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BUG: linear solver fails if fields are initialised in a different order #4001

tommbendall opened this issue Jan 29, 2025 · 19 comments · Fixed by #4003

BUG: linear solver fails if fields are initialised in a different order #4001

tommbendall opened this issue Jan 29, 2025 · 19 comments · Fixed by #4003


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tommbendall commented Jan 29, 2025

Describe the bug
Changing the order of declaration of a field leads to a solver failure. This is a Gusto-independent version of one of the several different errors currently breaking Gusto tests that most likely originated with Firedrake PR #3947

For the Gusto errors, see for instance:

Steps to Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Here is a failing example. Sorry that it's not more minimal, I couldn't find a smaller example that would fail!

This is clearly very odd. I can also make the test pass by making any number of other trivial changes, but changing the point at which the field N in the example below is declared seems to be enough. Otherwise the code below is a Gusto-independent version of the thermal shallow water solver which is currently exhibiting these failures.

MFE for broken thermal shallow water solver.

from firedrake import (
    IcosahedralSphereMesh, FunctionSpace, MixedFunctionSpace, Function,
    TestFunction, TestFunctions, TrialFunction, TrialFunctions, Constant,
    split, dx, dS, inner, dot, grad, div, jump, avg, VectorSpaceBasis,
    LinearVariationalProblem, LinearVariationalSolver, lhs, rhs, FacetNormal,
    SpatialCoordinate, VectorFunctionSpace, cross, CellNormal

# ============================================================================ #
set_up_normal_earlier = True   # False passes, True fails
# ============================================================================ #

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Set up core objects
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

degree = 1
radius = Constant(6371220.)
dt = Constant(3000.0)
H = Constant(3e4/9.80616)
g = Constant(9.80616)
Omega = Constant(7.292e-5)
alpha = Constant(0.5)
beta_u = alpha*dt
beta_d = alpha*dt

mesh = IcosahedralSphereMesh(float(radius), refinement_level=3, degree=2)
x = SpatialCoordinate(mesh)

# Function spaces
VDG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", degree)
VHDiv = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", degree+1)

VCG1 = FunctionSpace(mesh, 'CG', 1)
Vmixed = MixedFunctionSpace((VHDiv, VDG, VDG))
Vreduced = MixedFunctionSpace((VHDiv, VDG))

# Things for setting up perp
sphere_degree = mesh.coordinates.function_space().ufl_element().degree()
VecDG = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', sphere_degree)

# Mixed RHS and LHS functions
x_rhs = Function(Vmixed)
x_lhs = Function(Vmixed)

# Components of various mixed functions
u_rhs, D_rhs, b_rhs = split(x_rhs)
b_lhs = x_lhs.subfunctions[2]

uD_lhs = Function(Vreduced)
u_test, D_test = TestFunctions(Vreduced)
u_trial, D_trial = TrialFunctions(Vreduced)
u_lhsr, D_lhsr = uD_lhs.subfunctions

# Buoyancy trial/test functions
b_test = TestFunction(VDG)
b_trial = TrialFunction(VDG)

if set_up_normal_earlier:
    N = Function(VecDG).interpolate(CellNormal(mesh))

# Reference profiles
uDb_bar = Function(Vmixed)

if not set_up_normal_earlier:
    N = Function(VecDG).interpolate(CellNormal(mesh))

D_bar = split(uDb_bar)[1]
b_bar = split(uDb_bar)[2]
D_bar_subfunc = uDb_bar.subfunctions[1]
b_bar_subfunc = uDb_bar.subfunctions[2]

# Set up perp function
perp = lambda u: cross(N, u)

# Coriolis
f = Function(VCG1)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Set up problem and solvers
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

# We have a 3-function mixed space for wind, depth and buoyancy
# Strategy is to approximately eliminate buoyancy, leaving a wind-depth problem
# The wind-depth problem is solved using the hydridization preconditioner

