ICCV23 2212.02501v4
Describe what the paper have done, training srategy (supervised/unsupervised), system inputs and outputs, and application scenarios.
- In: Single RGB & Pose of Novel View
- Out: RGB & Depth of Novel View
TSDF to reconstruct [83]
- Outdoor: SemanticKITTI, generalized to nuScenes
- Indoor: BundleFusion
Very important.
Clarify the motivation behind the paper, and the comparison with prior arts.
"3D reconstruction from a single 2D image ... but relies on depth supervision at training time," "a selfsupervised monocular scene reconstruction method using only posed image sequences for training. ... At inference, a single input image ... hallucinate novel depth views which are fused together to obtain 3D scene reconstruction."
- No 3d supervisions (MonoScene, Occdepth)
- No depth supervisions ([26], [85], [8], [12])
- Nerf, not object-centric ([51], [65], [15], [23], [89])
- Using screenshots if neccessary. Directly ctrlC+V.
- Provide the network details.
"we learn a neural representation conditioned on the first frame of the sequence" "The conditioning learned is shared across sequences" "self-supervisedly optimized with all other frames"
$L_{reproj}$ : depth rendering + photometric loss(Monodepth2) between ($I_{j}, I_{j-1}$ ) -
$L_{rgb}$ : photometric loss between rendering and gt -
$L_{samp}$ : Contrib2
Implementation details of contributions. Description of novel ideas.
- Novel probabilistic sampling strategy
"PrSamp implicitly learns to correlate high mixture values with surface locations,"
2 steps sampling
Use densities and depth to optimize mlp g(.) inferencing 1d Gaussian mixtures
$$ L_{samp} = \frac{1}{k} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{k} \mathrm{KL}(\mathscr{G}{i}, \mathscr{G}{i}') + \min_{i} ( \Vert \mu(\mathscr{G}'{i}) - \hat{D}(\boldsymbol{r}) \Vert{1}) $$
- Spheric U-Net
"..., thus preventing estimation of color and depth (Eqs. 2,3) outside of the FOV where features cannot be extracted." "Because spherical projection induces less distortion than its planar counterpart"
pixel coordinates ---> camera spherical coordinates
"SU-Net with a decoder convolving in the spherical domain. "
- Scene reconstruction scheme
- IoU for reconstruction
- Abs Rel ... for Novel depth estimation
- SSIM, PSNR, LPIPS for NVS (subsidiary)
- Outdoor: SemanticKITTI, generalized to nuScenes
- Indoor: BundleFusion
Metrics and Datasets can be ommitted if former papers have already clarified.