Expand for source configuration template
-> **Note**: If there are source tables you do not have (see [Step 4](https://github.com/fivetran/dbt_zendesk?tab=readme-ov-file#step-4-disable-models-for-non-existent-sources)), you may still include them, as long as you have set the right variables to `False`. Otherwise, you may remove them from your source definitions.
+1. Define each of your sources in a `.yml` file in your project. Utilize the following template for the `source`-level configurations, and, **most importantly**, copy and paste the table and column-level definitions from the package's `src_zendesk.yml` [file](https://github.com/fivetran/dbt_zendesk_source/blob/main/models/src_zendesk.yml#L15-L351).
+# a .yml file in your root project
- - name:
- schema:
- database:
+ - name: # ex: zendesk_usa
+ schema: # one of var('zendesk_union_schemas') if unioning schemas, otherwise just 'zendesk'
+ database: # one of var('zendesk_union_databases') if unioning databases, otherwise whatever DB your zendesk schemas all live in
loader: fivetran
loaded_at_field: _fivetran_synced
- freshness:
+ freshness: # feel free to adjust to your liking
warn_after: {count: 72, period: hour}
error_after: {count: 168, period: hour}
- tables: &zendesk_table_defs # <- see https://support.atlassian.com/bitbucket-cloud/docs/yaml-anchors/
- - name: ticket
- description: >
- Tickets are the means through which your end users (customers) communicate with agents in Zendesk Support. Tickets can
- originate from a number of channels, including email, Help Center, chat, phone call, Twitter, Facebook, or the API.
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: Automatically assigned when the ticket is created
- - name: url
- description: The API url of this ticket
- - name: assignee_id
- description: The agent currently assigned to the ticket
- - name: brand_id
- description: Enterprise only. The id of the brand this ticket is associated with
- - name: created_at
- description: When this record was created
- - name: type
- description: The type of this ticket, possible values are problem, incident, question or task
- - name: subject
- description: The value of the subject field for this ticket
- - name: description
- description: Read-only first comment on the ticket
- - name: priority
- description: The urgency with which the ticket should be addressed, possible values are urgent, high, normal and low
- - name: status
- description: The state of the ticket, possible values are new, open, pending, hold, solved and closed
- - name: recipient
- description: The original recipient e-mail address of the ticket
- - name: requester_id
- description: The user who requested this ticket
- - name: submitter_id
- description: The user who submitted the ticket. The submitter always becomes the author of the first comment on the ticket
- - name: organization_id
- description: The organization of the requester
- - name: group_id
- description: The group this ticket is assigned to
- - name: due_at
- description: If this is a ticket of type "task" it has a due date. Due date format uses ISO 8601 format.
- - name: ticket_form_id
- description: Enterprise only. The id of the ticket form to render for the ticket
- - name: is_public
- description: Is true if any comments are public, false otherwise
- - name: updated_at
- description: When this record last got updated
- - name: via_channel
- description: The channel the ticket was created from
- - name: via_source_from_id
- description: The channel the ticket was created from
- - name: via_source_from_title
- description: The channel the ticket was created from
- - name: via_source_rel
- description: The rel the ticket was created from
- - name: via_source_to_address
- description: The address of the source the ticket was created from
- - name: via_source_to_name
- description: The name of the source the ticket was created from
- - name: brand
- description: >
- Brands are your customer-facing identities. They might represent multiple products or services, or they
- might literally be multiple brands owned and represented by your company.
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: The ID automatically assigned when the brand is created
- - name: brand_url
- description: The url of the brand
- - name: name
- description: The name of the brand
- - name: subdomain
- description: The subdomain of the brand
- - name: active
- description: If the brand is set as active
- - name: domain_name
- description: Domain names associated with an organization. An organization may have multiple domain names.
- config:
- enabled: "{{ var('using_domain_names', true) }}"
- columns:
- - name: organization_id
- description: Reference to the organization
- - name: domain_name
- description: The name of the domain associated with the organization
- - name: index
- description: Index number of the domain name associated with the organization
- - name: group
- identifier: >
- {% if target.type == 'snowflake' %}"GROUP"{% else %}group{% endif %}
- description: >
- When support requests arrive in Zendesk Support, they can be assigned to a Group. Groups serve as the core
- element of ticket workflow; support agents are organized into Groups and tickets can be assigned to a Group
- only, or to an assigned agent within a Group. A ticket can never be assigned to an agent without also being
- assigned to a Group.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: Automatically assigned when creating groups
- - name: name
- description: The name of the group
- - name: organization_tag
- description: The tags associated with an organization. An organization may have multiple tags.
