diff --git a/crates/bindings/src/counter.rs b/crates/bindings/src/counter.rs deleted file mode 100644 index 4a10c89..0000000 --- a/crates/bindings/src/counter.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,485 +0,0 @@ -pub use counter::*; -/// This module was auto-generated with ethers-rs Abigen. -/// More information at: <https://github.com/gakonst/ethers-rs> -#[allow( - clippy::enum_variant_names, - clippy::too_many_arguments, - clippy::upper_case_acronyms, - clippy::type_complexity, - dead_code, - non_camel_case_types, -)] -pub mod counter { - #[allow(deprecated)] - fn __abi() -> ::ethers::core::abi::Abi { - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Contract { - constructor: ::core::option::Option::None, - functions: ::core::convert::From::from([ - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("increment"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Function { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("increment"), - inputs: ::std::vec![], - outputs: ::std::vec![], - constant: ::core::option::Option::None, - state_mutability: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::StateMutability::NonPayable, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("number"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Function { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("number"), - inputs: ::std::vec![], - outputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Param { - name: ::std::string::String::new(), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - internal_type: ::core::option::Option::Some( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("uint256"), - ), - }, - ], - constant: ::core::option::Option::None, - state_mutability: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::StateMutability::View, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("setNumber"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Function { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("setNumber"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Param { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("newNumber"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - internal_type: ::core::option::Option::Some( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("uint256"), - ), - }, - ], - outputs: ::std::vec![], - constant: ::core::option::Option::None, - state_mutability: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::StateMutability::NonPayable, - }, - ], - ), - ]), - events: ::core::convert::From::from([ - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("NumberSet"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("NumberSet"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("number"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("NumberUpdated"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("NumberUpdated"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("number"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ]), - errors: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(), - receive: false, - fallback: false, - } - } - ///The parsed JSON ABI of the contract. - pub static COUNTER_ABI: ::ethers::contract::Lazy<::ethers::core::abi::Abi> = ::ethers::contract::Lazy::new( - __abi, - ); - #[rustfmt::skip] - const __BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"`\x80`@R4\x80\x15`\x0EW_\x80\xFD[Pa\x01Z\x80a\0\x1C_9_\xF3\xFE`\x80`@R4\x80\x15a\0\x0FW_\x80\xFD[P`\x046\x10a\0?W_5`\xE0\x1C\x80c?\xB5\xC1\xCB\x14a\0CW\x80c\x83\x81\xF5\x8A\x14a\0XW\x80c\xD0\x9D\xE0\x8A\x14a\0rW[_\x80\xFD[a\0Va\0Q6`\x04a\0\xE9V[a\0zV[\0[a\0`_T\x81V[`@Q\x90\x81R` \x01`@Q\x80\x91\x03\x90\xF3[a\0Va\0\xA9V[_\x81\x81U`@Q\x82\x91\x7F\x9E\xC8%Ii\xD1\x97N\xAC\x8Ct\xAF\xB0\xC05\x95\xB4\xFF\xE0\xA1\xD7\xAD\x8A\x7F\x82\xED1\xB9\xC8T%\x91\x91\xA2PV[_\x80T\x90\x80a\0\xB7\x83a\x01\0V[\x90\x91UPP_\x80T`@Q\x90\x91\x7F\x93\x9F'\x83\xF4\xB9\x93s\xBD\x9Bi\x12\xAF\xF8\xF71n\xA1A\xB9\x8E\xB0.G\xC8\xA9k\xDA\xE0\xD6T\xB3\x91\xA2V[_` \x82\x84\x03\x12\x15a\0\xF9W_\x80\xFD[P5\x91\x90PV[_`\x01\x82\x01a\x01\x1DWcNH{q`\xE0\x1B_R`\x11`\x04R`$_\xFD[P`\x01\x01\x90V\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 \xA0r\xD5\xB2L\x16xO\xC3\x02\t\xEF\xF7]O\xC63\xFEz\xBA\xB2\xD5\xB5\xED?eI\x82\\\x0C\xF2wdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; - /// The bytecode of the contract. - pub static COUNTER_BYTECODE: ::ethers::core::types::Bytes = ::ethers::core::types::Bytes::from_static( - __BYTECODE, - ); - #[rustfmt::skip] - const __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"`\x80`@R4\x80\x15a\0\x0FW_\x80\xFD[P`\x046\x10a\0?W_5`\xE0\x1C\x80c?\xB5\xC1\xCB\x14a\0CW\x80c\x83\x81\xF5\x8A\x14a\0XW\x80c\xD0\x9D\xE0\x8A\x14a\0rW[_\x80\xFD[a\0Va\0Q6`\x04a\0\xE9V[a\0zV[\0[a\0`_T\x81V[`@Q\x90\x81R` \x01`@Q\x80\x91\x03\x90\xF3[a\0Va\0\xA9V[_\x81\x81U`@Q\x82\x91\x7F\x9E\xC8%Ii\xD1\x97N\xAC\x8Ct\xAF\xB0\xC05\x95\xB4\xFF\xE0\xA1\xD7\xAD\x8A\x7F\x82\xED1\xB9\xC8T%\x91\x91\xA2PV[_\x80T\x90\x80a\0\xB7\x83a\x01\0V[\x90\x91UPP_\x80T`@Q\x90\x91\x7F\x93\x9F'\x83\xF4\xB9\x93s\xBD\x9Bi\x12\xAF\xF8\xF71n\xA1A\xB9\x8E\xB0.G\xC8\xA9k\xDA\xE0\xD6T\xB3\x91\xA2V[_` \x82\x84\x03\x12\x15a\0\xF9W_\x80\xFD[P5\x91\x90PV[_`\x01\x82\x01a\x01\x1DWcNH{q`\xE0\x1B_R`\x11`\x04R`$_\xFD[P`\x01\x01\x90V\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 \xA0r\xD5\xB2L\x16xO\xC3\x02\t\xEF\xF7]O\xC63\xFEz\xBA\xB2\xD5\xB5\xED?eI\x82\\\x0C\xF2wdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; - /// The deployed bytecode of the contract. - pub static COUNTER_DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: ::ethers::core::types::Bytes = ::ethers::core::types::Bytes::from_static( - __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE, - ); - pub struct Counter<M>(::ethers::contract::Contract<M>); - impl<M> ::core::clone::Clone for Counter<M> { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - Self(::core::clone::Clone::clone(&self.0)) - } - } - impl<M> ::core::ops::Deref for Counter<M> { - type Target = ::ethers::contract::Contract<M>; - fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { - &self.0 - } - } - impl<M> ::core::ops::DerefMut for Counter<M> { - fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { - &mut self.0 - } - } - impl<M> ::core::fmt::Debug for Counter<M> { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple(::core::stringify!