AGORA-DSM is a service-oriented middleware for dynamic, real-time management of heterogeneous geosensors in flood management. The approach is called AGORA - Dynamic Sensor Management (AGORA-DSM) and can be seen as an extension of Sensor Bus.
Follow its respectives guides to complete the installation:
Clone the project:
git clone
. -
Open Eclipse, go to File - New Project and choose Java Project Options. Uncheck 'Use default location' and insert the location of the git project.
NOTE: Common class contains the path specification for folders, files and services. The following variable paths need to be updated.
- SERVER_PATH is the path for keeping files such as SensorML, describeSensor.json, insertObservation.json, getObservation.json, updateSensor.json;
- SOS_PATH is the path for requesting data from the SOS repository;
- SOS_52n_VERSION is the version of the SOS service used;
- IMAGES_PATH is the path where observations images are stored;
- Tracking File are the files to help tracking performance from the required activities.
Export the Java project into a .war file (need to install Maven Integration for Eclipse) inside the webapps folder of the Apache Tomcat.
After starting the Tomcat Apache, sensor data from CEMADEN, PEGELONLINE and configured wireless sensor networks adapters are stored in the SOS repository using SOS services.
Any problem should be reported to
For more information on AGORA-DSM, please, visit its main web page at:, or read the following reference: PDF.