- supervised learning
- input: multi-camera images
- output: dense semantic occupancy prediction
- provide a way to generate occ ground truth
- suffers from high-cost sensors and sparse scanned points.
- Multi-camera 3D object detection
- suffers from the long-tail problem and difficult to recognize all classes of objects in the real world.
- have difficulty describing real-world objects of arbitrary shapes and infinite classes.
- Depth maps
- only predict the nearest occupied point in each optical ray and are unable to recover the occluded parts of the 3D scene.
- 3D occupancy representation:
- naturally guarantees the multicamera geometry consistency and is able to recover occluded parts.
- flexible to extend to other 3D downstream tasks
Implementation details of contributions. Description of novel ideas.
SemanticKITTI test set:
- IoU: 34.72
- MIoU: 11.86
nuScenes validation set:
- IoU: 31.49
- MIoU: 20.30