# Approximate elimination of b
b = -0.5 * dt * dot(u_trial, grad(b_bar)) + b_rhs

solver_parameters = {
    'ksp_type': 'preonly',
    'mat_type': 'matfree',
    'pc_type': 'python',
    'pc_python_type': 'firedrake.HybridizationPC',
    'hybridization': {
        'ksp_type': 'cg',
        'pc_type': 'gamg',
        'ksp_rtol': 1e-8,
        'mg_levels': {
            'ksp_type': 'chebyshev',
            'ksp_max_it': 2,
            'pc_type': 'bjacobi',
            'sub_pc_type': 'ilu'

n = FacetNormal(mesh)

# Linear thermal shallow water problem
uD_eqn = (
    inner(u_test, (u_trial - u_rhs)) * dx
    - beta_u * (D_trial - D_bar) * div(u_test * b_bar) * dx
    + beta_u * jump(u_test * b_bar, n) * avg(D_trial - D_bar) * dS
    - beta_u * 0.5 * D_bar * b_bar * div(u_test) * dx
    - beta_u * 0.5 * D_bar * b * div(u_test) * dx
    - beta_u * 0.5 * b_bar * div(u_test*(D_trial - D_bar)) * dx
    + beta_u * 0.5 * jump((D_trial - D_bar)*u_test, n) * avg(b_bar) * dS
    + inner(D_test, (D_trial - D_rhs)) * dx
    + beta_d * D_test * div(D_bar*u_trial) * dx
    + beta_u * f * inner(u_test, perp(u_trial)) * dx

# Boundary conditions
bcs = []

# Solver for u, D
uD_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
    lhs(uD_eqn), rhs(uD_eqn), uD_lhs, bcs=bcs, constant_jacobian=True

# Provide callback for the nullspace of the trace system
def trace_nullsp(T):
    return VectorSpaceBasis(constant=True)

appctx = {"trace_nullspace": trace_nullsp}
uD_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(
    uD_problem, solver_parameters=solver_parameters, appctx=appctx

# Problem for reconstructing buoyancy
b_eqn = b_test*(b_trial - b_rhs + 0.5*dt*inner(u_lhsr, grad(b_bar))) * dx

b_problem = LinearVariationalProblem(
    lhs(b_eqn), rhs(b_eqn), b_lhs, constant_jacobian=True
b_solver = LinearVariationalSolver(b_problem)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Set some initial conditions
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #


# Simplest test is to give a right-hand side that is zero

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Run
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

print('wind-depth solve')
print('buoyancy solve')

Expected behavior
I expect this to complete independent of the point at which the cell normal field N is first set.

Error message
A short back trace for the error is here:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/thomas/odds_and_ends/", line 172, in <module>
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx", line 188, in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx", line 189, in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
  File "/home/thomas/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/adjoint_utils/", line 104, in wrapper
    out = solve(self, **kwargs)
  File "/home/thomas/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/", line 325, in solve
    self.snes.solve(None, work)
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/SNES.pyx", line 1724, in petsc4py.PETSc.SNES.solve
petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code -1
[0] SNESSolve() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c:4839
[0] SNESSolve_KSPONLY() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/snes/impls/ksponly/ksponly.c:49
[0] KSPSolve() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:1075
[0] KSPSolve_Private() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:900
[0] KSPSolve_PREONLY() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/impls/preonly/preonly.c:27
[0] KSP_PCApply() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/include/petsc/private/kspimpl.h:411
[0] PCApply() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c:522

I will also attach the full backtrace, which prints out nearly 2000 lines of loopy code.


