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File metadata and controls

972 lines (708 loc) · 39.6 KB

Process raw data

Python competencies required to complete this tutorial:

  • working with external dependencies, going beyond Python standard library;
  • working with external modules: local and downloaded from PyPi;
  • working with files: create/read/update;
  • applying basic cleaning techniques to the raw text: tokenization, lemmatization etc.;
  • extracting linguistic features from the raw text: part of speech, case etc.

Processing data breaks down in the following steps:

  1. Loading raw data.
  2. Tokenizing the text.
  3. Performing necessary transformations, such as lemmatization or stemming.
  4. Extracting valuable information from the text, such as detect each word part of speech.
  5. Saving necessary information.

As a part of the second milestone, you need to implement processing logic as a module. When it is run as a standalone Python program, it should perform all aforementioned stages.

During this assignment you will be working with the UD text description format (.conllu extension). Refer to the corresponding document for the explanation on linguistic information extraction, mappings to pymystem3 and pymorphy2, as well as fields description.

Executing pipeline

Example execution (Windows):


Expected result:

  1. N raw texts previously collected by scrapper are processed.
  2. Each article has a processed version (or versions) saved in the tmp/articles directory.

An example tmp directory content for mark 6:

+-- 2022-2-level-ctlr
    +-- tmp
        +-- articles
            +-- 1_raw.txt <- the paper with the ID (from run)
            +-- 1_meta.json <- the paper meta-information (from run)
            +-- 1_cleaned.txt <- processed text with no punctuation (by run)
            +-- 1_pos_conllu.conllu <- processed text in the UD format (by run)

NOTE: When using CI (Continuous Integration), generated is available in build artifacts. Go to Actions tab in GitHub UI of your fork, open the last job and if there is an artifact, you can download it.

Configuring pipeline

Processing behavior must follow several steps:

  1. Pipeline takes a raw dataset that is collected by and placed at ASSETS_PATH (see for a particular place).
  2. Pipeline goes through each raw file, for example 1_raw.txt.
  3. Pipeline processes each text, sentence, word token and extracts linguistic information.
  4. Pipeline saves extracted information into the file with the same id for each article processed, for example 1_pos_conllu.conllu.

Assessment criteria

You state your ambition on the mark by editing the file target_score.txt. For example:


would mean that you have made tasks for mark 6 and request mentors to check if you can get it.

  1. Desired mark 4:
    1. pylint level: 5/10.
    2. Pipeline validates that raw dataset has a proper structure and fails appropriately if the latter is incorrect. Criteria:
      1. Dataset exists (there is a folder).
      2. Dataset is not empty (there are files inside).
      3. Dataset is balanced - there are only files that follow the naming conventions:
        1. N_raw.txt where N is a valid number.
        2. Numbers of articles are from 1 to N without any slips.
    3. Pipeline tokenizes text in each file, removes punctuation, and casts it to the lower case (no lemmatization or tagging).
    4. Pipeline produces N_cleaned.txt files in the tmp/articles.
      1. Example raw text and Desired output.
  2. Desired mark 6:
    1. pylint level: 7/10.
    2. All requirements for the mark 4.
    3. Pipeline uses pymystem3 library to perform lemmatization and POS tagging.
    4. Pipeline should define ID, FORM, LEMMA, and POS information in the resulting .conllu file.
    5. Pipeline produces N_pos_conllu.conllu files with text tagging for each article.
      1. Example raw text and Desired output.
  3. Desired mark 8:
    1. pylint level: 10/10.
    2. All requirements for the mark 6.
    3. Pipeline uses pymystem3 library to perform morphological tags extraction (pymystem3 tags are represented in angle brackets).
    4. Pipeline should define FEATS alongside ID, FORM, LEMMA, and POS fields information in the resulting .conllu file.
    5. Pipeline produces N_morphological_conllu.conllu files with extended morphological information for each article, e.g. word animacy.
      1. Example raw text and Desired output.
  4. Desired mark 10:
    1. pylint level: 10/10.
    2. All requirements for the mark 8.
    3. An additional pipeline is introduced that:
      1. Uses backup pymorphy2 analyzer and backup tag converter for NOUN tags processing.
      2. Produces N_full_conllu.conllu files with extended morphological information for NOUN by pymorphy2.
        1. Example raw text and Desired output
    4. An additional pipeline is introduced that:
      1. Collects frequencies of POS in each text.
      2. Extends N_meta.json files with this information.
      3. Visualizes this distribution as .png files that are created for each article and saved into N_image.png files.
        1. Example meta info and Desired output

Implementation tactics

All logic for instantiating and using needed abstractions should be implemented in a special block of the module

def main():
    print('Your code goes here')

if __name__ == '__main__':

Stage 0. Prerequisites

  • implementation

You will not be able to start your implementation if there is no implementation.
Make sure you implemented and passed assignment first.

