This command merges two rooted trees.
If one of the tree is not rooted, returns an error Tip names must be different between the two trees, otherwise returns an error
Edges connecting new root with old roots have length of 1.0.
gotree merge [flags]
-c, --compared string Compared tree input file (default "stdin")
-o, --output string Merged tree output file (default "stdout")
-i, --reftree string Reference tree input file (default "stdin")
- Merging two trees from newick format
# bash short syntax
gotree merge -i <(echo "(Tip0,(Tip3,(Tip2,Tip1)0.2)0.9);") \
-c <(echo "(Tip0_2,(Tip3_2,(Tip2_2,Tip1_2)0.2)0.9);") \
| gotree draw text -w 20
# Or all steps
echo "(Tip0,(Tip3,(Tip2,Tip1)0.2)0.9);" > t1
echo "(Tip0_2,(Tip3_2,(Tip2_2,Tip1_2)0.2)0.9);" > t2
gotree merge -i t1 -c t2 -o merged
gotree draw text -i merged -w 20
It should give the following tree:
+--- Tip0
+--- |
| | +--- Tip3
| +--- |
| | +--- Tip2
| +--- |
| +--- Tip1
| +--- Tip0_2
+--- |
| +--- Tip3_2
+--- |
| +--- Tip2_2
+--- |
+--- Tip1_2