This service is written in Python. This is a consumer that listens for new messages in Redis queue and prints message content to the standard output.
The service scans environment for variables:
- host of RedisREDIS_PORT
- port of RedisREDIS_CHANNEL
- channel the processor is going to listen to
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
REDIS_HOST= REDIS_PORT=6379 REDIS_CHANNEL=log_channel python3
Here you can find the software required to run this microservice, as well as the version we have tested.
Dependency | Version |
Redis | 7.0 |
Python | 3.6 |
Pip | default |
is the one comes with Python
To run this application in docker you need to also initialize the other microservices, but first of all you need to create a network.
We need to have all the containers of the microservices in the same network, so they can interact with each other to create a network with docker you need to run in your terminal this command:
docker network create example
This will create a network called example in docker. To check the list of networks that are currently active you can run:
docker network ls
This is the fourth microservice you need to run You need to build the image of the application, so you need to create a Dockerfile in this folder, you can do it with:
touch Dockerfile
Now to build the application you need to run:
docker build --tag log_message_proccesor .
And also, you need to create a redis server container, so we will create this container with image that is alredy in Docker hub as:
docker run --rm --net example --name redis-db -d -it -p 6379:6379 redis
Now to run the image of this microservice, you need to run this command:
docker run --rm --net example --name log-message -d \
--env REDIS_CHANNEL=log_channel \
--env REDIS_PORT=6379 \
--env REDIS_HOST=redis-db \
In order, each line does:
- will add the image to the network | Give a name to the container | Run it in background
- A environment variable
- A environment variable
- A environment variable
- The image that we are going to run
Here you can find the software required to run this microservice in docker, as well as the version we have tested.
Dependency | Version |
Docker | 20.10.17 |