  • Ensure you only use pathlib to work with file paths

As we discussed during lectures it is always better to have something designed specifically for the given task. Comparing os and pathlib modules, the latter is the one that is designed for most file system related operations. Make sure you use only pathlib in the code you write.

NOTE: Do not change modules external to your code, for example core_utils/article/ - consider them as not available for installation. If you see a way to improve external modules, propose them in a separate PR - mentors will review them separately and give you bonuses as any improvements are appreciated.

Stage 1. Introduce a corpus abstraction: CorpusManager

As we discussed multiple times, when we are working from our Python programs with the real world entities, we need to emulate their behavior by new abstractions. If we think of the Pipeline and consider the Single Responsibility Principle, we will quickly realize that it is not the responsibility of the Pipeline to know where the dataset files are located and how to read/write to them, etc. Therefore, we need a new abstraction to be responsible for such tasks. We call it CorpusManager.

Stage 1.1 Introduce CorpusManager abstraction

CorpusManager is an entity that knows where the dataset is placed and what are the available files of this dataset.

It should be instantiated with the following instruction:

corpus_manager = CorpusManager(path_to_raw_txt_data=ASSETS_PATH)

CorpusManager instance validates the dataset provided and saves all the constructor arguments in attributes with corresponding names. Each instance should also have an additional attribute self._storage of a dictionary type and filled with information about the files. Read about the filling instructions in the Stage 1.3.

NOTE: Remember to use pathlib to create file path object.

Stage 1.2 Implement a method for a dataset validation

Pipeline expects that dataset is collected by scrapper. It must not start working if dataset is invalid. The very first thing that should happen after CorpusManager is instantiated is a dataset validation.

Interface to implement:

def _validate_dataset(self) -> None:

NOTE: Path to the dataset is stored in the attribute path_to_raw_txt_data. Remember to use pathlib module in order to operate paths.

NOTE: Call this method during initialization.

When dataset is valid, method returns None. Otherwise:

  1. One of the following errors is thrown:
    • FileNotFoundError: file does not exist;
    • NotADirectoryError: path does not lead to directory;
    • InconsistentDatasetError: IDs contain slips, number of meta and raw files is not equal, files are empty;
      • For mark 4, check that dataset contains no slips in IDs of raw files and files are not empty.
    • EmptyDirectoryError: directory is empty.
  2. Script immediately finishes execution.

NOTE: While validating dataset, ignore files which are named not using formats.

Stage 1.3 Implement a method for filling files storage

During initialization of the CorpusManager, it should scan the provided folder path and register each dataset entry. All the storage is represented as self._storage attribute. Filling the storage should be done by executing this method:

def _scan_dataset(self) -> None:

NOTE: Call this method during initialization and save the results in self._storage attribute.

SELF CHECK: Can you explain why the name of the method starts with an underscore?

The method should contain logic for iterating over the content of the folder, finding all N_raw.txt files and creating an Article instance for each file.

NOTE: Article constructor expects URL as the first argument. It should be safe to pass None instead of the real URL. Pipeline does not need to know where was the article downloaded from. See article package description.

As it was stated before, self._storage attribute is just a dictionary. Keys are ids of the files, values are instances of the Article class. For example, pipeline finds a file 1_raw.txt. Then we put new pair to the storage:

self._storage[1] = Article(url=None, article_id=1)

Stage 1.4 Implement a method for retrieval of files storage

self._storage attribute is not a part of the CorpusManager interface, therefore we need a special getter - a method that just returns a storage value:

def get_articles(self) -> dict:

SELF CHECK: Can you explain why we might need getters?

Eventually, CorpusManager should return a dictionary of Article instances via get_articles() method.

NOTE: CorpusManager knows where are the files, it can easily find them by id, but it is not its responsibility to perform actual file reads and writes. See core_utils/article/ module for article save/read functionality.

