With this template you can monitor the status of some parameters of your Zimbra server, in particular some of the "zmcontrol status" output.
- prepare the Zimbra server, by adding the following line to the ROOT CRONTAB. This will put the output of the "zmcontrol status" on a file in /tmp. It will run every 3 min:
*/3 * * * * sudo -u zimbra /opt/zimbra/bin/zmcontrol status > /tmp/zmcontrol_status
- add the following UserParameter to the zabbix_agentd.conf file, or the conf.d folder:
UserParameter=zimbra.amavis.status,awk '/amavis/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.antispam.status,awk '/antispam/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.antivirus.status,awk '/antivirus/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.mailbox.status,awk '/mailbox/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.mta.status,awk '/mta/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.zmconfigd.status,awk '/zmconfigd/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.webmail.status,awk '/service webapp/{print $3}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.webadm.status,awk '/zimbraAdmin/{print $3}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
UserParameter=zimbra.proxy.status,awk '/proxy/{print $2}' /tmp/zmcontrol_status
There are no macros links in this template.
There are no template links in this template.
There are no discovery rules in this template.
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Status Zmconfigd Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.zmconfigd.status Update: 3m |
Status MTA Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.mta.status Update: 3m |
Status Proxy Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.proxy.status Update: 3m |
Status Antivírus Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.antivirus.status Update: 3m |
Status Amavis Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.amavis.status Update: 3m |
Status Admin Console Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.webadm.status Update: 3m |
Status Webmail Zimbra Service | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.webmail.status Update: 3m |
Status Mailbox Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.mailbox.status Update: 3m |
Status AntiSpam Zimbra | - |
Zabbix agent |
zimbra.antispam.status Update: 3m |
There are no triggers in this template.