This command draws trees with basic functionalities. It implements 3 layouts (normal, radial, circular) and 3 output formats (text, png and svg). Different options are possiblem such as drawing cirlces at highly supported branches, etc.
gotree draw [command]
Available Commands:
png Draw trees in png files
svg Draw trees in svg files
text Print trees in ASCII
-i, --input string Input tree (default "stdin")
--no-branch-lengths Draw the tree without branch lengths (all the same length)
--no-tip-labels Draw the tree without tip labels
-o, --output string Output file (default "stdout")
--support-cutoff float Cutoff for highlithing supported branches (default 0.7)
--with-branch-support Highlight highly supported branches
--with-node-labels Draw the tree with internal node labels
- SVG image, radial layout with branch supports
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree randsupport --seed 10 | gotree draw svg -r -w 200 -H 200 --with-branch-support --support-cutoff 0.7 -o commands/draw_1.svg
- SVG image, circular layout with branch supports
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree randsupport --seed 10 | gotree draw svg -c -w 200 -H 200 --with-branch-support --support-cutoff 0.7 -o commands/draw_2.svg
- SVG image, norman layout with branch supports
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree randsupport --seed 10 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --with-branch-support --support-cutoff 0.7 -o commands/draw_3.svg