Stage 2. Introduce abstraction for processing texts: MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline

NB: Stages 0-2 are required to get the mark 4.

To get a mark not lower than 4, your pipeline must perform basic text preprocessing:

  1. Tokenize sentences (split into words).
  2. Lowercase each token.
  3. Remove punctuation.

After implementation of preprocessing, your pipeline must save results in the files with the names following the pattern N_cleaned.txt. See examples for a better understanding: Raw text - Desired output.

Stage 2.1. Implement simplified logic of ConlluToken abstraction

You need to define abstractions responsible for managing data. We start with the ConlluToken abstraction.

Interface to implement:

class ConlluToken:

The ConlluToken abstraction should be initialized with token string as a parameter:

conllu_token = ConlluToken(text='мама')

Abstraction field:

  • _text - original token text from the article raw text;

The ConlluToken abstraction should implement returning lowercased original form of a token and removing punctuation by this method:

def get_cleaned(self) -> str:

NOTE: For mark 4 you are not required to fill in and implement morphological parameters related methods.

Stage 2.2. Implement simplified logic of ConlluSentence abstraction

The ConlluSentence abstraction stores the representation of the sentence.

Interface to implement:

class ConlluSentence(SentenceProtocol):

Abstraction fields:

  • _position - sentence position in the article text;
  • _text - original sentence text from the article raw text;
  • _tokens - list of ConlluTokens instances for each token in the sentence.

The ConlluSentence should define a method for getting lowercased sentence with no punctuation:

def get_cleaned_sentence(self) -> str:

NOTE: In this method it is mandatory to call get_cleaned() method from ConlluToken abstraction.

Stage 2.3. Implement simplified logic of MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline

All of the above stages are necessary for implementing simplified MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline abstraction:

class MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline:

Simplified MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline takes the raw text of the article and saves the processed (lowercased with no punctuation) text to a file N_cleaned.txt. The abstraction should have _corpus attribute which represents your CorpusManager abstraction.

It is executed with a simple interface method that you need to implement:

def run(self) -> None:

Once executed, iterates through the available articles taken from CorpusManager, reads each file, performs basic preprocessing and writes processed text to files.

NOTE: It is mandatory to get articles with CorpusManager.get_articles() method.

NOTE: It is mandatory to read article with the from_raw(path, article) function from the core_utils/article/ module.

HEALTH CHECK: Try to implement in a way that it goes through the articles collected by CorpusManager.get_articles(), reads each of them using the from_raw() function, stores the sentences in the article using Article.set_conllu_sentences(), and then writes to the file as a processed article using the to_cleaned() method. At least you will see that everything works to this moment and you can proceed to implementing core logic of pipeline.

All preprocessing logic is encapsulated in the following protected method:

def _process(text) -> List[ConlluSentence]:

It takes the text of the article, splits it into sentences and returns a list of ConlluSentence.

NOTE: _process(text) method should be called in the run() method.

HINT: You can use split_by_sentence(text) function from core_utils/article/ module for splitting text into sentences.

Stage 2.4. Save the results of text preprocessing

In order to save each article to its separate file, inspect the core_utils/article/ module. Use to_cleaned(article) function to save cleaned text to the appropriate folder. Call this function with the article instance you want to save text for.

The function generates a file with a name N_cleaned.txt, where N is the index of your article in the tmp/articles directory.

NOTE: It is mandatory to save generated text to file in the run() method.

Stage 3. Perform morphological analysis via MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline

NB: Stages 0-3 are required to get the mark 6.

To get a mark not lower than 6, your pipeline, in addition to mark 4 requirements, must perform morphological text analysis for each article using pymystem3 library and save the result in the file with the name following the pattern N_pos_conllu.conllu.

See examples for a better understanding: Raw text - Desired output.

File with .conllu extension means that it corresponds to the UD format. Starting with the mark 6 you are required to save results of morphological text analysis in the UD format. For better understanding of the format fields see UD description document.

NOTE: Specifically for mark 6 your pipeline should define ID, FORM, LEMMA, and POS information in the resulting .conllu file.

As all article text information storing and managing is done by the Article abstraction, see Article description document before proceeding to the next stages.

Stage 3.1. Define MorphologicalTokenDTO abstraction

The MorphologicalTokenDTO abstraction stores the following information for each token:

  • lemma
  • part of speech
  • morphological tags

Interface to implement:

class MorphologicalTokenDTO:

MorphologicalTokenDTO instance should have the following attributes:

  • lemma that returns token's lemma (base form);
  • pos that returns token's POS tag in the UD format;
  • tags that returns token's morphological tags in the UD format.

