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Releases: etianl/Trouser-Streak

Trouser-Streak v0.4.9

07 Apr 08:18
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Release for 1.19.4, 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 or 1.19.3 is in the zip files here, and also in their respective branches.

NewerNewChunks Fixy
-Actually did fix chunk colour mixing and optimized chunk detection. I think I'm done messing with this module now, promises.
-Also changed default colour opacity to something easier on the eyes.

I noticed this change in the previous version makes the Advanced Mode and IgnorFlowBelow0 Mode in NewerNewchunks a bit easier to use.
"-Made Newchunks overwrite flowBelowY0 chunks to aid in tracing servers which have been updated from an old version to new build limits."

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.8

06 Apr 07:34
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NewerNewChunks Updates
-Made the render height option work more sensibly.
-Made Newchunks overwrite flowBelowY0 chunks to aid in tracing servers which have been updated from an old version to new build limits.
AutoLavaCaster Update
-Adjusted order of events slightly to be a bit more sensible, when placing 5 blocks ontop of the mountain as part of the change build style option.
-Made block selection for autolavacaster to cast on more reliable when building upward.
-Made AutoLavaCaster jump to move upward. (Maybe allow it to work on servers with anticheat?)
-Seperated block placements to single placements when changing build style and placing multiple blocks. (Maybe allow it to work on servers with anticheat?)
-Added missing "Starting Layer 1" message if activating the module with LayersUntilSwitchBuildStyle set to 0.
AutoMountain Update
-Added a tick delay to block placement, to help the AutoSwap stack option and the AutoReplenish module to keep up with you.

Trouser-Streak v0.4.7

25 Mar 11:43
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Release for 1.19.4, 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 or 1.19.3 is in the zip files here, and also in their respective branches.


-You really shouldn't die while building downward now. I actually tested this time on a few different servers to confirm.
-Removed the AntiDeath option as it's no longer needed.
-Made automountain only center character and place a block beneath your feet on activation when not starting paused.
Moar stuff
-Implemented a block placement delay into TrouserBuild, which causes it to build from the top down. Set the delay to 0 for instant building. (delay 0 does not work on all servers though)
-Removed falling blocks from the list of blocks TrouserBuild will try to use
-Made an option for VoiderPlus to calculate MaxHeight based on the players Y level.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.6

22 Mar 07:32
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Release for 1.19.4, 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 or 1.19.3 is in the zip files here, and also in their respective branches.

-Updated to 1.19.4! I still also support 1.19.3, and 1.19.2 for those of you still on those versions.
-New Module, TrouserBuild! It can build either horizontally or vertically according to a 5x5 grid centered on the block you are aiming at.
-FlightAntikick module added in to substitute the lack of an antikick for velocity flight in MeteorClient. It simply moves you down on a timer. Bind it to the same key as flight.
-Removed TrouserFlight module, it was causing issues in 1.19.4.
-Removed AutoBuild in favour of TrouserBuild. (I'm trying to do less skids lol.)
-Removed the Banana utils used by AutoBuild.
-Increased HandofGod range.
-Optimised NewerNewChunk detection methods. (still based on liquid flow)
-Boom+ removed Instant and Motion modes for fireball for a single Fireball mode.
-Boom+ on target option actually spawns fireballs on the target now.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.5

17 Mar 08:54
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Trouser Streak for 1.19.4 coming soon!
Release for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 is in the zip here, and also in the 1.19.2 branch

-Fixed the lack of Oldchunks in NewerNewChunks. That was my bad, oops.
-If using AutoDrop and selecting a slot to drop, it now returns back to the slot that was previously selected after dropping.
-TPFly cleanup a bunch of junk code.
-Finally cancelled the last of the movement in TPfly other than setPosition (Teleporting).
-Allow TPfly to work in non-solid blocks excluding lava, so you don't get stuck on silly things like grass.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.4

14 Mar 01:25
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Release for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 is in the zip here, and also in the 1.19.2 branch

I derped a little on the last release, sorry bout that. (edit 03/15/23 just noticed newchunks doesnt throw as many old chunks as it should. Will fix soon)
-Removed the Timer checkbox in AutoMountain, still retaining the timer option. The default value is 1 so checkbox not really needed.
-Added an option to the EstimateLavaTimer in AutoLavacaster to allow you to choose the bottomY instead of it being chosen for you.
-Fixed the new estimation option in autolavacaster, made it actually do the thing.
-Actually added AutoSign from Meteor tweaks to the 1.19.2 build, I forgot the first time I added it in
previous changelog note
-Added a new option to AutoLavaCaster to automatically get an estimate of how long lava will take and it will use that for the lava timer.
-If you are above Y64, the time is calculated based on the lava going down a 45 degree staircase at 20TPS all the way to sea level (Y64).
-If below Y64, the time is calculated based on the lava going down a 45 degree staircase all the way to Y-60 (land level on default flatworld).