(Counter)).field(&self.address()).finish() - } - } - impl<M: ::ethers::providers::Middleware> Counter<M> { - /// Creates a new contract instance with the specified `ethers` client at - /// `address`. The contract derefs to a `ethers::Contract` object. - pub fn new<T: Into<::ethers::core::types::Address>>( - address: T, - client: ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - ) -> Self { - Self( - ::ethers::contract::Contract::new( - address.into(), - COUNTER_ABI.clone(), - client, - ), - ) - } - /// Constructs the general purpose `Deployer` instance based on the provided constructor arguments and sends it. - /// Returns a new instance of a deployer that returns an instance of this contract after sending the transaction - /// - /// Notes: - /// - If there are no constructor arguments, you should pass `()` as the argument. - /// - The default poll duration is 7 seconds. - /// - The default number of confirmations is 1 block. - /// - /// - /// # Example - /// - /// Generate contract bindings with `abigen!` and deploy a new contract instance. - /// - /// *Note*: this requires a `bytecode` and `abi` object in the `greeter.json` artifact. - /// - /// ```ignore - /// # async fn deploy<M: ethers::providers::Middleware>(client: ::std::sync::Arc<M>) { - /// abigen!(Greeter, "../greeter.json"); - /// - /// let greeter_contract = Greeter::deploy(client, "Hello world!".to_string()).unwrap().send().await.unwrap(); - /// let msg = greeter_contract.greet().call().await.unwrap(); - /// # } - /// ``` - pub fn deploy<T: ::ethers::core::abi::Tokenize>( - client: ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - constructor_args: T, - ) -> ::core::result::Result< - ::ethers::contract::builders::ContractDeployer<M, Self>, - ::ethers::contract::ContractError<M>, - > { - let factory = ::ethers::contract::ContractFactory::new( - COUNTER_ABI.clone(), - COUNTER_BYTECODE.clone().into(), - client, - ); - let deployer = factory.deploy(constructor_args)?; - let deployer = ::ethers::contract::ContractDeployer::new(deployer); - Ok(deployer) - } - ///Calls the contract's `increment` (0xd09de08a) function - pub fn increment(&self) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::ContractCall<M, ()> { - self.0 - .method_hash([208, 157, 224, 138], ()) - .expect("method not found (this should never happen)") - } - ///Calls the contract's `number` (0x8381f58a) function - pub fn number( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::ContractCall<M, ::ethers::core::types::U256> { - self.0 - .method_hash([131, 129, 245, 138], ()) - .expect("method not found (this should never happen)") - } - ///Calls the contract's `setNumber` (0x3fb5c1cb) function - pub fn set_number( - &self, - new_number: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::ContractCall<M, ()> { - self.0 - .method_hash([63, 181, 193, 203], new_number) - .expect("method not found (this should never happen)") - } - ///Gets the contract's `NumberSet` event - pub fn number_set_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - NumberSetFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `NumberUpdated` event - pub fn number_updated_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - NumberUpdatedFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - /// Returns an `Event` builder for all the events of this contract. - pub fn events( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event<::std::sync::Arc<M>, M, CounterEvents> { - self.0.event_with_filter(::core::default::Default::default()) - } - } - impl<M: ::ethers::providers::Middleware> From<::ethers::contract::Contract<M>> - for Counter<M> { - fn from(contract: ::ethers::contract::Contract<M>) -> Self { - Self::new(contract.address(), contract.client()) - } - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "NumberSet", abi = "NumberSet(uint256)")] - pub struct NumberSetFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub number: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "NumberUpdated", abi = "NumberUpdated(uint256)")] - pub struct NumberUpdatedFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub number: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - ///Container type for all of the contract's events - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthAbiType, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - pub enum CounterEvents { - NumberSetFilter(NumberSetFilter), - NumberUpdatedFilter(NumberUpdatedFilter), - } - impl ::ethers::contract::EthLogDecode for CounterEvents { - fn decode_log( - log: &::ethers::core::abi::RawLog, - ) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, ::ethers::core::abi::Error> { - if let