- config:
- enabled: "{{ var('using_organization_tags', true) }}"
- columns:
- - name: organization_id
- description: Reference to the organization
- - name: tag
- description: Tag associated with the organization
- - name: organization
- description: >
- Just as agents can be segmented into groups in Zendesk Support, your customers (end-users) can be segmented into
- organizations. You can manually assign customers to an organization or automatically assign them to an organization
- by their email address domain. Organizations can be used in business rules to route tickets to groups of agents or
- to send email notifications.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: Automatically assigned when the organization is created
- - name: name
- description: A unique name for the organization
- - name: details
- description: Any details obout the organization, such as the address
- - name: url
- description: The API url of this organization
- - name: external_id
- description: A unique external id to associate organizations to an external record
- - name: created_at
- description: The time the organization was created
- - name: updated_at
- description: The time of the last update of the organization
- - name: domain_names
- description: An array of domain names associated with this organization
- - name: details
- description: Any details obout the organization, such as the address
- - name: notes
- description: Any notes you have about the organization
- - name: group_id
- description: New tickets from users in this organization are automatically put in this group
- - name: shared_tickets
- description: End users in this organization are able to see each other's tickets
- - name: shared_comments
- description: End users in this organization are able to see each other's comments on tickets
- - name: tags
- description: The tags of the organization
- - name: organization_fields
- description: Custom fields for this organization
- - name: ticket_comment
- description: Ticket comments represent the conversation between requesters, collaborators, and agents. Comments can be public or private.
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: Automatically assigned when the comment is created
- - name: body
- description: The comment string
- - name: created
- description: The time the comment was created
- - name: public
- description: Boolean field indicating if the comment is public (true), or if it is an internal note (false)
- - name: ticket_id
- description: The ticket id associated with this comment
- - name: user_id
- description: The id of the comment author
- - name: facebook_comment
- description: Boolean field indicating if the comment is a facebook comment
- - name: tweet
- description: Boolean field indicating if the comment is a twitter tweet
- - name: voice_comment
- description: Boolean field indicating if the comment is a voice comment
- - name: user_tag
- description: Table containing all tags associated with a user. Only present if your account has user tagging enabled.
- config:
- enabled: "{{ var('using_user_tags', true) }}"
- columns:
- - name: user_id
- description: Reference to the user
- - name: tag
- description: Tag associated with the user
- - name: user
- description: Zendesk has three types of users, end-users (your customers), agents, and administrators.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: Automatically assigned when the user is created
- - name: email
- description: The user's primary email address. *Writeable on create only. On update, a secondary email is added. See Email Address
- - name: name
- description: The user's name
- - name: active
- description: false if the user has been deleted
- - name: created_at
- description: The time the user was created
- - name: organization_id
- description: The id of the user's organization. If the user has more than one organization memberships, the id of the user's default organization
- - name: role
- description: The user's role. Possible values are "end-user", "agent", or "admin"
- - name: time_zone
- description: The user's time zone. See Time Zone
- - name: ticket_restriction
- description: Specifies which tickets the user has access to. Possible values are organization, groups, assigned, requested and null
- - name: schedule
- description: The support schedules created with different business hours and holidays.
- freshness: null
- config:
- enabled: "{{ var('using_schedules', true) }}"
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: ID automatically assigned to the schedule upon creation
- - name: name
- description: Name of the schedule
- - name: created_at
- description: Time the schedule was created
- - name: start_time
- description: Start time of the schedule, in the schedule's time zone.
- - name: end_time
- description: End time of the schedule, in the schedule's time zone.
- - name: time_zone
- description: Timezone in which the schedule operates.
- - name: ticket_schedule
- description: The schedules applied to tickets through a trigger.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: ticket_id
- description: The ID of the ticket assigned to the schedule
- - name: created_at
- description: The time the schedule was assigned to the ticket
- - name: schedule_id
- description: The ID of the schedule applied to the ticket
- - name: ticket_form_history
- description: Ticket forms allow an admin to define a subset of ticket fields for display to both agents and end users.
- config:
- enabled: "{{ var('using_ticket_form_history', true) }}"
- columns:
- - name: id
- description: Automatically assigned when creating ticket form
- - name: created_at
- description: The time the ticket form was created
- - name: updated_at
- description: The time of the last update of the ticket form
- - name: display_name
- description: The name of the form that is displayed to an end user
- - name: active
- description: If the form is set as active
- - name: name
- description: The name of the form
- - name: ticket_tag
- description: >
- Tags are words, or combinations of words, you can use to add more context to tickets. The table lists all
- tags currently associated with a ticket.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: ticket_id
- description: The ID of the ticket associated with the tag
- - name: tags
- description: The tag, or word(s), associated with the ticket
- - name: ticket_field_history
- description: All fields and field values associated with tickets.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: ticket_id
- description: The ID of the ticket associated with the field
- - name: field_name
- description: The name of the ticket field
- - name: updated
- description: The time the ticket field value was created
- - name: value
- description: The value of the field
- - name: user_id
- description: The id of the user who made the update
- - name: daylight_time
- description: >
- Appropriate offsets (from UTC) for timezones that engage or have engaged with Daylight Savings at some point since 1970.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: daylight_end_utc
- description: UTC timestamp of when Daylight Time ended in this year.
