Manage Linode Instances, Configs, and Disks.
Field | Type | Required | Description |
api_token |
str |
Required | The Linode account personal access token. It is necessary to run the module. It can be exposed by the environment variable LINODE_API_TOKEN instead. See details in Usage. |
- name: Create a new Linode instance.
label: my-linode
type: g6-nanode-1
region: us-east
image: linode/ubuntu22.04
root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
private_ip: false
- "ssh-rsa ..."
stackscript_id: 1337
variable: value
group: app
- env=prod
state: present
- name: Create a new Linode instance with an additional public IPv4 address.
label: my-linode
type: g6-nanode-1
region: us-east
image: linode/ubuntu22.04
root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
private_ip: false
- "ssh-rsa ..."
stackscript_id: 1337
variable: value
group: app
- env=prod
state: present
- public: true
- name: Create a Linode Instance with explicit configs and disks.
label: 'my-complex-instance'
region: us-southeast
type: g6-standard-1
booted: true
boot_config_label: boot-config
state: present
- label: boot
image: linode/ubuntu22.04
size: 3000
root_pass: ans1ble-test!
- label: swap
filesystem: swap
size: 512
- label: boot-config
root_device: /dev/sda
disk_label: boot
disk_label: swap
state: present
- name: Create a Linode Instance with custom user data.
label: 'my-metadata-instance'
region: us-southeast
type: g6-standard-1
image: linode/ubuntu22.04
root_pass: verysecurepassword!!!
user_data: myuserdata
state: present
- name: Create a new Linode instance under a placement group.
label: my-linode
type: g6-nanode-1
region: us-east
id: 123
compliant_only: false
state: present
- name: Delete a Linode instance.
label: my-linode
state: absent
Field | Type | Required | Description |
state |
str |
Required | The desired state of the target. (Choices: present , absent ) |
label |
str |
Optional | The unique label to give this instance. |
type |
str |
Optional | The Linode Type of the Linode you are creating. |
region |
str |
Optional | The location to deploy the instance in. See the Linode API documentation. |
image |
str |
Optional | The image ID to deploy the instance disk from. (Conflicts With: disks ,configs ) |
authorized_keys |
list |
Optional | A list of SSH public key parts to deploy for the root user. |
authorized_users |
list |
Optional | A list of usernames. |
root_pass |
str |
Optional | The password for the root user. If not specified, one will be generated. This generated password will be available in the task success JSON. |
stackscript_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the StackScript to use when creating the instance. See the Linode API documentation. |
stackscript_data |
dict |
Optional | An object containing arguments to any User Defined Fields present in the StackScript used when creating the instance. Only valid when a stackscript_id is provided. See the Linode API documentation. |
firewall_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of a Firewall this Linode to assign this Linode to. |
private_ip |
bool |
Optional | If true, the created Linode will have private networking enabled. |
group |
str |
Optional | The group that the instance should be marked under. Please note, that group labelling is deprecated but still supported. The encouraged method for marking instances is to use tags. (Updatable) |
boot_config_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the config to boot from. |
configs (sub-options) |
list |
Optional | A list of Instance configs to apply to the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Updatable; Conflicts With: image ,interfaces ) |
disks (sub-options) |
list |
Optional | A list of Disks to create on the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Updatable; Conflicts With: image ,interfaces ) |
interfaces (sub-options) |
list |
Optional | A list of network interfaces to apply to the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Conflicts With: disks ,configs ) |
booted |
bool |
Optional | Whether the new Instance should be booted. This will default to True if the Instance is deployed from an Image or Backup. |
backup_id |
int |
Optional | The id of the Backup to restore to the new Instance. May not be provided if "image" is given. |
metadata (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | Fields relating to the Linode Metadata service. |
backups_enabled |
bool |
Optional | Enroll Instance in Linode Backup service. |
wait |
bool |
Optional | Wait for the instance to have status "running" before returning. (Default: True ) |
wait_timeout |
int |
Optional | The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for an instance to have status "running". (Default: 1500 ) |
additional_ipv4 (sub-options) |
list |
Optional | Additional ipv4 addresses to allocate. |
rebooted |
bool |
Optional | If true, the Linode Instance will be rebooted. NOTE: The instance will only be rebooted if it was previously in a running state. To ensure your Linode will always be rebooted, consider also setting the booted field. (Default: False ) |
