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File metadata and controls

170 lines (139 loc) · 7.84 KB


This plugin implements Hamiltonian replica exchange MD [1] and boost potentials [2]. Boost potentials are applied to the Lennard- Jones interaction between two set of atoms (normally two molecules).

This plugin needs ACEMD pro.

plugin parameters

  • energyfreq: this is acutally not a plugin paremater but a normal ACEMD parameter. It specifies after how many integration steps an exchange will be attempted [might change in future versions]
  • E: array of energy threshold parameters (one for each replica) Can be a whitespace-separated floats or a TCL list of floats. Refer to [2]. Energies are measured in kcal/mol.
  • alpha: array of alpha parameters (one for each replica) Must be the same size as E. Refer to [2] and Fabians notes (and future papers and thesis).
  • restart "on" | "off": resume from a restart file
  • restartfreq N: write restart files every N integration steps
  • fullenergyfreq N: calculate the full matrix of exchange energies (every replica under every Hamiltonian) every N integration steps. (By default, only the energies that are necessary for the trial move are calculated) [Note: this might change, once the Chodera swapping scheme is implemented] This is also the interval with which the energy log file and the permutaion log file are written. Typically this is set to the same value as xtcfreq.


  • boost.c/.h implementation of boost potentials
  • hremd-boost.c/.h implementation of HREMD that is specific to my implementation of boost potential.
  • hremd.tcl example run file for ACEMD
  • script to work around the bothersome implementation of ACEMD restart mechanism. Takes the number of the last integration step N from a HREMD restart file and truncates all xtc files at the frame N/2500. Adapt source to match your value of xtcfreq. [This might change, when ACEMD gets a sensible restart mechanism.]
  • truncate-xtc.c used by; needs to be compiled using the XTC libs

files generated by hremd-boost

  • perm.log: contains one (cumulative) permutation per line Let R_i be the value located at the i'th column. The the map from Hamiltonian index i to replica index is i->R_i. Initially the permuatation is the identity (1 2 3 4 5 6 ...) This is never written, because perm.log is updated after the (first) swap.

  • N.*.xtc: replica trajectory. Trajectories are continuous in replica (i.e. in spatial coordinates).

  • energy.log: time series of energy matrices. Successive matrices are separated by a line containing only one & character. Each matrix element e[i,j] is the energy of replica i evaluated under the Hamiltonian j. Units are kcal/mol.

inconveniences to be adressed in future versions

  • In the currect versions the information about which atom belongs to which interaction partner is hard-coded into the plugin code. Future versions should introduce a plugin argument to pass the atom indices or use the beta/occupancy/ chain fields of the pdb to assign this membership.

  • In the current version, the temperature T is hardcoded into the program. Future versions should read its value via the ACEMD api.

  • Currently much of the force calculation is done on the CPU. This might change (hopefully) with future version of ACEMD. An OpenMP implementation is also on the way.

  • Future versions should implement the swapping scheme by Chodera (DOI 10.1063/1.3660669) There swapping is only done by one agent. The energies are send to a central agent which does all the swapping and updates the permutation. The permutation is then communicated to all members of the swarm that change their Hamiltonian accordingly. How should this communication be organized?

  • The plugin executable is only found when it is in the working directory of ACEMD (or possibly in the global plugin directory). This is a bit inconveniant. Find out why.

  • Right now the calculation of each trial energy contains a full calculation of the physical energy (because V'=f(V)). But when trying different energies (for the same confirguation), the physical energy needs to be evaluated only once. Implement this! (minor performance improvement)

  • We could also attempt exchanges every step, because the overhead is small. I have to change the calculation of the physical energy V such that the integration step can use V from the energy part of the last step.

  • There are some problems with simulation restarts. ACEMD will always introduce some small error into the forces at every restart. This was explained by Matt and will hopefully be changed in the next versions:

    I can move the point at which plugin_init is called. It's arguably not in the right place just now.


    On 15 August 2013 17:53, Fabian Paul [email protected] wrote:

    Hi Fabian,

    When I look into the log file after a restart, there is a line with the energies of the zero'th step that comes even before the plugin is initialized. Do these energies come from ACEMD's restart file or are they recalculated?

    ACEMD does one force evaluation which is used to set positions at dt-.5, for shake. They are evaluated using the coords in the restart file. They are printed out for diagnostic purposes, and should match the energies of the last step in the previous sim. plugin_init is called immediately after, before the first actual iteration.

    Ok, but I think this would introduce some small error. In the last step of the old simulation the Hamiltonians might have been permuted. But immediately after the restart the plugin has no chance to restore the old permutation of Hamiltonians. So this force is evaluated with the wrong combination of coordinates and Hamiltonian. So maybe it's better to exchange coordinates instead of Hamiltonian after all? Or permute the topology files?

  • There is some effect after that happens after a restart and which may look odd to the user: after a restart, the files *.perm.log and *.energy.log are not truncated at the last step but the file pointer is repositioned to the last step. This means that immedeately after a restart the number of lines in the *.perm.log and *.energy.log files will be larger than timestep/fullenergyfreq. As the simulation continues, the old data in these files will be overwritten and when the simulation passed the time step where the previous simulation was terminated, the files will start to grow again. [I might fix this in the future using unistd.h's truncate().]


[1] Yuji Sugita and Yuko Okamoto. Replica-exchange molecular dynamics method for protein folding. Chemical Physics Letters 314(1-2):141-151, 1999.

[2] Hamelberg et al. Accelerated molecular dynamics: A promising and effecient simulation method for biomolecules. J. Chem. Phys., 120(24):11919, 2004.

author and license

(C) 2014 Fabian Paul [email protected]

hremd-boost is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

hremd-boost is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with hremd-boost. If not, see