  • OS: Linux (Ubuntu
  • Python version: Python 3.10.12
  • Output of firedrake-status:
Firedrake Configuration:
    package_manager: True
    minimal_petsc: False
    mpicc: None
    mpicxx: None
    mpif90: None
    mpiexec: None
    disable_ssh: False
    honour_petsc_dir: False
    with_parmetis: False
    slepc: False
    packages: ['git+ssh://']
    honour_pythonpath: False
    opencascade: False
    tinyasm: False
    torch: False
    petsc_int_type: int32
    cache_dir: /home/thomas/firedrake/.cache
    complex: False
    remove_build_files: False
    with_blas: None
    netgen: False
    jax: False
    PETSC_ARCH: None
    PETSC_DIR: None
Status of components:
|Package             |Branch                        |Revision  |Modified  |
|FInAT_old           |master                        |d8836d5   |False     |
|PyOP2_old           |master                        |31471a60  |False     |
|fiat                |master                        |8839f876  |False     |
|firedrake           |master                        |58f3d6f26 |False     |
|gusto               |TBendall/FixCourant           |b1144cdc  |True      |
|h5py                |firedrake                     |06d2da80  |False     |
|libsupermesh        |master                        |f87cbfd   |True      |
|loopy               |main                          |ad07454c  |False     |
|petsc               |firedrake                     |4354988f8b6|False     |
|pyadjoint           |master                        |da58d45   |False     |
|pytest-mpi          |main                          |f5668e4   |False     |
|tsfc_old            |master                        |e06308d   |False     |
|ufl                 |master                        |5da0ab98  |False     |
  • Any relevant environment variables or modifications: Not that I know of

Additional Info
Unfortunately this is only one of several different errors currently afflicting Gusto since we picked up the changes from #3947

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I think the following reproduces the issue. So far I observed that it happens when:

  • we use lhs function, and
  • g.count() < c.count().


from firedrake import *

mesh = UnitTriangleMesh()
BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 2)
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
V = BDM * DG
VectorDG = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
g = Function(VectorDG, count=10001)
c = Function(DG, count=10002)
a = (
    inner(u, v) * dx
    + inner(g[0] * u[0], v[0]) * dx
    + inner(c * grad(u[0]), grad(v[0])) * dx
sol = Function(V)
solver_parameters = {
    'mat_type': 'matfree',
    'ksp_type': 'preonly',
    'pc_type': 'python',
    'pc_python_type': 'firedrake.HybridizationPC',
# a is two-form.
# Does not fail.
solve(a == inner(as_vector([1., 1., 1.]), v) * dx, sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
# Fails if g.count() < c.count().
solve(lhs(a) == rhs(a), sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)



  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/loopy/loopy/", line 776, in map_subscript
    raise LoopyIndexError("'%s' in instruction '%s' "
loopy.diagnostic.LoopyIndexError: 'w_1[2]' in instruction 'insn_65' accesses out-of-bounds array element (could not establish '{ [2] }' is a subset of '{ [i0] : 0 <= i0 <= 1 }').

The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/firedrake/", line 28, in <module>
    solve(lhs(a) == rhs(a), sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx", line 188, in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx", line 189, in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/adjoint_utils/", line 57, in wrapper
    output = solve(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/", line 141, in solve
    _solve_varproblem(*args, **kwargs)
  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/", line 178, in _solve_varproblem
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx", line 188, in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx", line 189, in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/adjoint_utils/", line 104, in wrapper
    out = solve(self, **kwargs)
  File "/home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/", line 325, in solve
    self.snes.solve(None, work)
  File "petsc4py/PETSc/SNES.pyx", line 1724, in petsc4py.PETSc.SNES.solve
petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code -1
[0] SNESSolve() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c:4839
[0] SNESSolve_KSPONLY() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/src/snes/impls/ksponly/ksponly.c:49
[0] KSPSolve() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:1075
[0] KSPSolve_Private() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:900
[0] KSPSolve_PREONLY() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/impls/preonly/preonly.c:27
[0] KSP_PCApply() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/include/petsc/private/kspimpl.h:411
[0] PCApply() at /home/sagiyama999/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c:522

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Thanks @ksagiyam, that's a much simpler example!

