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Releases: etianl/Trouser-Streak

Trouser-Streak v0.7.6

21 Jan 01:44
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repost, I accidentally hit the wrong button and deleted this release :P

Release for 1.20.4, and 1.20.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.2 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.2 branch.


  • Updated to 1.20.4!
  • Backported some of the updated code to 1.20.2 so that can easily be maintained
  • Changed a couple default values in HandOfGod. Default width and depth of fills is now maxed out in size and tick delay for /fill around other players is defaulted to 0. Radius options for the single layer at a time /fills were defaulted to the max of 90.
  • Made the warning and toggling off of HandOfGod if you are not OP optional. That way you can avoid the bug of the module turning off when you join a server if you want.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.7.5

06 Dec 08:04
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

  • Allowed SuperInstamine to target the central block that you are targeting with any tool, reverting the change for that block position from the last update. It still no longer targets block types of the incorrect variety when using expanded modes other than the central block (ex. no target stone blocks when holding shovel)
  • cleaned up a few unused things in the code

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.7.4

02 Dec 10:32
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

Fun Updates!

  • SuperInstamine improved! It now no longer targets block types of the incorrect variety when using expanded modes. For example when mining sand with a shovel, you will not accidentally target the sandstone with the expanded block selection. The exception to this is if you aren't using a "ToolItem" or if you are in creative mode. Then any block can be targeted with the extended selection
  • The above change to SuperInstamine makes it much easier to use extended block targeting modes. It will not get hung up breaking a block that your tool isn't good for on the extended block targets as often now.
  • Fixed AutoMountain not correctly resetting the Timer multiplier when deactivated
  • Fixed a typo in the description for NbtEditor, Boom+, and Airstrike+. The suggestion of "lightning" should instead be "lightning_bolt" for spawning a lightning entity.

HandOfGod updates!

  • Converted the String settings for the blocks to Block settings. (The default settings that appear blank is either air or lava blocks)
  • Added Replace options which allows for you to choose a block to be replaced instead of replacing all the blocks in the /fill area.
  • Added options for running /fill commands around all the players within your render distance under a friendly section called "Troll Other Players!"

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.7.3

22 Nov 10:25
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

updated .world command

  • Made worldspawn location from the .world command accurate by accessing different values. (Now it's not just the default spawn location)
  • Reverted a change to the .world command that was supposed to show all gamerules. In practice it didn't actually show the true values, the only one that ever works is the daylight cycle one so I reverted the field back to just that.

updated voider+handofgod

  • Made HandOfGod and Voider modules tell you you need OP status if you don't have it. (This was in there before once I just added it back)
  • Doing the above reintroduces a bug which causes either module to turn themself off when joining a server if they are already on

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.7.2

06 Nov 12:47
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

Better .world info command!

  • Added the KnownPlayers value. This returns all the historical players that have played on a server, no need for a fancy database that pings servers and tracks player names just use the .world command. (Doesnt work on all servers)
  • Replaced DO_DAYLIGHT_CYCLE value with the "GameRules" value which returns all the gamerules on a server.
  • Added Day Count, and Simulation distance (in chunks).
  • Added a "save" option to the .world command which saves the world info data to a txt file in your .minecraft folder in the SavedWorldInfo folder.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.7.1

05 Nov 05:56
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

  • GetNbtCommand class renamed to ViewNbtCommand
  • Fixed crash when trying to view nbt data on an item where it doesn't exist with the .viewnbt command
  • Added the .autovclip command which automatically selects the nearest two block gap going either up or down to vclip into. Credits to the original AutoVclip for minecraft 1.19.2 which inspired me to make this one

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.7.0

04 Nov 21:02
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

Improved NbtEditor module

  • Added Potion mode!

  • Create magical potions with effects of any level you want

  • Removed the huge list of enchantment settings for Item mode and used an EnchantmentListSetting in place of it so you can choose what enchantments you want to add to the item

  • Changed the itemList setting for Item mode to an Item setting so you are restricted to only picking one instead of choosing just one from the list setting.

  • Changed Item mode to edit the existing enchantments on an item instead of replacing them.

  • If your hand is empty in Item mode or Potion mode you will get a newly generated item. If you are already holding one the nbt data is edited

  • The Entity mode no longer adds Nbt values if the boolean is false. For example if the Invulnerable checkbox is not checked then it will no longer apply the nbt tag saying Invulnerable=false because that's not needed

  • Added options for custom area effect clouds to Entity mode

  • Added the .viewnbt command which returns the nbt data for the item in your hand in the chat box. There is also a Save option for the command that saves the data to a text file in your .minecraft folder in the "SavedNBT" folder.

note .viewnbt crashes the game when trying to view nbt data on an item which doesn't have any. I will fix this soon

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.6.9

29 Oct 09:20
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

  • Modified Airstrike+ and Boom+
  • Both modules can now spawn any entity you want, just specify in the text box in the options what you want.
  • Both modules now include the same NBT data options including Custom Names from the NbtEditor module (from the entity mode).
  • Mixer option added to Airstrike+, which alternates between the two entities you have selected when spawning.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.6.8

28 Oct 22:28
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

  • Added new NbtEditor module

  • NbtEditor ONLY works in CREATIVE mode.

  • NbtEditor can generate you custom entities in the form of a custom spawn egg, and it can also generate items with custom enchantments all based on the settings you configure.

  • BlockListMineCommand module improved. It now scans a 3x3 grid of chunks centered around your character instead of just the single chunk your character is in.

  • Performance improved, no more freezing the game for a split second when you generate the command.

  • New range option added to the BlockListMineCommand module. This determines how far starting from your characters Y level to scan for blocks in your blocklist for generating the command.

  • Added messages telling you if a command was successfully generated or not.

  • BlockListMineCommand still requires Baritone

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.6.7

26 Oct 13:17
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Release for 1.20.2, and 1.20.1! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.20.1 is in the zip file here, and in the 1.20.1 branch.

  • Added the BlockListMineCommand module, which generates a #mine command for the Baritone bot based on the block list you choose and the blocks that are in the same chunk you are in. It adds the command to your message history, so press T, up arrow, then ENTER to execute the command. By doing it this way it makes Trouser Streak not have any additional requirements if you don't care about this module.

  • The default blocklist I chose for this module is the unnatural blocks list from basefinder, so you can automate the griefing of whatever is near you at the base to some degree. Change the mode for a blank list that you can modify easily.

  • It is recommended to use the Better Chat module with this so you can have an infinitely long #mine command.

  • note Baritone is now seperate from meteor in the latest dev build. Meteor client version 0.5.4 has Baritone bundled, Meteor 0.5.5 does not.

  • FlightAntikick no longer pauses you when flying along the ground. This issue was a result of it trying to move downward when it shouldn't have been.

  • note there is still no Normal mode antikick for meteor flight (Velocity mode) so I use this. Just hotkey it to the same key as Flight.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)