All class fields should be optional for initialisation. It means if there is no morphological tags information the field should be left as an empty string.

NOTE: For mark 6 you need only lemma and POS information, so tags field should be empty.

Stage 3.2. Extend ConlluToken abstraction

After implementing the MorphologicalTokenDTO which is responsible for storing morphological information, you need to add this information to the ConlluToken abstraction.

The following attributes should be added in the ConlluToken constructor:

  • _morphological_parameters that stores morphological information as MorphologicalTokenDTO.
  • position that stores the position of the token in the sentence as int.

After that define getting and setting methods for morphological information that are:

def set_morphological_parameters(self, parameters: MorphologicalTokenDTO) -> None:

def get_morphological_parameters(self) -> MorphologicalTokenDTO:

Stage 3.3 Adapt ConlluToken string representation for .conllu files

In ConlluToken abstraction you also have to define a method for token's string representation for .conllu files:

def get_conllu_text(self, include_morphological_tags: bool) -> str:

NOTE: Parameter include_morphological_tags is responsible for displaying morphological tags. For implementation on mark 6 you do not need to display them.

In this method you have to create a string with the following features which must be joined with a tabulation \t:

  • position
  • text
  • lemma which will be filled with lemma. You are going to do that in stage 3.5.
  • pos
  • xpos which is filled with _
  • feats which is filled with _ so far (you will need it for mark 8)
  • head which is filled with 0
  • deprel which is filled with root
  • deps which is filled with _
  • misc which is filled with _

NOTE: The last four fields will be filled certain way as the UD format demands it, but these fields will not be needed in our laboratory work.

Stage 3.4. Extend ConlluSentence abstraction

Also in ConlluSentence abstraction you have to create the sentence's string representation for .conllu files. For this aim you need to define the following methods:

def _format_tokens(self, include_morphological_tags: bool) -> str:

def get_conllu_text(self, include_morphological_tags: bool) -> str:

NOTE: Parameter include_morphological_tags is responsible for displaying morphological tags. For implementation on mark 6 you don't need to display them.

The _format_tokens() method formats tokens per newline. The get_conllu_text() method creates the sentence's string representation that includes:

  • sent_id
  • text
  • tokens

sent_id and text should look like the following way:

f'# sent_id = {self._position}\n'
f'# text = {self._text}\n'

NOTE: To write tokens you have to call _format_tokens() method.

Stage 3.5. Extend MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline with morphological analysis logic

After implementing abstractions for storing and managing morphological data you need to define overall processing logic to fill abstractions defined with data and save processing result in the UD format. All processing and filling actions is the responsibility of pipeline. So you need to extend MorphAnalysisPipeline pipeline.

For mark 6, apart from tokenization, punctuation removal and casting to lowercase, you must implement the following processing:

  1. Setting token id (that is ID field in the UD-formatted file).
  2. Setting token text (that is FORM field in the UD-formatted file).
  3. Lemmatization (that is LEMMA field in the UD-formatted file).
  4. POS tagging (that is POS field in the UD-formatted file).

NOTE: For more information about these fields see UD format description.

Stage 3.6. Extracting base morphological information

MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline is executed with the same interface method run() as described during previous stages. The only difference is inside processing logic. Once executed:

  • pipeline goes over each Article instance and gets raw text;
    • for each sentence in raw text pipeline fills ConlluSentence;
    • for each token in the sentence pipeline fills ConlluToken;
    • for each ConlluToken instance pipeline fills MorphologicalTokenDTO;
    • to get morphological information for MorphologicalTokenDTO pipeline uses pymystem3 library.
  • pipeline sets Article conllu sentences field using set_conllu_sentences(sentences) method;
  • pipeline saves processing result using to_conllu(article, include_morphological_tags: bool, include_pymorphy_tags: bool) function.

NOTE: It is mandatory to use split_by_sentence method from article module to split sentences.

To extract lemma and POS information you need to use pymystem3 library.

NOTE: It is recommended to rely on pymystem3 ability to process text as a whole and perform tokenization, lemmatization and morphological analysis at once. There are several reasons to do that, but from the linguistic perspective it would be interesting for you to remember that context-aware lemmatization works better than lemmatization of each word separately.