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Maybe this is due to the fact that lhs and rhs make a call to expand_derivatives

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pbrubeck commented Jan 30, 2025

lhs(a) expands grad(u[0]) into grad(u)[0, :]

In [2]: print(a)
{ conj(((v_0) : (v_1))) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})
  +  { v_1[0] * w⃗₁₀₀₀₁[0] * (conj((v_0[0]))) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})
  +  { ({ A | A_{i_8} = (grad(v_1[0]))[i_8] * w₁₀₀₀₂ }) : (grad(v_0[0])) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})

In [3]: print(lhs(a))
{ conj((sum_{i_{52}} v_0[i_{52}] * (conj((v_1[i_{52}]))) )) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})
  +  { v_1[0] * w⃗₁₀₀₀₁[0] * (conj((v_0[0]))) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})
  +  { sum_{i_{53}} ({ A | A_{i_8} = (grad(v_1))[0, i_8] * w₁₀₀₀₂ })[i_{53}] * (conj(((grad(v_0))[0, i_{53}])))  } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})

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pbrubeck commented Jan 30, 2025

This fails without lhs

from firedrake import *

mesh = UnitTriangleMesh()
BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 2)
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
V = BDM * DG
VectorDG = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
u = TrialFunction(V)
v = TestFunction(V)
g = Function(VectorDG, count=10001)
c = Function(DG, count=10002)
a = (
    inner(u, v) * dx
    + inner(g[0] * u[0], v[0]) * dx
    + inner(c * grad(u)[0, :], grad(v)[0, :]) * dx
sol = Function(V)
solver_parameters = {
    'mat_type': 'matfree',
    'ksp_type': 'preonly',
    'pc_type': 'python',
    'pc_python_type': 'firedrake.HybridizationPC',
# a is two-form.
# Fails
solve(a == inner(as_vector([1., 1., 1.]), v) * dx, sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)

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pbrubeck commented Jan 30, 2025

The issue also goes away if the TestFunction is split via TestFunctions

from firedrake import *

mesh = UnitTriangleMesh()
BDM = FunctionSpace(mesh, "BDM", 2)
DG = FunctionSpace(mesh, "DG", 1)
V = BDM * DG
VectorDG = VectorFunctionSpace(mesh, 'DG', 0)
u = TrialFunctions(V)
v = TestFunctions(V)
g = Function(VectorDG, count=10001)
c = Function(DG, count=10002)
a = (
     (inner(u[0], v[0]) + inner(u[1], v[1])) * dx
     + inner(g[0] * u[0][0], v[0][0]) * dx
    + inner(c * grad(u[0][0]), grad(v[0][0])) * dx
 sol = Function(V)
 solver_parameters = {
     'mat_type': 'matfree',
     'ksp_type': 'preonly',
     'pc_type': 'python',
     'pc_python_type': 'firedrake.HybridizationPC',
 # a is two-form.
 # Does not fail.
 solve(a == inner(as_vector([1., 1.]), v[0]) * dx, sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)

solve(lhs(a) == rhs(a), sol, solver_parameters=solver_parameters)

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By inspecting @ksagiyam's MFE, with grad(v[0]) vs grad(v)[0, :], I noticed the following:

There is no mechanism to know that the unsplit mass term inner(u, v)*dx does not couple the BDM and the DG fields, so splitting a into submatrices gives nonzero offdiagonal blocks. In the case that passes this "zero" offdiagonal takes the form:

{ conj((([v_0[0], v_0[1], 0]) : ([0, 0, v_1]))) } * dx(<Mesh #31>[everywhere], {})

vs the failing case with

{ conj((([v_0[0], v_0[1], 0]) : ([0, 0, v_1]))) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})
  +  { conj((({ A | A_{i_{10}} = (grad([v_0[0], v_0[1], 0]))[0, i_{10}] }) : ({ A | A_{i_9} = (grad([0, 0, v_1]))[0, i_9] * w₁₀₀₀₂ }))) } * dx(<Mesh #0>[everywhere], {})

This suggests that we should zero-simplify more eagerly. I'm not entirely sure whether the gusto test can be fixed in this way.

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That could work around the issue, but I think the code should work whether or not we zero-simplify.