- - name: daylight_offset
- description: Number of **hours** added during Daylight Savings Time.
- - name: daylight_start_utc
- description: UTC timestamp of when Daylight Time began in this year.
- - name: time_zone
- description: Name of the timezone.
- - name: year
- description: Year in which daylight savings occurred.
- - name: time_zone
- description: Offsets (from UTC) for each timezone.
- freshness: null
- columns:
- - name: time_zone
- description: Name of the time zone.
- - name: standard_offset
- description: Standard offset of the timezone (non-daylight savings hours). In `+/-hh:mm` format.
- - name: schedule_holiday
- description: Information about holidays for each specified schedule.
- freshness: null
- config:
- enabled: "{{ var('using_schedules', true) }}"
- columns:
- - name: end_date
- description: ISO 8601 representation of the holiday end date.
- - name: id
- description: The ID of the scheduled holiday.
- - name: name
- description: Name of the holiday.
- - name: schedule_id
- description: The ID of the schedule.
- - name: start_date
- description: ISO 8601 representation of the holiday start date.
+ tables: # copy and paste from zendesk_source/models/src_zendesk.yml
-2. Set the `has_defined_sources` variable (scoped to the `zendesk_source` package) to true, like such:
+> **Note**: If there are source tables you do not have (see [Step 4](https://github.com/fivetran/dbt_zendesk?tab=readme-ov-file#step-4-disable-models-for-non-existent-sources)), you may still include them, as long as you have set the right variables to `False`. Otherwise, you may remove them from your source definitions.
+2. Set the `has_defined_sources` variable (scoped to the `zendesk_source` package) to `True`, like such:
# dbt_project.yml
From 1ef02ee6603ea8b1cae05116dd3d04740f33cc1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jamie Rodriguez <65564846+fivetran-jamie@users.noreply.github.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2024 15:56:16 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 17/17] add flags.WHICH condiitonal
models/ticket_history/int_zendesk__field_history_pivot.sql | 4 ++--
models/utils/int_zendesk__calendar_spine.sql | 6 +++---
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/models/ticket_history/int_zendesk__field_history_pivot.sql b/models/ticket_history/int_zendesk__field_history_pivot.sql
index 6406ab23..bc9efc7f 100644
--- a/models/ticket_history/int_zendesk__field_history_pivot.sql
+++ b/models/ticket_history/int_zendesk__field_history_pivot.sql
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
-{% if execute -%}
+{% if execute and flags.WHICH in ('run', 'build') -%}
-- if you are unioning multiple connectors, you may not be able to `dbt compile` before `dbt run`ing on a new schema.
- {% set results = run_query('select distinct field_name from ' ~ source('zendesk', 'field_history') if var('zendesk_union_schemas', []) == [] and var('zendesk_union_databases', []) == [] else var('field_history') ) %}
+ {% set results = run_query('select distinct field_name from ' ~ var('field_history') ) %}
{% set results_list = results.columns[0].values() %}
{% endif -%}
diff --git a/models/utils/int_zendesk__calendar_spine.sql b/models/utils/int_zendesk__calendar_spine.sql
index 75a4e53c..bb169a57 100644
--- a/models/utils/int_zendesk__calendar_spine.sql
+++ b/models/utils/int_zendesk__calendar_spine.sql
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
--- depends_on: {{ ref('stg_zendesk__ticket') }} and {{ source('zendesk', 'ticket') }}
+-- depends_on: {{ ref('stg_zendesk__ticket') }}
with spine as (
- {% if execute %}
+ {% if execute and flags.WHICH in ('run', 'build') %}
{% set current_ts = dbt.current_timestamp_backcompat() %}
{% set first_date_query %}
-- if you are unioning multiple connectors, you may not be able to `dbt compile` before `dbt run`ing on a new schema.
- select min( created_at ) as min_date from {{ source('zendesk', 'ticket') if var('zendesk_union_schemas', []) == [] and var('zendesk_union_databases', []) == [] else var('ticket') }}
+ select min( created_at ) as min_date from {{ var('ticket') }}
-- by default take all the data
where cast(created_at as date) >= {{ dbt.dateadd('year', - var('ticket_field_history_timeframe_years', 50), current_ts ) }}
{% endset %}