Part of the Multi-team Software Delivery Assessment (README)
Copyright © 2018-2019 Conflux Digital Ltd
Licenced under CC BY-SA 4.0
Based on the key assessment criteria from Accelerate by Nicole Forsgren, Jez Humble, and Gene Kim plus detail from Principles of Product Development Flow by Don Reinertsen
Purpose: Assess the awareness and performance of the team regarding end-to-end delivery metrics
Method: Use the Spotify Squad Health Check approach to assess the team's answers to the following questions, and also capture the answers:
Question | Tired (1) | Inspired (5) |
1. Cycle Time - How long does it take for a code change to go from version control to running in Production? (Minimum, Typical) | 2 weeks or more | 1 hour or less |
2. Deployment Frequency - How often does your team deploy to Production? | Every 2 weeks or longer in practice | Every 2 days or less |
3. MTTR - How long does it take to restore your application or service after an incident? | We have no idea - we do not track this | We track MTTR and we restore service in 10 mins automatically and test this in the deployment pipeline |
4. Failed Changes - What proportion of changes to your application or service in Production fail or need remediation? (This is typically the number of failed deployments) | More than 20% of our changes/deployments fail in Production | Less than 5% of our changes/deployments fail in Production |
5. Work in Progress - How many things does your team work on at the same time? (Minimum, Typical) | We have significantly more Work In Progress (WIP) items than team members | We have explicitly limited our WIP based on queuing theory (or Cost of Delay) and the WIP is equal to or less than the number of people in our team |
6. Innovation - How well are you able to innovate around delivery approaches? | We do not have time to innovate | We make or reserve time for delivery innovation every week and track progress as part of our team metrics |
7. Onboarding - How effective is the onboarding process for new teams and new staff? | The onboarding process is incredibly difficult and really hampers progress | The onboarding process is very simple, straightforward, and clear. |
8. Branch Age - How long do your branches live? (other than master) | Our feature branches last for many sprints | We develop directly on master/trunk and any feature branches last no more then 2 days |
9. Retrospectives - How effective are your team retrospectives? | We do not have regular retrospectives | Our retrospectives are really energising/valuable/effective for the team and we look forward to them |