This command generate a random alignment with uniform distribution of nucleotides or amino acids. It is intended for testing purpose, as no evolutionary information is taken into account.
goalign random [flags]
-a, --amino-acids Aminoacid sequences (otherwise, nucleotides)
-l, --length int Length of sequences to generate (default 100)
-n, --nb-seqs int Number of sequences to generate (default 10)
-o, --out-align string Random alignment output file (default "stdout")
--seed int Random Seed: -1 = nano seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (default -1)
Global Flags:
-i, --align string Alignment input file (default "stdin")
-p, --phylip Alignment is in phylip? False=Fasta
--input-strict Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
--output-strict Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
- Generating a random alignment with 100 sequences and 1000 nucleotides:
goalign random -n 100 -l 1000 --seed 10 | goalign stats
Should give the following statistics:
length 1000
nseqs 100
avgalleles 4.0000
char nb freq
A 24899 0.248990
C 25032 0.250320
G 24888 0.248880
T 25181 0.251810