diff --git a/source/contracts-and-transactions/developer-tools.rst b/source/contracts-and-transactions/developer-tools.rst
index c94ace17..21f77fb2 100644
--- a/source/contracts-and-transactions/developer-tools.rst
+++ b/source/contracts-and-transactions/developer-tools.rst
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Dapp development requires an understanding of the Web3 Javascript API, the JSON
.. note:: There are developer tools that help you develop, test, and deploy dapps in a way that automatically utilizes the resources listed below.
+* `Play Solidity Editor `__ - lightweight Solidity editor to write, preview and interact with the code
* `Web3 JavaScript API `__ - This is the main JavaScript SDK to use when you want to interact with an Ethereum node.
* `JSON RPC API `__ - This is the low level JSON RPC 2.0 interface to interface with a node. This API is used by the `Web3 JavaScript API `__.
* `Solidity Docs `__ -