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.3

13 Mar 08:28
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Release for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 is in the zip here, and also in the 1.19.2 branch

AutoMountain and Lavacasting Updates
-Made AutoMountain only autoswap to a usable stack on activate if NOT activating paused.
-Added a new option to AutoLavaCaster to automatically get an estimate of how long lava will take and it will use that for the lava timer.
-If you are above Y64, the time is calculated based on the lava going down a 45 degree staircase at 20TPS all the way to sea level (Y64).
-If below Y64, the time is calculated based on the lava going down a 45 degree staircase all the way to Y-60 (land level on default flatworld).
-The .lavacalc command now grabs your character's Y level by default as the topY level if it isn't specified. When you do not specify bottom Y will be sea level if you are above sea level, or if below sea level bottom Y will be -60.
NewerNewChunks Updates
-NewerNewChunks Detections methods are now in a drop down menu in the options. Normal mode is just like the regular newchunks module.
-The IgnoreFlowBelow0 and Advanced mode options are for tracing servers that have new generation occuring below Y0 which will throw false positives in Normal detection mode.
-Normal detection mode on newchunks now also detects and logs chunks as having flow below 0 but marks them as "New" chunks. This is to make the data gathered consistent and to make colour switching work properly when the mode is changed.
-.newchunkcount command now tells you all chunks counted by default, no need to specify "AllChunks" anymore.
-.newchunkcount command tells you how many of each type of chunk has been detected by default now.
-fixed .newchunkcount returning 0 when newchunks off, but it still needs to be turned on atleast once for it to work in that world.
Misc stuff/updates
-removed Phase module. After much testing I can confirm it's not working. :(
-Copied in AutoSign from the sadly outdated MeteorTweaks to the TrouserStreak modpack. I DID NOT WRITE IT (just updated to new version), credits to the Meteor-Tweaks team. I missed this module.

  • NewerNewChunks has to be turned on atleast once prior to running .newchunkcount for the counter to work.
  • .newchunkcount command shows exactly the chunks that are saved in chunk data, so when you are in normal mode or flowbelowY0 mode the returned values are not exactly in correlation to what is rendered on screen.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.2

06 Mar 02:00
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Release for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 is in the zip here, and also in the 1.19.2 branch

UNDID these two changes in AutoMountain turns out I did not fix dying and it still murdered you. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience. :(
-Fixed experiencing damage and death sometimes when building downward once and for all! No more janky antideath feature needed so it was also removed.
-The above fix made vertical spacing more than normal while building downward dangerous, so that feature is disabled for now.

See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.1

05 Mar 07:15
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Release for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 is in the zip here, and also in the 1.19.2 branch

-Fixed experiencing damage and death sometimes when building downward once and for all (FAKE NEWS DO NOT TRUST :( )! No more janky antideath feature needed so it was also removed.
-The above fix made vertical spacing more than normal while building downward dangerous, so that feature is disabled for now.
-Prevented direction still continuing to switch when building downward and PauseIfServerLagging has you paused.
Misc stuff/updates
-Added a .newchunkcount command for NewerNewChunks. It tells you how many of the different chunks have been detected and stored in the data files.
-NewerNewChunks order of chunk loading from data has been fixed to prevent colour mixing.
-Adjusted the Normal mode antikick for velocity based Flight, again. (It is still missing in Meteor flight so I'm doing whatever I can.)
-AnHero multiplier slider minimum is now 0.5, which helps with slower connections.
-Removed unnecessary banana utils usages. (They are only required for AutoBuild now I did not use them anywhere else)
-Cleaned up some codes.
-Renamed the jar files so when you click download on 1.19.3 is downloaded by default not 1.19.2

between release tag 0.4.1 and 0.4.1 final I just adjusted a couple default values and fixed one spelling error. The other release was deleted so we can all use the more polished version.
See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)

Trouser-Streak v0.4.0

01 Mar 10:48
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Release for 1.19.3 and 1.19.2! Use the correct jar for your version. Source for 1.19.2 is in the zip here, and also in the 1.19.2 branch

-NewerNewChunks Update
-If Advanced mode is disabled and IgnoreFlowBelow0 is Disabled and you have FlowBelowIsBelow0 chunks in data, they will be coloured like NewChunks.
-If Advanced mode is disabled and IgnoreFlowBelow0 is Enabled and you have FlowBelowIsBelow0 chunks in data, they will be coloured like OldChunks.
-Fix one derp in NewerNewChunks to allow loading data if in a world that isn't nether, end, or overworld when transitioning between dimensions. (This covers if there is a 4th dimension hopefully.)
-General Updates
-HandOfGod clickFill and NukeAroundPlayer is now oriented base on facing direction.
-Added a couple more splash texts.
-Changed AnHero upward movements to something more reliable?
-Height in Airstrike+ is now in relation to your characters Y position. Spawning will be at your Y position plus height.

The previous two changelogs detail some good stuff in previous updates. See the releases page for previous changelogs if you missed the last couple updates. :)