Releases: fabricjs/fabric.js
Version 1.7.6
- Fix: enabled creation of cacheCanvas on the fly if needed.
Version 1.7.5
Improvement: draw textbackgroundColor in one single pass when possible @stefanhayden #3698
Improvement: fire selection changed event just if text is editing #3702
Improvement: Add object property 'needsItsOwnCache' #3703
Improvement: Skip unnecessary transform if they can be detected with a single if #3704
Version 1.7.4
Fix: Moved all the touch event to passive false so that they behave as before chrome changes #3690
Fix: force top and left in the object representation of a path to avoid reparsing on restore #3691
Add: Enable deselected event for activeObject switch. Ensure deactivateAll call exitEditing #3689
Fix: Perform subtargetCheck also if the group is an active object and on activeGroup #3688
Fix: Made cursor operation more precise at high canvas zoom level [#3671(
Add: Made getBoundingRect available to return both absolute or standard bounding rect [#3614(
Add: Introduced calcViewportBoundaries() function for fabric.StaticCanvas [#3614(
Add: Introduced isOnScreen() function for fabric.Object #3614
Subclassed Polygon from polyline #3614
Fix: Removed reference to hovered target when target gets removed #3657
Fix: Removed hover cursor for non selectable objects #3643
Fix: Switch to passive event for touch move #3643
Fix: Restart rendering of cursor after entering some text #3643
Add: fabric.Color support toHexa() method now #3615
Version 1.7.3
Small notice for compatibility with custom filters:
Since the filter fromObject function now requires a callback.
The BaseFilter class provides a basic function that work with any filter that can be restored passing the options of the object form.
In most custom filter doing
fabric.Image.filters.MyCustomFilter.fromObject = fabric.Image.filters.BaseFilter.fromObject;
will be enough.
If you do not think the basic function suite your need, before returning the instance created, accepta a callback as second argument of your function and invoke the callback with the instance as first argument.
Improvement: Mousewheel event is handled with target and fired also from objects. #3612
Improvement: Patternload for canvas background and overlay, corrected svg pattern export #3601
Fix: Wait for pattern loading before calling callback #3598
Fix: add 2 extra pixels to cache canvases to avoid aliasing cut #3596
Fix: Rerender when deselect an itext editing object #3594
Fix: save new state of dimensionProperties at every cache clear #3595
Improvement: Better error managment in loadFromJSON #3586
Improvement: do not reload backgroundImage as an image if is different type #3550
Improvement: if a children element is set dirty, set the parent dirty as well. #3564
Version 1.7.2
Fix: Added extra padding to do not cut custom fonts with caching
Fix: Textbox do not use stylemap for line wrapping #3546
Fix: Fix for firing object:modfied in macOS sierra #3539
Fix: Itext with object caching was not refreshing selection correctly. #3538
Fix: stateful now works again with activeGroup and dinamyc swap between stateful false/true. #3537
Fix: includeDefaultValues was not applied to child objects of groups and path-groups. #3497
Fix: Itext style is cloned on paste action now, allow copie of styles to be independent. #3502
Fix: Add subclasses properties to cacheProperties. #3490
Add: Shift and Alt key used for transformations are now dinamic. #3479
Fix: fix to polygon and cache. Added cacheProperties for all classes #3490
Version 1.7.1
Version 1.7.0
Version 1.6.7
Add: Snap rotation added to objects. two parameter introduced, snapAngle and snapTreshold. #3383
Fix: Pass target to right click event. #3381
Fix: Correct rendering of bg color for styled text and correct clearing of itext area. #3388
Add: Fire mouse:over on the canvas when we enter the canvas from outside the element. #3388
Fix: Fix calculation of words width with spaces and justify. #3408
Fix: Do not export defaults properties for bg and overlay if requested. #3415
Fix: Change export toObect to always delete default properties if requested. #3416
Version 1.6.6
Add: Contrast and Saturate filters #3341
Fix: Correct registering and removal of events to handle iText objects.
Fix: Corrected 2 regression of 1.6.5 (dataurl export and itext clicks)
Fix: Corrected path boundaries calculation for Arcs ( a and A )
Version 1.6.5
Fix: charspacing, do not get subzero with charwidth.
Improvement: add callback support to all object cloning. #3212
Improvement: add backgroundColor to all classe #3248
Fix: add custom properties to backgroundImage and overlayImage #3250
Fix: Object intersection is calculated on boundingBox and boundingRect, intersection is fired if objects are overlapping #3252
Change: Restored previous selection behaviour, added key to selection active object under overlaid target #3254
Improvement: hasStateChanged let you find state changes of complex properties. #3262
Fix: IText/Textbox shift click selection backward. #3270
Revert: font family quoting was a bad idea. node-canvas stills use it. #3276
Fix: fire mouse:over event for activeObject and activeGroup when using findTarget shourtcuts #3285
Fix: clear method clear all properties of canvas #3305
Fix: text area position method takes in account canvas offset #3306
Improvement: Added event on right click and possibility to hide the context menu with a flag 3308
Fix: remove canvas reference from object when object gets removed from canvas #3307
Improvement: use native stroke dash if available #3309
Fix: Export correct src when exporting to svg #3310
Fix: Stop text to go on zero dimensions #3312
Fix: Error in dataURL with multiplier was outputting very big canvas with retina #3314
Fix: Error in style map was not respecting style if textbox started with space #3315