Although similar to goalign phase, goalign phasent does not take into align translation of input sequences.
This command "phases" input sequences on the basis on either a set of input sequences, or the longest detected orf. To do so, it will:
- Search for the longest ORF in the dataset if no reference orf(s) is(are) given;
- For each sequence of the dataset: will take the sequence in forward and revcomp (if
is given), align it with all ref orfs, and take the phase (fwd or revcomp) and the reference orf giving the best alignment; If no phase gives a good alignment in any reference orf (cutoffs given by--len-cutoff
), then the sequence flagged as removed; - For each sequence, take the Start corresponding to the Start of the ORF, and remove
nucleotides before (and nucleotides after if
is given); - Return the trimmed nucleotidic sequences (phased), the corresponding amino-acid sequences (phasedaa) and the start position on the original nt sequence;
- The log file contains information on:
- Sequence name
- Its best matching reference orf
- Start position on original nt sequence
- Extracted sequence length
- Positions of nt not in phase with reference orf
- Position of the first stop in phase
if --unaligned
is set, format options are ignored (phylip, nexus, etc.), and
only Fasta is accepted. Otherwise, alignment is first "unaligned".
If input sequences are not nucleotidic, then returns an error.
Output file is an unaligned set of sequences in fasta.
goalign phasent [flags]
--aa-output string Output translated sequences FASTA file (default "none")
--cut-end Iftrue, then also remove the end of sequences that do not align with orf
-h, --help help for phasent
--len-cutoff float Length cutoff, over orf length, to consider sequence hits (-1==No cutoff) (default -1)
-l, --log string Output log: positions of the considered ATG for each sequence (default "none")
--match float Score for a match for pairwise alignment (if omitted, then take substitution matrix) (default 1)
--match-cutoff float Nb Matches cutoff, over alignment length, to consider sequence hits (-1==No cutoff) (default 0.5)
--mismatch float Score for a mismatch for pairwise alignment (if omitted, then take substitution matrix) (default -1)
--nt-output string Output ATG "phased" FASTA file + first nts not in ref phase removed (nt corresponding to aa-output sequence) (default "none")
-o, --output string Output ATG "phased" FASTA file (default "stdout")
--ref-orf string Reference ORF to phase against (if none is given, then will try to get the longest orf in the input data) (default "none")
--reverse Search ALSO in the reverse strand (in addition to the forward strand)
--unaligned Considers sequences as unaligned and only format fasta is accepted (phylip, nexus,... options are ignored)
Global Flags:
-i, --align string Alignment input file (default "stdin")
--auto-detect Auto detects input format (overrides -p, -x and -u)
-u, --clustal Alignment is in clustal? default fasta
--input-strict Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
-x, --nexus Alignment is in nexus? default fasta
--no-block Write Phylip sequences without space separated blocks (only used with -p)
--one-line Write Phylip sequences on 1 line (only used with -p)
--output-strict Strict phylip output format (only used with -p)
-p, --phylip Alignment is in phylip? default fasta
--seed int Random Seed: -1 = nano seconds since 1970/01/01 00:00:00 (default -1)
-t, --threads int Number of threads (default 1)
goalign phasent -i input.fa --unaligned -o stdout --aa-output aa.fa
should give