Use the following way to analyze the text:

result = Mystem().analyze(text)

Here, text is the text that you want to process, e.g. raw text of the article, and result is the result of morphological analysis. Inspect the result as you need. It stores all information required for the assignment.

NOTE: Use debug or print to inspect the content of result - you will find everything you need there.

HINT: result['text'] is likely to have the original word. Use the same approach to find POS information and normalized form.

Keep in mind that all processing logic is encapsulated in the protected _process(text) pipeline method as described previously.

NOTE: The only punctuation mark used in resulting .conllu files is a dot at the end of the sentence. Make sure you remove or ignore other punctuation marks.

NOTE: Since conversion to UD requires us to provide POS tag to every entity and pymystem3 and pymorphy2 do not give any tag to numbers and punctuation, you need to identify such tokens as numbers and punctuation and map them to appropriate UD tags: PUNCT and NUM.

Stage 3.7. Implement MystemTagConverter abstraction

When you get word POS info, it is not presented in an appropriate format. You need to convert it into the UD format. For more information about the UD format and tag conversion see UD format description.

The TagConverter abstraction is responsible for tags conversion between different formats. Its interface is defined inside the core_utils/article/ file.

You need to inherit interface given and implement the following abstraction inside the file:

class MystemTagConverter(TagConverter):

The MystemTagConverter instance should be initialised with path to the tag mappings file, e.g. information about the correspondence of one format tags to another format tags. You need to define tag mappings in the JSON format under the lab_6_pipeline/data directory. Again, see UD format description and UD mapping description for more information on the UD format and its mapping with other formats.

NOTE: JSON file with pymystem3 tag mappings should be named mystem_tags_mapping.json.

After initialising the MystemTagConverter instance, it should extract mapping information from the file provided inside its constructor. All mapping information should be filled into the class attribute field.

Specifically for mark 6 you need to convert POS information from pymystem3 format into the UD format. For example, pymystem3 analysis result string A=им,ед,полн,жен should be converted into ADJ UD POS tag. Method to implement:

def convert_pos(self, tags: str) -> str:

Method extracts POS tag from pymystem3 analysis string and converts it into the UD format.

NOTE: Make sure you convert pymystem3 POS tag right after getting it as a result of text analysis. MorphologicalTokenDTO instance pos field should be filled with the UD formatted POS tag. MystemTagConverter instance should be initialised as a field of MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline.

Stage 3.8. Save the results of text POS tagging

In order to save each article to its separate file, inspect the core_utils/article/ module. Use to_conllu(article, include_morphological_tags: bool, include_pymorphy_tags: bool) function to save the result of text POS tagging to the appropriate folder. Call this function with the article instance you want to save text for.

NOTE: include_morphological_tags and include_pymorphy_tags parameters should be False.

The function generates a file with a name N_pos_conllu.conllu, where N is the index of your article in the tmp/articles directory.

NOTE: It is mandatory to save generated text to file in the run() method.

Stage 4. Deepen morphological analysis with MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline

NB: Stages 0-4 are required to get the mark 8.

To get a mark not lower than 8, your MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline should also produce files with extended morphological information for each article, e.g. word animacy, and save the result in the file with the name following the pattern N_morphological_conllu.conllu.

See examples for a better understanding: Raw text - Desired output.

NOTE: For mark 8 your pipeline should fill FEATS alongside ID, FORM, LEMMA, and POS fields information in the resulting .conllu file.

Stage 4.1. Extend logic of MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline with additional analysis

As you already know, pymystem3 library allows you to get morphological analysis for a particular word. During previous stages you extracted only lemma and POS tag from pymystem3 analysis. For example, analyzing word красивая you have got a lemmatized version - красивый - and its POS tag - A which you subsequently have converted into the UD format.

For mark 8 you need to implement deeper morphological analysis with pymystem3 library by obtaining the morphological features of the word. For example, when analysing word красивая, pymystem3 gives the following result: A=им,ед,полн,жен. You need to take им,ед,полн,жен tags, convert them into the UD-formatted string and save alongside other morphological information in the UD format (that is FEATS field in the UD-formatted file).

NOTE: It is still _process(text) method that contains all the processing logic, including additional analysis done with pymystem3.

NOTE: pos, lemma, tags fields of MorphologicalTokenDTO abstraction should be initialized during processing with word morphological features converted into the UD format. The tags field is used later to fill the FEATS field in the UD-formatted file.

