This command implements different computations:
goalign compute distance
: Computes a distance matrix from an input DNA alignment, with different evolutionary models. In the case of ambigous nucleotides (IUPAC), one mutation is counted if characters are not compatible (ex: R vs. Y). Possible models are:- pdist
- rawdist : Raw distance (like pdist, without normalization by length)
- jc : Juke-Cantor
- k2p : Kimura 2 Parameters
- f81 : Felsenstein 81
- f84 : Felsenstein 84
- tn93 : Tamura and Nei 1993 If distance is pdist (nucleotides), then giving the option --rm-ambiguous will not take into account ambiguous positions that compatible, for length normalization. For example if --rm-ambiguous is given, then R vs. Y will be taken into account because there is a difference. And N vs. A won't be taken into account in total length because we are not sure whether they are identical. In case of a nucleotidic alignment, it is possible to specify sequence ranges to compare. For example, goalign compute distance -m pdist -i -p --range1 0:9 --range2 10:19 will compute distance only between sequences [0 to 9] and sequences [10 to 19]. Output matrix will be formatted the same way as usual, except that it will be made of 0 except for the comparisons 0 vs. 10; 0 .vs 11; ...; 9 vs. 19.
- pdist
goalign compute entropy
: Computes the entropy of each sites of the input alignment or the average entropy of all sites (-a
option).goalign compute pssm
: Computes and prints a Position specific scoring matrix. Different kind of matrices may be computed, depending on-n
option:-n 0
: None, means raw counts-n 1
: By column frequency, i.e. frequency of nt/aa per site/column-n 2
: By column frequency compared to alignment frequency: same as -n 1, but divides by frequency of the nt/aa in the whole alignment-n 3
: By column frequency compared to uniform frequency: same as -n 1, but divides by uniform frequency of the nt/aa (1/4 for nt, 1/20 for aa)-n 4
: Normalization "Logo". Option-c
allows to add pseudo counts before normalization, and option-l
log2 transforms the values.
- General command
goalign compute [command]
Available Commands:
distance Compute distance matrix from an input alignment
entropy Computes entropy of a given alignment
pssm Computes and prints a Position specific scoring matrix
-h, --help help for compute
Global Flags:
-i, --align string Alignment input file (default "stdin")
-p, --phylip Alignment is in phylip? False=Fasta
--input-strict Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
- distance command
goalign compute distance [flags]
-a, --average Compute only the average distance between all pairs of sequences
-m, --model string Model for distance computation (default "k2p")
-o, --output string Distance matrix output file (default "stdout")
-r, --rm-gaps Do not take into account positions containing >=1 gaps
Global Flags:
-i, --align string Alignment input file (default "stdin")
-p, --phylip Alignment is in phylip? False=Fasta
--input-strict Strict phylip input format (only used with -p)
- pssm command
goalign compute pssm [flags]
-l, --log (normalized) Values in log2
-n, --normalization int Counts normalization
-c, --pseudo-counts float Value added to (normalized) counts
Global Flags:
-i, --align string Alignment input file (default "stdin")
-p, --phylip Alignment is in phylip? False=Fasta
- Generating a random tree with 5 tips (Gotree), simulating an alignment from this tree (seq-gen, and computing a distance matrix (model f81) from this alignment:
gotree generate yuletree -l 5 --seed 1 -o true_tree.nw
seq-gen -op -mGTR -l500 -z 2 -n 1 true_tree.nw > alignment.phy
goalign compute distance -i alignment.phy -m f81 -o dist.txt -p -t 10
Should give the following distance matrix:
Tip4 0.000000000000 0.174911845895 0.192803956978 0.232646053483 0.235379041630
Tip0 0.174911845895 0.000000000000 0.082364641962 0.128396525775 0.142776083476
Tip3 0.192803956978 0.082364641962 0.000000000000 0.071285264523 0.086842665158
Tip2 0.232646053483 0.128396525775 0.071285264523 0.000000000000 0.111961817720
Tip1 0.235379041630 0.142776083476 0.086842665158 0.111961817720 0.000000000000
- Generating a random tree with 100 tips (Gotree), simulating an alignment from this tree (seq-gen, and computing entropy of each site of this alignment:
gotree generate yuletree -l 200 --seed 1 -o true_tree.nw
seq-gen -op -mGTR -l10 -z 2 -n 1 true_tree.nw > alignment.phy
goalign compute entropy -i alignment.phy -p
Should give the following matrix:
Alignment Site Entropy
0 0 0.616
0 1 0.858
0 2 0.806
0 3 0.621
0 4 0.621
0 5 0.758
0 6 0.813
0 7 0.780
0 8 0.762
0 9 0.816
- Generating a random tree with 100 tips (Gotree), simulating an alignment from this tree (seq-gen), and computing a logo from this alignment:
gotree generate yuletree -l 200 --seed 1 -o true_tree.nw
seq-gen -op -mGTR -l10 -z 2 -n 1 true_tree.nw > alignment.phy
goalign compute pssm -n 4 -i alignment.phy -p -c 0.0001
Should give the following matrix:
1 0.089 0.901 0.122 0.000
2 0.541 0.038 0.038 0.145
3 0.628 0.033 0.117 0.059
4 0.088 0.022 0.077 0.916
5 0.022 0.077 0.916 0.088
6 0.118 0.063 0.027 0.698
7 0.066 0.628 0.058 0.074
8 0.096 0.674 0.061 0.044
9 0.054 0.703 0.054 0.090
10 0.041 0.576 0.189 0.016