Once you have sandbox running you can run your app. But,** first configure some things correctly**. Here below is the checklist for running the example project. To set up and run your own dapps you can use this sample as a starting point and/or configure your own contract folder and ethereum.json to create your own sandbox runtime.
You need to make sure your app has the correct JSON-RPC URL of your sandbox (or livenet node). In the example /workspace/example-project/web/app.js file, edit the lines.
[1] Set the correct SandboxID#:
var url = 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':8555/sandbox/' + sandboxId;
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(url));```
change to
```var sandboxId = '[your_running_sandboxID#]';
var url = 'https://[username].by.ether.camp:8555/sandbox/' + sandboxId;
var web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.HttpProvider(url));```
**AND in line below**
**Set the correct Sandbox URL:**
```var url = 'https://' + window.location.hostname + ':8555/sandbox/' + sandboxId;```
change to
```var url = 'https://[your_username].by.ether.camp:8555/sandbox/' + sandboxId;```
**Check and edit your ABI as needed**
In the /workspace/example-project/web/app.js file has a Array definition ABI =[ .... ]
Remember to check that its content corresponds to the ABI json in the sandbox (or livenet) contract address you deployed (see Sandbox panel section).
**Check your contract addresses**
[4] If your app refers to specific contracts running the sandbox, check the addresses listed in your app.
### Get Ethereum Studio ready:

If you want to run a specific javascript file then see item [2] and [3] change your current directory to the project folder you want to run. Click the CWD (Change Working Directory) button and pick the project directory. Clear item [3].
At the terminal, Change directory to the workspace/example-project directory
```cd ~/workspace/example-project```
$ npm install gulp-cli -g $ npm install $ gulp
$ gulp test
$ cd web $ npm install http-server -g $ http-server
Now your app is running on default port :8080
In your browser type in ```https://[your_ether-camp_user_name].by.ether.camp:8080/```
A simple form and button appear,
Now open a web console to able to see any console.log messages tht appear at next step
Back on the webpage in the form enter a string,click 'CALL' wait and see the transaction receipt appear on the console.log.
```Object { transactionHash: "0xb251215266d9185fab711157e3b6b62d8…", transactionIndex: 1, blockNumber: 458, blockHash: "0x1e36bf6f0a8451c83e01570c0f6f431a6…", cumulativeGasUsed: 21362, gasUsed: 21362, contractAddress: null, logs: Array[0] }```
There you see that your transaction went throuh and gas got spent.. This little example doesn't do much... fork it and make your own app.. visit the [slack page for support](https://ether-camp-friends.slack.com/messages/general/)
If you found this documentation useful you can send some live ethers to the author's address: