Modules: :py:mod:`pyscf.agf2`
Auxiliary second-order Green's function perturbation theory (AGF2) :cite:`Backhouse2020a,Backhouse2020b` is an iterative, \mathcal{O}[N^5] scaling post-Hartree--Fock method primarily intended for the calculation of charged excitation spectra, ionisation potentials (IPs) and electron affinities (EAs), with energetics and single-particle static properties also available. It can also be considered loosely as an iterative approximate ADC(2) method. One advantage is that the entire spectrum of charged excitations is found simultaneously, as the full Green's function is self-consistently optimised. AGF2 calculations can be performed with or without density fitting, and for restricted or unrestricted Hartree--Fock references, and is available with hybrid parallelism capabilities.
Basic usage of AGF2 as given in :source:`examples/agf2/`, as
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/agf2/
In AGF2, one iteratively solves the Dyson equation
G(\omega) = G_0(\omega) + G_0(\omega) \Sigma(\omega) G(\omega),
using the self-energy correct through second-order perturbation theory, which can be written as
\Sigma_{xy}(\omega) &= \sum_{ija} \frac{ (xi|ja) [ 2 (yi|ja) - (yj|ia) ] } { \omega - (E_i + E_j - E_a) } \\ &+ \sum_{abi} \frac{ (xa|bi) [ 2 (ya|bi) - (yb|ai) ] } { \omega - (E_a + E_b - E_i) }.
In AGF2, the first two spectral moments of the MP2 self-energy,
T_{xy}^{(0)} &= \sum_{ija} (xi|ja) [ 2 (yi|ja) - (yj|ia) ] \\ &+ \sum_{abi} (xa|bi) [ 2 (ya|bi) - (yb|ai) ] \\ T_{xy}^{(1)} &= \sum_{ija} (xi|ja) [ 2 (yi|ja) - (yj|ia) ] (E_i + E_j - E_a) \\ &+ \sum_{abi} (xa|bi) [ 2 (ya|bi) - (yb|ai) ] (E_a + E_b - E_i),
are used as a conserved quantity in order to coarse-grain this frequency dependence as a set of compressed and renormalized 2p1h and 1p2h states. These are used to form an effective single-particle Hamiltonian whose size now only scales with \mathcal{O}[N], rather than \mathcal{O}[N^3] if the full frequency-dependence was maintained. This allows Dyson equation to be solved via the hermitian eigenvalue problem
\begin{pmatrix} F & v \\ v^\dagger & \epsilon \end{pmatrix} \phi_{n} = \lambda_{n} \phi_{n},
where F is the Fock matrix, \epsilon the compressed states coupling to F with coupling strength v, and \phi_n are termed the quasi-molecular orbitals (QMOs), which represent the Dyson orbitals at each iteration, and span both the original MOs and these auxiliary functions. The QMOs can be reinserted into the self-energy in place of the i,j,a and a,b,i indices, permitting self-consistency to convergence in the Green's function with this coarse-grained description of the frequency-dependence of the self-energy.
Additionally, once projected into the physical space, the QMOs define a correlated (non-idempotent) density matrix, permitting a further self-consistency in the Fock matrix in a similar fashion to a Hartree--Fock calculation. The correct number of electrons remain in the physical space throughout this process via optimisation of a chemical potential \mu. Finally, we note that self-consistency based on higher-order spectral moments of either the self-energy or resulting Green's function at each iteration is possible, with a limiting behaviour to the traditional second-order Green's function method (GF2). However, numerical investigations have shown that this higher-order self-consistency leads to a deterioration of results, and therefore the consistency based on the first two self-energy spectral moments is the default behaviour.
The compression of the effective dynamics performed in AGF2 permits the calculation of the full spectrum of charged excitations, as no additional computational effort is required for this (in contrast to iterative eigensolvers of effective hamiltonians), and the computational effort is therefore independent of the number of excitations requested. An example of a calculation which provides the full spectral function can be found in :source:`examples/agf2/`:
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/agf2/
Additionally, the Dyson orbitals corresponding to individual excitations are accessible directly from the method, which can be seen in :source:`examples/agf2/`.
The contents of an AGF2 calculation can be dumped to the disk via the familiar
PySCF chkfile
By default, an AGF2 method will inherit the :attr:`chkfile` attribute of the
underlying Hartree--Fock reference object.
An example of restoring an AGF2 calculation from a checkpoint file can be found
in :source:`examples/agf2/`:
.. literalinclude:: ../../examples/agf2/
The AGF2 module supports both MPI an OpenMP parallelisation in an aim to provide
a scalable method applicable to interesting problems in quantum chemistry.
Furthermore, the dominant scaling step is embarrassingly parallel.
Distribution of computational load is handled by the optional dependency
, and will run without MPI using OpenMP threads if an installation
cannot be found.