@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ Note that by the time you read this the versions will likely have changed and th
You should then be directed by your computer on how to install RStudio once the download is complete. You may need to go to your downloads first and click on the RStudio file that was downloaded to start this process.
-For Mac users, note that you will need to move the RStudio icon into the icon that looks like the Applications folder.
+For Mac users, note that you will need to move the RStudio icon into the icon that looks like the Applications folder.
Drag and drop RStudio into the Applications folder to install on a Mac
@@ -130,15 +130,15 @@ Drag and drop RStudio into the Applications folder to install on a Mac
-See[here](https://jhudatascience.org/intro_to_r/modules/Setup/R_and_RStudio_installation.html) for more information on the process of installing RStudio.
+See[here](https://jhudatascience.org/intro_to_r/modules/RStudio/RStudio.html#1) for more information on the process of installing RStudio.
If you run into trouble, check the following:
- Did you install the correct version of software for your operating system?
- Check that you installed the version right for your type of system, (`macOS` vs `Windows` for example)
- - Check if maybe you need a different version for the age of your system. First check that your version of R was right - there are multiple versions for different `macOS` systems for example. You can check the apple icon (top left corner) and "About This Mac" to learn more about the age of your operating system.
-If your operating system is older (and you can't update it), try installing progressively older versions found [here](https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/older-versions/) until it works. You will know if it worked if you try to open RStudio and you see an interface without a message about things going poorly. Here you can see an [example](https://community.rstudio.com/t/rstudio-desktop-crashes-on-startup-with-library-not-loaded/130296) of this.
+ - Check if maybe you need a different version for the age of your system. First check that your version of R was right - there are multiple versions for different `macOS` systems for example. You can check the apple icon (top left corner) and "About This Mac" to learn more about the age of your operating system.
+If your operating system is older (and you can't update it), try installing progressively older versions found [here](https://www.rstudio.com/products/rstudio/older-versions/) until it works. You will know if it worked if you try to open RStudio and you see an interface without a message about things going poorly. Here you can see an [example](https://community.rstudio.com/t/rstudio-desktop-crashes-on-startup-with-library-not-loaded/130296) of this.
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ If your operating system is older (and you can't update it), try installing prog
It is also a good idea to keep RStudio up-to-date. New features become available as the Posit team works on developing RStudio. So if you already have RStudio, you might want to check to see if your version is up-to-date.
-To check for updates you can go to the `Help` menu at the top of RStudio and then click on `Check for Updates`.
+To check for updates you can go to the `Help` menu at the top of RStudio and then click on `Check for Updates`.
```{r, fig.align='center', out.width="100%", echo = FALSE, fig.alt= "Check for updates for RStudio in the Help menu of RStudio."}
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ ottrpal::include_slide("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MNHf8JpolaEP_vQ_
-The pane on the left (labeled "Pane 1" in the image) is where we can work on code interactively. There are two tabs here. The Terminal tab and the Console tab. The Terminal tab is for interacting with the computer outside of R. Whereas the Console tab is for interacting with R. We'll focus on the Console tab for now.
+The pane on the left (labeled "Pane 1" in the image) is where we can work on code interactively. There are two tabs here. The Terminal tab and the Console tab. The Terminal tab is for interacting with the computer outside of R. Whereas the Console tab is for interacting with R. We'll focus on the Console tab for now.
The Console tab is where we can 'talk' to R and interactively work on our code. The code we write here will **not be saved** to a script or file, but instead the code will immediately be performed when we click `enter` and any resulting output that can be printed will be shown.
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ ottrpal::include_slide("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MNHf8JpolaEP_vQ_
-While there are other tabs, don't worry about those for now. We will go deeper into RStudio as we continue.
+While there are other tabs, don't worry about those for now. We will go deeper into RStudio as we continue.
Let's try some examples to get started.
@@ -237,9 +237,9 @@ ottrpal::include_slide("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MNHf8JpolaEP_vQ_
-- **Console** - The window that allows us to interactively give R code and press enter to run it but **not save** the code.
+- **Console** - The window that allows us to interactively give R code and press enter to run it but **not save** the code.
- **Environment** - R's working memory of objects you have assigned -- need to tell R to remember using `<-`
-- **Assignment** - How we tell R to remember something using the `<-` characters.
+- **Assignment** - How we tell R to remember something using the `<-` characters.
### The Hidden Pane
@@ -267,9 +267,9 @@ ottrpal::include_slide("https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MNHf8JpolaEP_vQ_
This pane is where we can write code that we keep in files like scripts or reports (in files like R Markdowns).
-Thus the lower left pane is where we can test out code (although we don't recommend it), but the top pane is where we can write code that we wish to save (and also test it!). Since it can be easy to forget to save code, we suggest that instead you use a special file type that will allow you to test code that you save. We will discuss that in the next section.
+Thus the lower left pane is where we can test out code (although we don't recommend it), but the top pane is where we can write code that we wish to save (and also test it!). Since it can be easy to forget to save code, we suggest that instead you use a special file type that will allow you to test code that you save. We will discuss that in the next section.
-In order to make our analysis truly reproducible we will need to have **every single step** written down. This is why using the Console is great for testing things, but not so great for actually performing your analysis.