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I agree. I also just want to point out that it could be that the zero-simplification that has been added so far is just exposing bugs that were not triggered by the rather complicated expressions that we previously allowed.

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Yes, I know.

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@tommbendall Can you see if #4003 fixes your issue?

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This should fix about half of the failing Gusto tests -- and it does fix almost all of those. However our test_moist_gravity_wave_equivb_gw test ( still seems to fail in the same way

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Can you show me the error message?

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The brief part is this:

>       moist_thermal_gw(

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
examples/shallow_water/ in moist_thermal_gw, tmax=tmax)
gusto/timestepping/ in run
    super().run(t, tmax, pick_up=pick_up)
gusto/timestepping/ in run
gusto/timestepping/ in timestep
    self.linear_solver.solve(xrhs, dy)  # solves linear system and places result in dy
<decorator-gen-40>:2: in solve
../firedrake/pyop2/ in wrapper
    return f(*args, **kwargs)
gusto/solvers/ in solve
petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx:188: in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
petsc4py/PETSc/Log.pyx:189: in petsc4py.PETSc.Log.EventDecorator.decorator.wrapped_func
../firedrake/firedrake/adjoint_utils/ in wrapper
    out = solve(self, **kwargs)
../firedrake/firedrake/ in solve
    self.snes.solve(None, work)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

>   ???
E   petsc4py.PETSc.Error: error code -1
E   [0] SNESSolve() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/snes/interface/snes.c:4839
E   [0] SNESSolve_KSPONLY() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/snes/impls/ksponly/ksponly.c:49
E   [0] KSPSolve() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:1075
E   [0] KSPSolve_Private() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/interface/itfunc.c:900
E   [0] KSPSolve_PREONLY() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/ksp/impls/preonly/preonly.c:27
E   [0] KSP_PCApply() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/include/petsc/private/kspimpl.h:411
E   [0] PCApply() at /home/thomas/firedrake/src/petsc/src/ksp/pc/interface/precon.c:522

petsc4py/PETSc/SNES.pyx:1724: Error
----------------------------- Captured stdout call -----------------------------

But I've attached the whole log in case that it also useful

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If I install gusto and run ../gusto/examples/shallow_water/, I get:

self = <firedrake.assemble.OneFormAssembler object at 0x7e04cf70f4a0>
tensor = Coefficient(WithGeometry(FunctionSpace(<firedrake.mesh.MeshTopology object at 0x7e04d4ada840>, FiniteElement('Discontinuous Lagrange', triangle, 0), name=None), Mesh(VectorElement(FiniteElement('Lagrange', triangle, 2), dim=3), 4)), 432)

    def _check_tensor(self, tensor):
        if tensor.function_space() != self._form.arguments()[0].function_space().dual():
>           raise ValueError("Form's argument does not match provided result tensor")
E           ValueError: Form's argument does not match provided result tensor

Is this expected? You might want to fix these first.

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jshipton commented Jan 31, 2025 via email

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I do not see issues running pytest ../gusto/examples/shallow_water/ if I use those branches.

|Package             |Branch                        |Revision  |Modified  |
|asQ                 |master                        |76cb14a   |False     |
|fiat                |master                        |8839f876  |False     |
|firedrake           |ksagiyam/fix_slate            |5aa2a35ee |False     |
|gusto               |TBendall/FixCourant           |b1144cdc  |False     |
|h5py                |firedrake                     |06d2da80  |False     |
|libsupermesh        |master                        |f87cbfd   |True      |
|libsupermesh_old    |master                        |1eccc99   |False     |
|loopy               |main                          |ad07454c  |False     |
|petsc               |firedrake                     |4354988f8b6|False     |
|pyadjoint           |master                        |da58d45   |False     |
|pytest-mpi          |main                          |f5668e4   |False     |
|ufl                 |master                        |5da0ab98  |False     |

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Thanks @ksagiyam, I've just re-run that test with a clean Firedrake cache and it now passes, so I'd be happy that this is fixed by #4003

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4 participants