about migrations here, the engine is very extensive!

Coding style

The code is formatted by black, style verified by flake8, and static checked by pyright. They can be setup as a pre-commit hook to make them run before committing files:

pre-commit install

You can also run them manually:

pre-commit run -a

All rules are defined in pyproject.toml, meaning your editor will pick them up if you install the right tools.