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File metadata and controls

132 lines (105 loc) · 6.14 KB


Espressif repository for the script to check SPDX License Header in the files.

Information about optional parameters

Short parameter name Full parameter name Default value Description
-v --verbose false Print additional information for debugging
-r --replace false Tries to add/replace license header
-m --max-lines 30 How far to check for copyright notice in a file
-f --fuzzy-ratio 95 Minimum %% ratio to be considered as equal to the old header style
-d --debug false Print debug info
-du --dont-update-ignore-list false Don't update ignore list
-dr --dry-run false Just check license headers without replace
-i --ignore check_copyright_ignore Path to the file with list of ignoring files
-l --lines-changed 5 Minimum number of changed lines that will enforce copyright date update
-c --config check_copyright_config.yaml Path to the config file
filenames Require parameter Path to the folder or file to check. If it is a folder, all files will be analyzed recursively

How to add check to a new project

Prepare steps:

If you want to add that script into your project, you should

  1. (Optional) Create file with the list of ignoring files (i.e. ignore_list_copyright)
  2. Create config file (i.e check_copyright_config.yaml)

As pre-commit

You can use this script as a pre-commit hook. You should add pre-commit hook into .pre-commit-config.yaml with arguments --replace and --config <path to the config>. You can also add external arguments from the table above (i.e --verbose)

Example of the .pre-commit-config.yaml file

- repo:
  rev: v1.0.0
    - id: check-copyright
      args: ['--config', 'ci/check_copyright_config.yaml', '--ignore', 'ci/ignore_list_copyright']


For CI you need to use flag --dry-run. Script returns list of files without SPDX header without trying to replace it.

Example of Gitlab CI:

    - pip install git+
    - python -m check_copyright --verbose --dry-run --ignore ci/ignore_list_copyright --config ci/check_copyright_config.yaml .

Configure ignore list

To skip license header checks for some files, you can create a file with the list of paths to ignore. You should pass the path to the ignore list as the --ignore parameter.


Creating config file

You also need to set rules for group of files, which licenses can be used etc:

  perform_check: yes  # should the check be performed?
  # Sections setting this to 'no' don't need to include any other options as they are ignored
  # When a file is using a section with the option set to 'no', no checks are performed.

  # what licenses (or license expressions) are allowed for files in this section
  # when setting this option in a section, you need to list all the allowed licenses
    - Apache-2.0
  license_for_new_files: Apache-2.0  # license to be used when inserting a new copyright notice
  new_notice_c: |  # notice for new C, CPP, H, HPP and LD files
     * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: {years} Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
     * SPDX-License-Identifier: {license}
  new_notice_python: |  # notice for new python files
    # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: {years} Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
    # SPDX-License-Identifier: {license}

  # comment lines matching:
  # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: year[-year] Espressif Systems
  # or
  # SPDX-FileContributor: year[-year] Espressif Systems
  # are replaced with this template prefixed with the correct comment notation (# or // or *) and SPDX- notation
  espressif_copyright: '{years} Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD'

# You can create your own rules for files or group of files
   - 'examples/'
   - 'components/**/test/**'
   - 'components/**/test_apps/**'
   - 'tools/test_apps/**'
  - Apache-2.0
  - Unlicense
  - CC0-1.0
  license_for_new_files: Unlicense OR CC0-1.0

ignore:  # You can also select ignoring files here
  perform_check: no  # Don't check files from that block
    - components/bt/host/nimble/nimble/
    - components/bt/common/osi/
    - components/bt/porting/ext/
    - components/bt/porting/nimble/
    - components/http_parser/
    - components/wpa_supplicant/src/
    - '!components/wpa_supplicant/esp_supplicant/'
    - components/bt/host/bluedroid/
    - '!components/bt/host/bluedroid/api/'
    - '!components/bt/host/bluedroid/btc/'
    - examples/zigbee/