Stage 4.2 Extend mapping information and MystemTagConverter conversion logic

First of all, you need to extend JSON file with mapping information, as now you are working with additional morphological attributes. Think about pymystem3 and UD format attributes correspondence and create mappings accordingly.

As you now retrieve extended morphological information you need to extend the MystemTagConverter abstraction with the following method:

def convert_morphological_tags(self, tags: str) -> str:

Method takes pymystem3 word attributes string, extracts all morphological features and converts them in the UD format according to mapping information. For example pymystem3 word attributes string A=им,ед,полн,жен should be converted into the Case=Nom|Gender=Fem|Number=Sing string according to UD format.

NOTE: To have a better understanding of conversion logic see UD document description.

Stage 4.3. Save the results of text double-tagging

In order to save each article to its separate N_morphological_conllu.conllu file, call the method to_conllu(article, include_morphological_tags: bool, include_pymorphy_tags: bool) from the core_utils/article/ module with each of your articles instances as parameter.

NOTE: The include_morphological_tags parameter should be True and the include_pymorphy_tags parameter should be False. Moreover, if include_morphological_tags parameter of get_conllu_text() method is False, you will not save morphological tags.

NOTE: It is mandatory to save generated text to file in the run() method.

Stage 5. Improve morphological analysis performance and visualise statistics

NB: Stages 0-6 are required to get the mark 10.

For mark 10 you need to refine the logic of the existing MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline pipeline by making a more flexible AdvancedMorphologicalAnalysisPipeline version. Mark 10 implies not just extracting information from text, but also statistical processing and visualisation of the resulting information. For this purpose you are going to introduce POSFrequencyPipeline. Let us start with improving morphological pipeline processing logic.

Stage 5.1. Introduce additional pymorphy2 backup analyzer

You have used pymystem3 analyzer before, and you may have noticed that the analyzer provides quite accurate analysis of tokens in some places, but in other places the analyzer is inferior and does not always give correct analysis, for example equating VERB with ADV. In fact, there are various analyzer libraries providing functions for text analysis. Some analyzers handle certain tasks better than others and vice versa.

You need to make your pipeline more flexible and add a secondary additional backup analyzer pymorphy2, which will handle only NOUN tokens. The other parts of speech will be handled using pymystem3 as before.

This way, by adding the possibility to use several analyzers, you can improve the performance of the program, using all the best features of each analyzer.

Stage 5.2. Introduce OpenCorporaTagConverter abstraction for pymorphy2 tags

Before adding pymorphy2 analyzer support, it is necessary to define a converter which will convert the pymorphy2 tags into the UD format we are working with. Interface to implement:

class OpenCorporaTagConverter(TagConverter):

The OpenCorporaTagConverter class should inherit TagConverter and use its methods.

The OpenCorporaTagConverter instance should be initialised with path to the tag mappings file. You need to define tag mappings in the JSON format under the lab_6_pipeline/data directory. Again, see UD format description and UD mapping description for more information on the UD format and its mapping with other formats.

NOTE: JSON file with pymorphy2 tag mappings should be named opencorpora_tags_mapping.json.

def convert_pos(self, tags: OpencorporaTagProtocol) -> str:

def convert_morphological_tags(self, tags: OpencorporaTagProtocol) -> str:

NOTE: Both convert_pos() and convert_morphological_tags() methods require special tags parameter of the OpencorporaTagProtocol type. When you analyse each token using pymorphy2 you get the result of analysis as the OpencorporaTagProtocol token instance. Inspect this object to get all morphological information required.

NOTE: As we handle only NOUN tokens you have to parse gender, number, animacy and case tags in convert_morphological_tags() method.

Stage 5.3. Introduce AdvancedMorphologicalAnalysisPipeline with backup analyzer

When you are done defining pymorphy2 into UD format mappings and relevant converter, it is right time to implement the AdvancedMorphologicalAnalysisPipeline class with pymorphy2 as backup analyser and OpenCorporaTagConverter as backup converter.

Interface to implement:

class AdvancedMorphologicalAnalysisPipeline(MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline):

You need to redefine _process(text) method as you are inheriting from the MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline class.

Method to redefine:

def _process(self, text: str) -> List[ConlluSentence]:

NOTE: You also need to specify own initializer of this class to create two more attributes alongside with parent's attributes: pymorphy2 as the _backup_analyzer attribute and OpenCorporaTagConverter as the _backup_tag_converter attribute. Keep in mind that both fields are to be used only when you are working with NOUN tokens inside the _process(text) pipeline method.

NOTE: pymystem3 may define some words as NOUN, but when you use backup pymorphy2 analyzer it may define the same words as not NOUN and even provide no analysis at all. In this case you should still use the result of backup pymorphy2 analyzer.

Stage 5.4. Save the results of AdvancedMorphologicalAnalysisPipeline

You will need to redefine run() method as you are inheriting from the MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline class and need to call to_conllu(article, include_morphological_tags: bool, include_pymorphy_tags: bool) function with different parameters.

Method to redefine:

def run(self) -> None:

Use the to_conllu(article, include_morphological_tags: bool, include_pymorphy_tags: bool) function to save result to the appropriate folder. Call this function with the article instance you want to save text for.

NOTE: include_morphological_tags and include_pymorphy_tags parameters should be True.

The function generates a file with a name N_full_conllu.conllu, where N is the index of your article in the tmp/articles directory.

NOTE: It is mandatory to save generated text to file in the run() method.

Stage 6. Implement analytical pipeline POSFrequencyPipeline for statistics collection

We have just made several text processing pipelines with base and advanced processing logic. However, this is only the beginning of your linguistic research: you have the data and now need to start analyzing it, gaining insights, understanding it and finding hidden meanings. During this stage we will make a small pipeline that will compute distribution of various parts of speech in our texts, visualize it and, maybe, it will give better understanding of the text.

This is a sample result we are going to obtain:


Stage 6.1. Introduce POSFrequencyPipeline abstraction

Now we are going to work with the file and with the class POSFrequencyPipeline. All code should be written in the main() function. POSFrequencyPipeline is instantiated in the similar manner as the MorphologicalAnalysisPipeline or AdvancedMorphologicalAnalysisPipeline:

corpus_manager = CorpusManager(...)
pipeline = POSFrequencyPipeline(corpus_manager=corpus_manager)

Stage 6.2. Extending ConlluSentence to support calculating POS frequencies

Since you are going to calculate POS frequencies of the tokens, you will need to get access to ConlluTokens in ConlluSentences. In order to do that, implement the following method in ConlluSentence class:

def get_tokens(self) -> list[ConlluToken]:

Stage 6.3. Introduce functionality for parsing UD-formatted files

In order to work with .conllu files which have already been written (e.g. N_full_conllu.conllu), you need not only be able to open those files, but also to represent information from them using abstractions you have previously written that are responsible for representing information from .conllu files in your program. That is for example, Article abstraction.

You need to implement a service function that reads the information from the .conllu file into the program and populates the Article abstraction with all information from the source file.

Interface to implement inside the module:

def from_conllu(path: Union[Path, str],
                article: Optional[Article] = None) -> Article:

The function takes path to the article requested and optionally an instance of Article. Function reads and extracts all .conllu processing information from relevant file and fills new Article instance, if no instance provided, or fills Article instance provided within the article param.

HINT: Inspect core_utils/article/ module for service functionality that can be helpful in current task, especially extract_sentences_from_raw_conllu() function.

Stage 6.4. Implement core logic of POSFrequencyPipeline

POSFrequencyPipeline is executed with the same interface method that you need to implement:

Once executed,

  1. Iterates through the available articles taken from CorpusManager.
  2. Reads each file (any .conllu file type can be read, as each has POS info).
  3. Calculates frequencies of each part of speech.
  4. Writes them to the meta file.
  5. Visualizes frequencies in a form of images with names following this convention: N_image.png.

NOTE: It is mandatory to get articles with the CorpusManager.get_articles() method.

NOTE: It is mandatory to use Article.get_file_path(), Article.set_pos_info() methods. It is mandatory to use to_meta() and from_meta() function.

NOTE: You have to create EmptyFileError exception class and to raise it when an article file is empty.

NOTE: Make sure that resulting meta files are valid: they must contain no more than one dictionary-line object.

HINT: To speedup pymystem3 for processing large texts you should delete all line breaks. You can do it with regular expressions.

For visualization, you need to use visualize(article, path_to_save) method from module available under the core_utils folder of the project.

Sample usage:

visualize(article=article, path_to_save=ASSETS_PATH / '1_image.png')