diff --git a/pages/citizens-house/rounds/retropgf-1.mdx b/pages/citizens-house/rounds/retropgf-1.mdx index 097c353c0..5ace2d770 100644 --- a/pages/citizens-house/rounds/retropgf-1.mdx +++ b/pages/citizens-house/rounds/retropgf-1.mdx @@ -20,4 +20,4 @@ The median funding received by a project in Retro Funding 1 was $14,670, while t ## Process and timeline overview 1. Badgeholder selection - In RetroPGF Round 1, 24 badgeholders, made up of 8 Optimists and 16 Ethereum community members, were selected to vote on distributing retrofunding to nominated projects. 2. Nominations (Oct 5th - Oct 21st) - anyone could [nominate a project via a form submission](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSF_Om4JfhQAjdDOHnjfbRJfJg1F-EY_I_IR0g-CDaa9FqyQ/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0) by providing a project name, project lead name, project lead e-mail and impact description. -3. Voting (Oct 24th - Nov 1st) - Badgeholders were provided with a [badgeholder manual](https://www.notion.so/Public-Badge-Holder-Manual-d05c3695ef684d1fb62ef38690fb3ff7) and asked to evaluate and vote on nominated projects via [quadraticvote.co's interface](https://quadraticvote.co/event?id=2c357972-9b0d-4390-b738-32297b653cf1). +3. Voting (Oct 24th - Nov 1st) - Badgeholders were provided with a [badgeholder manual](https://www.notion.so/Public-Badge-Holder-Manual-d05c3695ef684d1fb62ef38690fb3ff7) and asked to evaluate and vote on nominated projects via quadraticvote.co's interface (since round 1 support for this site has been discontinued). diff --git a/pages/contribute/contribution-path/govnerds.mdx b/pages/contribute/contribution-path/govnerds.mdx index 9252d50e2..f16692ff2 100644 --- a/pages/contribute/contribution-path/govnerds.mdx +++ b/pages/contribute/contribution-path/govnerds.mdx @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ To begin your journey as a govNERD, follow these steps: 3. **Read All Governance Documents**: Familiarize yourself with [key governance documents](https://www.notion.so/govNERD-s-Hub-b62007191660423b993f13dc8cf3cfc0?pvs=21) like the Operating Manual, Code of Conduct, Rules of Engagement, and the Optimism Vision. 4. **Join Governance Calls**: Start participating in governance-related calls, such as grant council meetings and RetroFunding discussions, to deepen your involvement. 5. **Monitor Available Tasks**: Keep an eye on the [Notion board](https://www.notion.so/e6e73d8af8324622b41a426ad91a3d4e?pvs=21) for tasks that Maintainers request. -6. **Propose a Task**: If you want to propose a task, follow this [tutorial](https://www.notion.so/govNERDs-Contribution-Path-Doc-6145aa9c399441a3862b8688fa793a24?pvs=21) provided to ensure it aligns with govNERD guidelines. +6. **Propose a Task**: If you want to propose a task, follow this [tutorial](https://www.loom.com/share/90e38ac17ad5440baa3bf37bdef2db1f?sid=e11d5242-d60b-47bc-a718-4e0163854ced) provided to ensure it aligns with govNERD guidelines. ## govNERD Roles