Ok(decoded) = NumberSetFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(CounterEvents::NumberSetFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = NumberUpdatedFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(CounterEvents::NumberUpdatedFilter(decoded)); - } - Err(::ethers::core::abi::Error::InvalidData) - } - } - impl ::core::fmt::Display for CounterEvents { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - match self { - Self::NumberSetFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::NumberUpdatedFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - } - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<NumberSetFilter> for CounterEvents { - fn from(value: NumberSetFilter) -> Self { - Self::NumberSetFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<NumberUpdatedFilter> for CounterEvents { - fn from(value: NumberUpdatedFilter) -> Self { - Self::NumberUpdatedFilter(value) - } - } - ///Container type for all input parameters for the `increment` function with signature `increment()` and selector `0xd09de08a` - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthCall, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethcall(name = "increment", abi = "increment()")] - pub struct IncrementCall; - ///Container type for all input parameters for the `number` function with signature `number()` and selector `0x8381f58a` - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthCall, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethcall(name = "number", abi = "number()")] - pub struct NumberCall; - ///Container type for all input parameters for the `setNumber` function with signature `setNumber(uint256)` and selector `0x3fb5c1cb` - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthCall, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethcall(name = "setNumber", abi = "setNumber(uint256)")] - pub struct SetNumberCall { - pub new_number: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - ///Container type for all of the contract's call - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthAbiType, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - pub enum CounterCalls { - Increment(IncrementCall), - Number(NumberCall), - SetNumber(SetNumberCall), - } - impl ::ethers::core::abi::AbiDecode for CounterCalls { - fn decode( - data: impl AsRef<[u8]>, - ) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, ::ethers::core::abi::AbiError> { - let data = data.as_ref(); - if let Ok(decoded) = <IncrementCall as ::ethers::core::abi::AbiDecode>::decode( - data, - ) { - return Ok(Self::Increment(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = <NumberCall as ::ethers::core::abi::AbiDecode>::decode( - data, - ) { - return Ok(Self::Number(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = <SetNumberCall as ::ethers::core::abi::AbiDecode>::decode( - data, - ) { - return Ok(Self::SetNumber(decoded)); - } - Err(::ethers::core::abi::Error::InvalidData.into()) - } - } - impl ::ethers::core::abi::AbiEncode for CounterCalls { - fn encode(self) -> Vec<u8> { - match self { - Self::Increment(element) => { - ::ethers::core::abi::AbiEncode::encode(element) - } - Self::Number(element) => ::ethers::core::abi::AbiEncode::encode(element), - Self::SetNumber(element) => { - ::ethers::core::abi::AbiEncode::encode(element) - } - } - } - } - impl ::core::fmt::Display for CounterCalls { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - match self { - Self::Increment(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::Number(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::SetNumber(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - } - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<IncrementCall> for CounterCalls { - fn from(value: IncrementCall) -> Self { - Self::Increment(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<NumberCall> for CounterCalls { - fn from(value: NumberCall) -> Self { - Self::Number(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SetNumberCall> for CounterCalls { - fn from(value: SetNumberCall) -> Self { - Self::SetNumber(value) - } - } - ///Container type for all return fields from the `number` function with signature `number()` and selector `0x8381f58a` - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthAbiType, - ::ethers::contract::EthAbiCodec, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - pub struct NumberReturn(pub ::ethers::core::types::U256); -} diff --git a/crates/bindings/src/events_lib.rs b/crates/bindings/src/events_lib.rs deleted file mode 100644 index eb79ccf..0000000 --- a/crates/bindings/src/events_lib.rs +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1437 +0,0 @@ -pub use events_lib::*; -/// This module was auto-generated with ethers-rs Abigen. -/// More information at: <https://github.com/gakonst/ethers-rs> -#[allow( - clippy::enum_variant_names, - clippy::too_many_arguments, - clippy::upper_case_acronyms, - clippy::type_complexity, - dead_code, - non_camel_case_types, -)] -pub mod events_lib { - pub use super::super::shared_types::*; - #[allow(deprecated)] - fn __abi() -> ::ethers::core::abi::Abi { - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Contract { - constructor: ::core::option::Option::None, - functions: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(), - events: ::core::convert::From::from([ - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("AccrueInterest"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("AccrueInterest"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("prevBorrowRate"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("interest"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("feeShares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Borrow"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Borrow"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("onBehalf"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("receiver"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("shares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("CreateMarket"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("CreateMarket"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("marketParams"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Tuple( - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint(256usize), - ], - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("EnableIrm"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("EnableIrm"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("irm"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("EnableLltv"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("EnableLltv"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("lltv"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("FlashLoan"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("FlashLoan"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("token"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("IncrementNonce"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("IncrementNonce"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("authorizer"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("usedNonce"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Liquidate"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Liquidate"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("borrower"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("repaidAssets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("repaidShares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("seizedAssets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("badDebtAssets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("badDebtShares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Repay"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Repay"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("onBehalf"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("shares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetAuthorization"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetAuthorization"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("authorizer"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("authorized"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("newIsAuthorized"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Bool, - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetFee"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetFee"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("newFee"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetFeeRecipient"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetFeeRecipient"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("newFeeRecipient"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetOwner"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SetOwner"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("newOwner"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Supply"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Supply"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("onBehalf"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("shares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SupplyCollateral"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("SupplyCollateral"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("onBehalf"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Withdraw"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("Withdraw"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("onBehalf"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("receiver"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("shares"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ( - ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("WithdrawCollateral"), - ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::Event { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("WithdrawCollateral"), - inputs: ::std::vec![ - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("id"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::FixedBytes( - 32usize, - ), - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("caller"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: false, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("onBehalf"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("receiver"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Address, - indexed: true, - }, - ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::EventParam { - name: ::std::borrow::ToOwned::to_owned("assets"), - kind: ::ethers::core::abi::ethabi::ParamType::Uint( - 256usize, - ), - indexed: false, - }, - ], - anonymous: false, - }, - ], - ), - ]), - errors: ::std::collections::BTreeMap::new(), - receive: false, - fallback: false, - } - } - ///The parsed JSON ABI of the contract. - pub static EVENTSLIB_ABI: ::ethers::contract::Lazy<::ethers::core::abi::Abi> = ::ethers::contract::Lazy::new( - __abi, - ); - #[rustfmt::skip] - const __BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"`U`2`\x0B\x82\x82\x829\x80Q_\x1A`s\x14`&WcNH{q`\xE0\x1B_R_`\x04R`$_\xFD[0_R`s\x81S\x82\x81\xF3\xFEs\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x000\x14`\x80`@R_\x80\xFD\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 \n\xED`k\xB4'\x93Z\x14\x17\x9E\x10\xF7\xC7hSE.