This command removes branches from a set of input trees. They apply only to internal branches, and not to branches connected to the root (for rooted trees). Three subcommands :
gotree collapse length
will remove branches whose length is less than or equal to the specified length;gotree collapse support
will remove branches whose support is less than the specified support;gotree collapse depth
will remove branches whose depth is between (or equal to) given min and max depths. Here, depth is defined as the number of taxa on the lightest side of the branch.gotree collapse single
will remove internal nodes and branches that form linear internal paths. For example:
t1 t1
/ /
n0--n1--n2 => n0--n2
\ \
t2 t2
- If option
is given, length of tips matching the threshold will be set to 0.0 (fordepth
commands). - If option
is given, branches connected to the root (in the case of rooted trees) and matching the threshold will be removed (fordepth
, andsupport
commands). Resulting tree may be unrooted. Also, so far the two branches connected to the root are considered independently whereas it may be more useful to consider them as a single bipartition if the tree is going to be unrooted.
General command
gotree collapse [command]
Available Commands:
depth Collapse branches having a given depth
length Collapse short branches of the input tree
single Collapse branches that connect single nodes
support Collapse lowly supported branches of the input tree
--format string Input tree format (newick, nexus, or phyloxml) (default "newick")
-i, --input string Input tree (default "stdin")
-o, --output string Collapsed tree output file (default "stdout")
depth sub-command
gotree collapse depth [flags]
-M, --max-depth int Max Depth cutoff to collapse branches
-m, --min-depth int Min depth cutoff to collapse branches
Global Flags:
--format string Input tree format (newick, nexus, or phyloxml) (default "newick")
-i, --input string Input tree (default "stdin")
-o, --output string Collapsed tree output file (default "stdout")
length sub-command
gotree collapse length [flags]
-l, --length float Length cutoff to collapse branches
Global Flags:
--format string Input tree format (newick, nexus, or phyloxml) (default "newick")
-i, --input string Input tree (default "stdin")
-o, --output string Collapsed tree output file (default "stdout")
support sub-command
gotree collapse support [flags]
-s, --support float Support cutoff to collapse branches
Global Flags:
--format string Input tree format (newick, nexus, or phyloxml) (default "newick")
-i, --input string Input tree (default "stdin")
-o, --output string Collapsed tree output file (default "stdout")
single sub-command
gotree collapse single [flags]
-h, --help help for single
Global Flags:
--format string Input tree format (newick, nexus, or phyloxml) (default "newick")
-i, --input string Input tree (default "stdin")
-o, --output string Collapsed tree output file (default "stdout")
- Removing branches with length < 0.05
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --no-tip-labels -r > commands/collapse_tree.svg
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree collapse length -l 0.05 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --no-tip-labels -r > commands/collapse_length.svg
Original tree | Collapsed tree |
- Removing branches with support < 0.7
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree randsupport --seed 10 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --no-tip-labels -r --with-branch-support --support-cutoff 0.7 > commands/collapse_tree2.svg
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree randsupport --seed 10 | gotree collapse support -s 0.7 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --no-tip-labels -r --with-branch-support --support-cutoff 0.7 > commands/collapse_support.svg
Original tree | Collapsed tree |
- Removing branches with depth 2 (cherries)
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --no-tip-labels -r > commands/collapse_tree.svg
gotree generate yuletree --seed 10 | gotree collapse depth -m 2 -M 2 | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --no-tip-labels -r > commands/collapse_depth.svg
Original tree | Collapsed tree |
- Removing internal nodes/branches that form linear paths
echo "((((A,B)),((C))),(D,(E)));" | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --with-node-symbols --no-tip-labels > commands/collapse_single.svg
echo "((((A,B)),((C))),(D,(E)));" | gotree collapse single | gotree draw svg -w 200 -H 200 --with-node-symbols --no-tip-labels > commands/collapse_single_out.svg
Original tree | Collapsed tree |