migration_type |
str |
Optional | The type of migration to use for Region and Type migrations. (Choices: cold , warm ; Default: cold ) |
auto_disk_resize |
bool |
Optional | Whether implicitly created disks should be resized during a type change operation. (Default: False ) |
tags |
list |
Optional | An array of tags applied to this object. Tags are for organizational purposes only. (Updatable) |
capabilities |
list |
Optional | Read-only. A list of capabilities this compute instance supports. |
placement_group (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | A Placement Group to create this Linode under. |
disk_encryption |
str |
Optional | The disk encryption status of this Linode. NOTE: Disk encryption may not currently be available to all users. (Choices: enabled , disabled ) |
swap_size |
int |
Optional | When deploying from an Image, this field is optional, otherwise it is ignored. This is used to set the swap disk size for the newly-created Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
devices (sub-options) |
dict |
Required | The devices to map to this configuration. |
label |
str |
Required | The label to assign to this config. |
comments |
str |
Optional | Arbitrary User comments on this Config. (Updatable) |
helpers (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | Helpers enabled when booting to this Linode Config. |
kernel |
str |
Optional | A Kernel ID to boot a Linode with. Defaults to "linode/latest-64bit". (Updatable) |
memory_limit |
int |
Optional | Defaults to the total RAM of the Linode. (Updatable) |
root_device |
str |
Optional | The root device to boot. (Updatable) |
run_level |
str |
Optional | Defines the state of your Linode after booting. (Updatable) |
virt_mode |
str |
Optional | Controls the virtualization mode. (Choices: paravirt , fullvirt ; Updatable) |
interfaces (sub-options) |
list |
Optional | A list of network interfaces to apply to the Linode. See the Linode API documentation. (Updatable) |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
sda (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sda |
sdb (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sdb |
sdc (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sdc |
sdd (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sdd |
sde (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sde |
sdf (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sdf |
sdg (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sdg |
sdh (sub-options) |
dict |
Optional | The device to be mapped to /dev/sdh |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
disk_label |
str |
Optional | The label of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
disk_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the disk to attach to this Linode. |
volume_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the volume to attach to this Linode. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
devtmpfs_automount |
bool |
Optional | Populates the /dev directory early during boot without udev. |
distro |
bool |
Optional | Helps maintain correct inittab/upstart console device. |
modules_dep |
bool |
Optional | Creates a modules dependency file for the Kernel you run. |
network |
bool |
Optional | Automatically configures static networking. |
updatedb_disabled |
bool |
Optional | Disables updatedb cron job to avoid disk thrashing. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
purpose |
str |
Required | The type of interface. (Choices: public , vlan , vpc ) |
primary |
bool |
Optional | Whether this is a primary interface (Default: False ) |
subnet_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the VPC subnet to assign this interface to. |
ipv4 |
dict |
Optional | The IPv4 configuration for this interface. (VPC only) |
label |
str |
Optional | The name of this interface. Required for vlan purpose interfaces. Must be an empty string or null for public purpose interfaces. |
ipam_address |
str |
Optional | This Network Interface’s private IP address in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. |
ip_ranges |
list |
Optional | Packets to these CIDR ranges are routed to the VPC network interface. (VPC only) |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
label |
str |
Required | The label to give this Disk. |
size |
int |
Required | The size of the Disk in MB. (Updatable) |
authorized_keys |
list |
Optional | A list of SSH public key parts to deploy for the root user. |
authorized_users |
list |
Optional | A list of usernames. |
filesystem |
str |
Optional | The filesystem to create this disk with. |
disk_encryption |
str |
Optional | The disk encryption status of this disk.NOTE: Disk encryption may not currently be available to all users. (Choices: enabled , disabled ) |
image |
str |
Optional | An Image ID to deploy the Disk from. |
root_pass |
str |
