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File metadata and controls

57 lines (40 loc) · 2.63 KB

🪐 Weasel Project: Hugging Face Hub integration

With Hugging Face Hub, you can easily share any trained pipeline with the community. The Hugging Face Hub offers:

  • Free model hosting.
  • Built-in file versioning, even with very large files, thanks to a git-based approach.
  • In-browser widgets to play with the uploaded models.

This uses spacy-huggingface-hub to push a packaged pipeline to the Hugging Face Hub, including the whl file. This enables using pip installing a pipeline directly from the Hugging Face Hub.

📋 project.yml

The project.yml defines the data assets required by the project, as well as the available commands and workflows. For details, see the Weasel documentation.

⏯ Commands

The following commands are defined by the project. They can be executed using weasel run [name]. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Command Description
login Log in to Hugging Face and download a model
preprocess Convert the data to spaCy's binary format
train Train a named entity recognition model
evaluate Evaluate the model and export metrics
package Package the trained model so it can be installed
push_to_hub Push the model to the Hub

⏭ Workflows

The following workflows are defined by the project. They can be executed using weasel run [name] and will run the specified commands in order. Commands are only re-run if their inputs have changed.

Workflow Steps
all preprocesstrainevaluatepackagepush_to_hub

🗂 Assets

The following assets are defined by the project. They can be fetched by running weasel assets in the project directory.

File Source Description
assets/fashion_brands_training.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted training data exported from Prodigy, annotated with FASHION_BRAND entities (1235 examples)
assets/fashion_brands_eval.jsonl Local JSONL-formatted development data exported from Prodigy, annotated with FASHION_BRAND entities (500 examples)