\x8D\x9F\x1B\xDF\x11\xDDDX\x90\x88b\xB8\x8CwdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; - /// The bytecode of the contract. - pub static EVENTSLIB_BYTECODE: ::ethers::core::types::Bytes = ::ethers::core::types::Bytes::from_static( - __BYTECODE, - ); - #[rustfmt::skip] - const __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"s\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x000\x14`\x80`@R_\x80\xFD\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 \n\xED`k\xB4'\x93Z\x14\x17\x9E\x10\xF7\xC7hSE.\x8D\x9F\x1B\xDF\x11\xDDDX\x90\x88b\xB8\x8CwdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; - /// The deployed bytecode of the contract. - pub static EVENTSLIB_DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: ::ethers::core::types::Bytes = ::ethers::core::types::Bytes::from_static( - __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE, - ); - pub struct EventsLib<M>(::ethers::contract::Contract<M>); - impl<M> ::core::clone::Clone for EventsLib<M> { - fn clone(&self) -> Self { - Self(::core::clone::Clone::clone(&self.0)) - } - } - impl<M> ::core::ops::Deref for EventsLib<M> { - type Target = ::ethers::contract::Contract<M>; - fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target { - &self.0 - } - } - impl<M> ::core::ops::DerefMut for EventsLib<M> { - fn deref_mut(&mut self) -> &mut Self::Target { - &mut self.0 - } - } - impl<M> ::core::fmt::Debug for EventsLib<M> { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - f.debug_tuple(::core::stringify!(EventsLib)).field(&self.address()).finish() - } - } - impl<M: ::ethers::providers::Middleware> EventsLib<M> { - /// Creates a new contract instance with the specified `ethers` client at - /// `address`. The contract derefs to a `ethers::Contract` object. - pub fn new<T: Into<::ethers::core::types::Address>>( - address: T, - client: ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - ) -> Self { - Self( - ::ethers::contract::Contract::new( - address.into(), - EVENTSLIB_ABI.clone(), - client, - ), - ) - } - /// Constructs the general purpose `Deployer` instance based on the provided constructor arguments and sends it. - /// Returns a new instance of a deployer that returns an instance of this contract after sending the transaction - /// - /// Notes: - /// - If there are no constructor arguments, you should pass `()` as the argument. - /// - The default poll duration is 7 seconds. - /// - The default number of confirmations is 1 block. - /// - /// - /// # Example - /// - /// Generate contract bindings with `abigen!` and deploy a new contract instance. - /// - /// *Note*: this requires a `bytecode` and `abi` object in the `greeter.json` artifact. - /// - /// ```ignore - /// # async fn deploy<M: ethers::providers::Middleware>(client: ::std::sync::Arc<M>) { - /// abigen!(Greeter, "../greeter.json"); - /// - /// let greeter_contract = Greeter::deploy(client, "Hello world!".to_string()).unwrap().send().await.unwrap(); - /// let msg = greeter_contract.greet().call().await.unwrap(); - /// # } - /// ``` - pub fn deploy<T: ::ethers::core::abi::Tokenize>( - client: ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - constructor_args: T, - ) -> ::core::result::Result< - ::ethers::contract::builders::ContractDeployer<M, Self>, - ::ethers::contract::ContractError<M>, - > { - let factory = ::ethers::contract::ContractFactory::new( - EVENTSLIB_ABI.clone(), - EVENTSLIB_BYTECODE.clone().into(), - client, - ); - let deployer = factory.deploy(constructor_args)?; - let deployer = ::ethers::contract::ContractDeployer::new(deployer); - Ok(deployer) - } - ///Gets the contract's `AccrueInterest` event - pub fn accrue_interest_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - AccrueInterestFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `Borrow` event - pub fn borrow_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event<::std::sync::Arc<M>, M, BorrowFilter> { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `CreateMarket` event - pub fn create_market_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - CreateMarketFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `EnableIrm` event - pub fn enable_irm_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - EnableIrmFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `EnableLltv` event - pub fn enable_lltv_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - EnableLltvFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `FlashLoan` event - pub fn flash_loan_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - FlashLoanFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `IncrementNonce` event - pub fn increment_nonce_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - IncrementNonceFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `Liquidate` event - pub fn liquidate_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - LiquidateFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `Repay` event - pub fn repay_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event<::std::sync::Arc<M>, M, RepayFilter> { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `SetAuthorization` event - pub fn set_authorization_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - SetAuthorizationFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `SetFee` event - pub fn set_fee_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event<::std::sync::Arc<M>, M, SetFeeFilter> { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `SetFeeRecipient` event - pub fn set_fee_recipient_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - SetFeeRecipientFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `SetOwner` event - pub fn set_owner_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - SetOwnerFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `Supply` event - pub fn supply_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event<::std::sync::Arc<M>, M, SupplyFilter> { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `SupplyCollateral` event - pub fn supply_collateral_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - SupplyCollateralFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `Withdraw` event - pub fn withdraw_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - WithdrawFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - ///Gets the contract's `WithdrawCollateral` event - pub fn withdraw_collateral_filter( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - WithdrawCollateralFilter, - > { - self.0.event() - } - /// Returns an `Event` builder for all the events of this contract. - pub fn events( - &self, - ) -> ::ethers::contract::builders::Event< - ::std::sync::Arc<M>, - M, - EventsLibEvents, - > { - self.0.event_with_filter(::core::default::Default::default()) - } - } - impl<M: ::ethers::providers::Middleware> From<::ethers::contract::Contract<M>> - for EventsLib<M> { - fn from(contract: ::ethers::contract::Contract<M>) -> Self { - Self::new(contract.address(), contract.client()) - } - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "AccrueInterest", - abi = "AccrueInterest(bytes32,uint256,uint256,uint256)" - )] - pub struct AccrueInterestFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - pub prev_borrow_rate: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub interest: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub fee_shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "Borrow", - abi = "Borrow(bytes32,address,address,address,uint256,uint256)" - )] - pub struct BorrowFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub on_behalf: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub receiver: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "CreateMarket", - abi = "CreateMarket(bytes32,(address,address,address,address,uint256))" - )] - pub struct CreateMarketFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - pub market_params: MarketParams, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "EnableIrm", abi = "EnableIrm(address)")] - pub struct EnableIrmFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub irm: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "EnableLltv", abi = "EnableLltv(uint256)")] - pub struct EnableLltvFilter { - pub lltv: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "FlashLoan", abi = "FlashLoan(address,address,uint256)")] - pub struct FlashLoanFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub token: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "IncrementNonce", abi = "IncrementNonce(address,address,uint256)")] - pub struct IncrementNonceFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub authorizer: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub used_nonce: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "Liquidate", - abi = "Liquidate(bytes32,address,address,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)" - )] - pub struct LiquidateFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub borrower: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub repaid_assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub repaid_shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub seized_assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub bad_debt_assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub bad_debt_shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "Repay", abi = "Repay(bytes32,address,address,uint256,uint256)")] - pub struct RepayFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub on_behalf: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "SetAuthorization", - abi = "SetAuthorization(address,address,address,bool)" - )] - pub struct SetAuthorizationFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub authorizer: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub authorized: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub new_is_authorized: bool, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "SetFee", abi = "SetFee(bytes32,uint256)")] - pub struct SetFeeFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - pub new_fee: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "SetFeeRecipient", abi = "SetFeeRecipient(address)")] - pub struct SetFeeRecipientFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub new_fee_recipient: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "SetOwner", abi = "SetOwner(address)")] - pub struct SetOwnerFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub new_owner: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent(name = "Supply", abi = "Supply(bytes32,address,address,uint256,uint256)")] - pub struct SupplyFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub on_behalf: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "SupplyCollateral", - abi = "SupplyCollateral(bytes32,address,address,uint256)" - )] - pub struct SupplyCollateralFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub on_behalf: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "Withdraw", - abi = "Withdraw(bytes32,address,address,address,uint256,uint256)" - )] - pub struct WithdrawFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub on_behalf: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub receiver: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - pub shares: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthEvent, - ::ethers::contract::EthDisplay, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Default, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - #[ethevent( - name = "WithdrawCollateral", - abi = "WithdrawCollateral(bytes32,address,address,address,uint256)" - )] - pub struct WithdrawCollateralFilter { - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub id: [u8; 32], - pub caller: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub on_behalf: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - #[ethevent(indexed)] - pub receiver: ::ethers::core::types::Address, - pub assets: ::ethers::core::types::U256, - } - ///Container type for all of the contract's events - #[derive( - Clone, - ::ethers::contract::EthAbiType, - serde::Serialize, - serde::Deserialize, - Debug, - PartialEq, - Eq, - Hash - )] - pub enum EventsLibEvents { - AccrueInterestFilter(AccrueInterestFilter), - BorrowFilter(BorrowFilter), - CreateMarketFilter(CreateMarketFilter), - EnableIrmFilter(EnableIrmFilter), - EnableLltvFilter(EnableLltvFilter), - FlashLoanFilter(FlashLoanFilter), - IncrementNonceFilter(IncrementNonceFilter), - LiquidateFilter(LiquidateFilter), - RepayFilter(RepayFilter), - SetAuthorizationFilter(SetAuthorizationFilter), - SetFeeFilter(SetFeeFilter), - SetFeeRecipientFilter(SetFeeRecipientFilter), - SetOwnerFilter(SetOwnerFilter), - SupplyFilter(SupplyFilter), - SupplyCollateralFilter(SupplyCollateralFilter), - WithdrawFilter(WithdrawFilter), - WithdrawCollateralFilter(WithdrawCollateralFilter), - } - impl ::ethers::contract::EthLogDecode for EventsLibEvents { - fn decode_log( - log: &::ethers::core::abi::RawLog, - ) -> ::core::result::Result<Self, ::ethers::core::abi::Error> { - if let Ok(decoded) = AccrueInterestFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::AccrueInterestFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = BorrowFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::BorrowFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = CreateMarketFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::CreateMarketFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = EnableIrmFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::EnableIrmFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = EnableLltvFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::EnableLltvFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = FlashLoanFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::FlashLoanFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = IncrementNonceFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::IncrementNonceFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = LiquidateFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::LiquidateFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = RepayFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::RepayFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = SetAuthorizationFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::SetAuthorizationFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = SetFeeFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::SetFeeFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = SetFeeRecipientFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::SetFeeRecipientFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = SetOwnerFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::SetOwnerFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = SupplyFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::SupplyFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = SupplyCollateralFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::SupplyCollateralFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = WithdrawFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::WithdrawFilter(decoded)); - } - if let Ok(decoded) = WithdrawCollateralFilter::decode_log(log) { - return Ok(EventsLibEvents::WithdrawCollateralFilter(decoded)); - } - Err(::ethers::core::abi::Error::InvalidData) - } - } - impl ::core::fmt::Display for EventsLibEvents { - fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> ::core::fmt::Result { - match self { - Self::AccrueInterestFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - Self::BorrowFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::CreateMarketFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - Self::EnableIrmFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::EnableLltvFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::FlashLoanFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::IncrementNonceFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - Self::LiquidateFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::RepayFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::SetAuthorizationFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - Self::SetFeeFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::SetFeeRecipientFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - Self::SetOwnerFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::SupplyFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::SupplyCollateralFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - Self::WithdrawFilter(element) => ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f), - Self::WithdrawCollateralFilter(element) => { - ::core::fmt::Display::fmt(element, f) - } - } - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<AccrueInterestFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: AccrueInterestFilter) -> Self { - Self::AccrueInterestFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<BorrowFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: BorrowFilter) -> Self { - Self::BorrowFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<CreateMarketFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: CreateMarketFilter) -> Self { - Self::CreateMarketFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<EnableIrmFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: EnableIrmFilter) -> Self { - Self::EnableIrmFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<EnableLltvFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: EnableLltvFilter) -> Self { - Self::EnableLltvFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<FlashLoanFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: FlashLoanFilter) -> Self { - Self::FlashLoanFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<IncrementNonceFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: IncrementNonceFilter) -> Self { - Self::IncrementNonceFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<LiquidateFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: LiquidateFilter) -> Self { - Self::LiquidateFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<RepayFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: RepayFilter) -> Self { - Self::RepayFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SetAuthorizationFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: SetAuthorizationFilter) -> Self { - Self::SetAuthorizationFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SetFeeFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: SetFeeFilter) -> Self { - Self::SetFeeFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SetFeeRecipientFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: SetFeeRecipientFilter) -> Self { - Self::SetFeeRecipientFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SetOwnerFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: SetOwnerFilter) -> Self { - Self::SetOwnerFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SupplyFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: SupplyFilter) -> Self { - Self::SupplyFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<SupplyCollateralFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: SupplyCollateralFilter) -> Self { - Self::SupplyCollateralFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<WithdrawFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: WithdrawFilter) -> Self { - Self::WithdrawFilter(value) - } - } - impl ::core::convert::From<WithdrawCollateralFilter> for EventsLibEvents { - fn from(value: WithdrawCollateralFilter) -> Self { - Self::WithdrawCollateralFilter(value) - } - } -} diff --git a/crates/bindings/src/lib.rs b/crates/bindings/src/lib.rs index 24ea644..7934a8f 100644 --- a/crates/bindings/src/lib.rs +++ b/crates/bindings/src/lib.rs @@ -4,8 +4,6 @@ //! Do not manually edit these files. //! These files may be overwritten by the codegen system at any time. pub mod address; -pub mod counter; -pub mod events_lib; pub mod i_events; pub mod i_irm; pub mod i_morpho; diff --git a/crates/bindings/src/market_params_lib.rs b/crates/bindings/src/market_params_lib.rs index c34ed6d..2abefc5 100644 --- a/crates/bindings/src/market_params_lib.rs +++ b/crates/bindings/src/market_params_lib.rs @@ -26,13 +26,13 @@ pub mod market_params_lib { __abi, ); #[rustfmt::skip] - const __BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"`U`2`\x0B\x82\x82\x829\x80Q_\x1A`s\x14`&WcNH{q`\xE0\x1B_R_`\x04R`$_\xFD[0_R`s\x81S\x82\x81\xF3\xFEs\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x000\x14`\x80`@R_\x80\xFD\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 t2\xE9~\x9A\t6\x8F\rj\x17A},|\x86\xF4\0h\x9C\xAE\xD2\xFFo\xBB\xFCg\xD4\"f?EdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; + const __BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"`U`2`\x0B\x82\x82\x829\x80Q_\x1A`s\x14`&WcNH{q`\xE0\x1B_R_`\x04R`$_\xFD[0_R`s\x81S\x82\x81\xF3\xFEs\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x000\x14`\x80`@R_\x80\xFD\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 p\xAE\"}\xF1uT\xCBES\x17\xE5e\xC9Y\x970St\x0C\x99\xB1\x0F\"\xE0\x18\xFCug\xA4\n\x8AdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; /// The bytecode of the contract. pub static MARKETPARAMSLIB_BYTECODE: ::ethers::core::types::Bytes = ::ethers::core::types::Bytes::from_static( __BYTECODE, ); #[rustfmt::skip] - const __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"s\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x000\x14`\x80`@R_\x80\xFD\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 t2\xE9~\x9A\t6\x8F\rj\x17A},|\x86\xF4\0h\x9C\xAE\xD2\xFFo\xBB\xFCg\xD4\"f?EdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; + const __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: &[u8] = b"s\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\x000\x14`\x80`@R_\x80\xFD\xFE\xA2dipfsX\"\x12 p\xAE\"}\xF1uT\xCBES\x17\xE5e\xC9Y\x970St\x0C\x99\xB1\x0F\"\xE0\x18\xFCug\xA4\n\x8AdsolcC\0\x08\x19\x003"; /// The deployed bytecode of the contract. pub static MARKETPARAMSLIB_DEPLOYED_BYTECODE: ::ethers::core::types::Bytes = ::ethers::core::types::Bytes::from_static( __DEPLOYED_BYTECODE,