A JAVA application to simulate the electricity demand of a dwelling.
Running the program without options will simply produce an output file (CSV) which can be found in the folder data/output with simulation data for one day (10-minute-intervals). To show the available options start the application like this:
java -jar jdm-v0.1.jar --help
Some examples and JUnit tests are included in the project folder, as well as a java documentation.
The JDemandModel is based on the "CREST Domestic Electricity Demand Model 1.0" by Ian Richardson and Murray Thomson from the Centre for Renewable Energy System Technology (CREST) at Loughborough University, which can be downloaded at http://hdl.handle.net/2134/5786 and is desribed in their paper "Domestic electricity use: a high-resolution energy demand model" (https://dspace.lboro.ac.uk/2134/6997).
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