+In order to make our analysis truly reproducible we will need to have **every single step** written down. This is why using the Console is great for testing things, but not so great for actually performing your analysis.
```{r, fig.align='center', out.width="100%", echo = FALSE, fig.alt= "The new pane will open on the upper left and is for writing code we want to save, while the bottom pane is for writing code we want to test."}
@@ -295,12 +295,12 @@ R Markdown files allow you to have the code for your analysis, the output from t
## Find Errors
-Another nice thing about RStudio, is that it can help you troubleshoot your code.
+Another nice thing about RStudio, is that it can help you troubleshoot your code.
It helps to identify common coding mistakes. It will indicate a potential problem by showing a red circle with an "x" in it on the far left of the Editor near the line of code that it thinks is problematic. Note that sometimes errors may occur earlier in your code than where RStudio starts to notice an issue.
-Here is an example of such a case. Here we have an extra parentheses in our code.
+Here is an example of such a case. Here we have an extra parentheses in our code.
```{r, fig.align='center', out.width="100%", echo = FALSE, fig.alt= "An example of RStudio showing a potential coding error. Hovering over the red circle with the x near the line of code that it sees an issue with, will give a message about what might be wrong."}
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ Note that just because RStudio thinks your code is free of errors, it does not n
## Keyboard Shortcuts
-There are lots of useful keyboard shortcuts for RStudio that can save you time.
+There are lots of useful keyboard shortcuts for RStudio that can save you time.
Check out this [link](https://support.posit.co/hc/en-us/articles/200711853-Keyboard-Shortcuts) if you are interested!
@@ -327,4 +327,3 @@ In summary...
- When we open a file like an R Markdown file, the top left pane called the Editor is for writing code we wish to save.
- After opening a file, the lower left pane contains the Console which is where we test code.
- R Markdown files are files that create reports of an analysis that can demonstrate more about what you did than a simple script and test to make sure that your code works.
diff --git a/09-software-versions.Rmd b/09-software-versions.Rmd
index d27eac14..44781df0 100644
--- a/09-software-versions.Rmd
+++ b/09-software-versions.Rmd
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Printing out session info is an easy way to record your computing environment in
However, you may realize that while session info is useful for recording this information, it doesn't mitigate the frustration of setting up a computing environment in R. Nor does it help us with being able to directly share our computing environments.
-It can be incredibly handy for reproducibility purposes to be able to share the R computing environment you used for completing an analysis. This is not only helpful for others who may be interested in reproducing your analysis, but also for future you! If you come back to this analysis and attempt to re-run it, it is likely you've changed your R computing environment over time by installing or removing packages. `renv` will allow you to return to the environment you used at the time that you ran the analysis.
+It can be incredibly handy for reproducibility purposes to be able to share the R computing environment you used for completing an analysis. This is not only helpful for others who may be interested in reproducing your analysis, but also for future you! If you come back to this analysis and attempt to re-run it, it is likely you've changed your R computing environment over time by installing or removing packages. `renv` will allow you to return to the environment you used at the time that you ran the analysis.
For that, we need a slightly more involved solution of using [`renv`](https://rstudio.github.io/renv/articles/renv.html). `renv` is an R package that allows you to take 'snapshots' of your R computing environment and use those to track, share, and build R environments.
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ In order to truly reproduce a result with an identical computing environment you
One of the most popular containerization softwares is Docker. Docker allows you to build your computing environment and share it on its online platform in the form of images that you can download and run. In fact, this book is rendered by a Docker container!
-If you will be using a container with PHI or PII or other protected information, we recommend you take a look at [this resource](https://www.cleardata.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/SET-MKTG-WP-36_HIPAA_Compliant_Containers_05-04-2017.pdf) to understand best practices for using Docker with sensitive data.
+If you will be using a container with PHI or PII or other protected information, we recommend you take a look at [this resource](https://www.cleardata.com/resources/hipaa-compliant-containers/) to understand best practices for using Docker with sensitive data.
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ We will not cover Docker here but if you are interested in using a containerized
- [ITCR Training Network chapters about Docker](https://jhudatascience.org/Adv_Reproducibility_in_Cancer_Informatics/launching-a-docker-image.html)
- [Docker documentation about getting started](https://www.docker.com/get-started/)
- [How to ensure your Docker usage is HIPAA-Compliant](https://www.atlantic.net/hipaa-compliant-hosting/best-practices-for-creating-a-hipaa-compliant-docker-host/)
-- [HIPAA Compliant Containers](https://www.cleardata.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/SET-MKTG-WP-36_HIPAA_Compliant_Containers_05-04-2017.pdf)
+- [HIPAA Compliant Containers](https://www.cleardata.com/resources/hipaa-compliant-containers/)
- [Singularity is a different container platform that does some encryption](https://docs.sylabs.io/guides/latest/user-guide/) -- this can help if you are using data that needs to be protected.
## Conclusion
diff --git a/resources/dictionary.txt b/resources/dictionary.txt
index fd616479..5b482a35 100644
--- a/resources/dictionary.txt
+++ b/resources/dictionary.txt
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
@@ -80,4 +84,4 @@ underserved
\ No newline at end of file