Optional | The root user’s password on the newly-created Linode. |
stackscript_id |
int |
Optional | The ID of the StackScript to use when creating the instance. See the Linode API documentation. |
stackscript_data |
dict |
Optional | An object containing arguments to any User Defined Fields present in the StackScript used when creating the instance. Only valid when a stackscript_id is provided. See the Linode API documentation. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
user_data |
str |
Optional | The user-defined data to supply for the Linode through the Metadata service. |
user_data_encoded |
bool |
Optional | Whether the user_data field content is already encoded in Base64. (Default: False ) |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
public |
bool |
Required | Whether the allocated IPv4 address should be public or private. |
Field | Type | Required | Description |
id |
int |
Required | The id of the placement group. |
compliant_only |
bool |
Optional | Whether the newly added/migrated/resized linode must be compliant for flexible placement groups. (Default: False ) |
- The instance description in JSON serialized form.- Sample Response:
{ "alerts": { "cpu": 180, "io": 10000, "network_in": 10, "network_out": 10, "transfer_quota": 80 }, "backups": { "enabled": true, "last_successful": "2018-01-01T00:01:01", "schedule": { "day": "Saturday", "window": "W22" } }, "created": "2018-01-01T00:01:01", "group": "Linode-Group", "has_user_data": true, "hypervisor": "kvm", "id": 123, "image": "linode/debian11", "ipv4": [ "", "" ], "ipv6": "c001:d00d::1337/128", "label": "linode123", "region": "us-east", "specs": { "disk": 81920, "memory": 4096, "transfer": 4000, "vcpus": 2 }, "status": "running", "tags": [ "example tag", "another example" ], "type": "g6-standard-1", "updated": "2018-01-01T00:01:01", "watchdog_enabled": true, "disk_encryption": "enabled", "lke_cluster_id": null, "placement_group": { "id": 123, "label": "test", "placement_group_type": "anti_affinity:local", "placement_group_policy": "strict" } }
- See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
- Sample Response:
- A list of configs tied to this Linode Instance.- Sample Response:
[ { "comments": "This is my main Config", "devices": { "sda": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sdb": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sdc": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sdd": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sde": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sdf": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sdg": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null }, "sdh": { "disk_id": 124458, "volume_id": null } }, "helpers": { "devtmpfs_automount": false, "distro": true, "modules_dep": true, "network": true, "updatedb_disabled": true }, "id": 23456, "interfaces": [ { "ipam_address": "", "label": "example-interface", "purpose": "vlan" } ], "kernel": "linode/latest-64bit", "label": "My Config", "memory_limit": 2048, "root_device": "/dev/sda", "run_level": "default", "virt_mode": "paravirt" } ]
- See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
- Sample Response:
- A list of disks tied to this Linode Instance.- Sample Response:
[ { "created": "2018-01-01T00:01:01", "filesystem": "ext4", "id": 25674, "label": "Debian 9 Disk", "size": 48640, "status": "ready", "updated": "2018-01-01T00:01:01", "disk_encryption": "enabled" } ]
- See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
- Sample Response:
- Networking information about this Linode Instance.- Sample Response:
{ "ipv4": { "private": [ { "address": "", "gateway": null, "linode_id": 123, "prefix": 17, "public": false, "rdns": null, "region": "us-east", "subnet_mask": "", "type": "ipv4" } ], "public": [ { "address": "", "gateway": "", "linode_id": 123, "prefix": 24, "public": true, "rdns": "", "region": "us-east", "subnet_mask": "", "type": "ipv4" } ], "reserved": [ { "address": "", "gateway": "", "linode_id": 123, "prefix": 24, "public": true, "rdns": "", "region": "us-east", "subnet_mask": "", "type": "ipv4" } ], "shared": [ { "address": "", "gateway": "", "linode_id": 123, "prefix": 24, "public": true, "rdns": "", "region": "us-east", "subnet_mask": "", "type": "ipv4" } ] }, "ipv6": { "global": { "prefix": 124, "range": "2600:3c01::2:5000:0", "region": "us-east", "route_target": "2600:3c01::2:5000:f" }, "link_local": { "address": "fe80::f03c:91ff:fe24:3a2f", "gateway": "fe80::1", "linode_id": 123, "prefix": 64, "public": false, "rdns": null, "region": "us-east", "subnet_mask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", "type": "ipv6" }, "slaac": { "address": "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fe24:3a2f", "gateway": "fe80::1", "linode_id": 123, "prefix": 64, "public": true, "rdns": null, "region": "us-east", "subnet_mask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff", "type": "ipv6" } } }
- See the Linode API response documentation for a list of returned fields
- Sample Response: