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Changelog of ACME

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on Keep a Changelog


Implementation of user's feature request: ACME can now allocate result datasets with arbitrary dimensions via the result_shape keyword. In case it is not clear (or cumbersome) to determine the shape of an aggregate results dataset a-priori, setting the appropriate dimension(s) to np.inf prompts ACME to create a resizable HDF5 dataset.


  • Added support for "unlimited" datasets to allow flexible dimension specifications in result_shape. When setting the size of a dimension in result_shape to np.inf, ACME allocates a resizable HDF5 dataset for the results. This works for both virtual and regular datasets.


  • As announced in the previous release the start_client keyword has been removed from local_cluster_setup (starting a dask LocalCluster always starts a client anyway)


  • Dropped support for Windows (ACME should work but is not tested any more)
  • Dropped support for Python 3.7


  • Custom resource allocations were not correctly propagated to dask workers (especially in the "E880" partition on the ESI cluster). This has been fixed (cf #60)
  • A bug in python-msgpack under Python 3.12 triggered de-serialization errors; temporarily pinned python-msgpack to version 1.0.5 but newer versions do not exhibit this problem (cf #59)

[2023.12] - 2023-12-6

Better support for non-x86 micro-architectures. On the ESI HPC cluster, the convenience function esi_cluster_setup now transparently works with the local "E880" partition comprising our IBM POWER E880 servers. Similar to the x86 nodes, a simple

client = esi_cluster_setup(n_workers=10, partition="E880")

is enough to launch ten SLURM workers each equipped with four POWER8 cores and 16 GB RAM by default. Similarly, ACME's automatic partition selection has been extended to also support workloads running inside the "E880" partition. Nonetheless, esi_cluster_setup did not only get simpler to use but now also comes with more (still completely optional) customization settings: the new keyword cores_per_worker can be used together with mem_per_worker and job_extra to create specialized computing clients custom-tailored to specific workload requirements, e.g.,

client = esi_cluster_setup(n_workers=10,

For more see Advanced Usage and Customization


  • New keyword cores_per_worker in esi_cluster_setup to explicitly set the core-count of SLURM workers.
  • Extended functionality of ACME's partition auto-selection on the ESI HPC cluster to include IBM POWER machines in the "E880" partition
  • Added new "Tutorials" section in documentation
  • Added new tutorial on using ACME for parallel evaluation of classifier accuracy (Thanks to @timnaher, cf #53)
  • Added new tutorial on using ACME for parallel neural net model evaluation (Thanks to @timnaher, cf #53)
  • Added type-hints following PEP 484 to support static code analyzers (e.g., mypy) and clarify type conventions in internal functions with "sparse" docstrings.


  • To avoid dubious (and hard to debug) errors, esi_cluster_setup now checks the micro-architecture of the submitting host against the chosen partition. This avoids accidental start attempts of ppc64le SLURM jobs from inside an x86_64 Python interpreter and vice versa.


  • The partition keyword in esi_cluster_setup does not have a default value any more (the old default of "8GBXS" was inappropriate most of the time)
  • The (undocumented) "anonymous" keyword n_cores of esi_cluster_setup has been removed in favor of the explicit cores_per_worker (now also visible in the API). Just like n_cores, setting the new cores_per_worker parameter is still optional: by default, esi_cluster_setup derives core-count from DefMemPerCPU and the chosen value of mem_per_worker.
  • In slurm_cluster_setup, do not use DefMemPerCPU as fallback substitute in case MaxMemPerCPU is not defined for chosen partition (may be overly restrictive on requested memory settings)


  • Using start_client in local_cluster_setup does not have any effect any more: starting a dask LocalCluster always starts a client.


  • fixed partition bug (Thanks to @timnaher, cf #53)
  • simplified and fixed interactive user queries: use the builtin select module in everything but Jupyter and rely on the input module inside notebooks.
  • clarified docstring discussing result_dtype: must not be None but str (still defaults to "float")
  • numerous corrections of errata/outdated information in docstrings

[2023.4] - 2023-04-14

Re-designed ACME's logs and command line output.


  • Created templates for filing issues and opening Pull Requests for ACME on GitHub.
  • Enabled private security reporting in ACME's GitHub repository and added a security policy for ACME (in compliance with the OpenSSF Best Practices Badge)


  • Overhauled ACME's logging facilities: many print messages have been marked "DEBUG" to make ACME's default output less "noisy". To this effect the Python logging module is now used more extensively than before. The canonical name of ACME's logger is simply "ACME".
  • By default, ACME now creates a log-file alongside any auto-generated output files to keep a record of file creation and attribution.
  • Reworked ACME's SyNCoPy interface: a dedicated module is now managing ACME's I/O direction if ACME is called by SyNCoPy. This allows for (much) cleaner exception handling in ACME's cluster helpers (esi_cluster_setup, cluster_cleanup etc.) which ultimately permits a more streamlined extension of ACME to more HPC infrastructure.
  • Redesigned ACME's online documentation: increased font-size to enhance readability, included a contribution guide and reworked the overall page navigation + visual layout.


  • Prevented ACME from accidentally using a dysfunctional client (e.g., a SLURM client with workers whose jobs have been externally cancelled). Thanks to @KatharineShapcott, cf #47

[2022.12] - 2022-12-15

Bugfix release.


  • If not provided, a new lower default value of one is used for n_workers_startup


  • Updated memory estimation logic on the ESI HPC cluster: if ACME does not handle result output distribution but memory estimation is still requested do not perform memEstRun keyword injection.

[2022.11] - 2022-11-11

Major changes in managing auto-generated files

  • If write_worker_results is True, ACME now creates an aggregate results container comprised of external links that point to actual data in HDF5 payload files generated by parallel workers.
  • Optionally, results can be slotted into a single dataset/array (via the result_shape keyword).
  • If single_file is True, ACME stores results of parallel compute runs not in dedicated payload files but all workers write to a single aggregate results container.
  • By providing output_dir, the location of auto-generated HDF5/pickle files can be customized
  • Entities in a distributed computing client that concurrently process tasks are now consistently called "workers" (in line with dask terminology). Accordingly the keywords n_jobs, mem_per_job, n_jobs_startup and workers_per_job have been renamed n_workers, mem_per_worker, n_workers_startup and processes_per_worker, respectively. To ensure compatibility with existing code, the former names have been marked deprecated but were not removed and are still functional.

A full list of changes is provided below


  • Included keyword output_dir in ParallelMap that allows to customize the storage location of files auto-generated by ACME (HDF5 and pickle). Only effective if write_worker_results is True.
  • Added keyword result_shape in ParallelMap to permit specifying the shape of an aggregate dataset/array that results from all computational runs are slotted into. In conjunction with the shape specification, the new keyword result_dtype offers the option to control the numerical type (set to "float64" by default) of the resulting dataset (if write_worker_results = True) or array (write_worker_results = False). On-disk dataset results collection is only available for auto-generated HDF5 containers (i.e, write_pickle = False)
  • Introduced keyword single_file in ParallelMap to control, whether parallel workers store results of computational runs in dedicated HDF5 files (single_file = False, default) or share a single results container for saving (single_file = True). This option is only available for auto-generated HDF5 containers, pickle files are not supported (i.e., write_worker_results = True and write_pickle = False).
  • Included options to specify worker count and memory consumption in local_cluster_setup
  • Added a new section "Advanced Usage and Customization" in the online documentation that discusses settings and associated technical details
  • Added support for Python 3.10 and updated dask dependencies


  • Modified employed terminology throughout the package: to clearly delineate the difference between compute runs and worker processes (and to minimize friction between the documentation of ACME and dask), the term "worker" is now consistently used throughout the code base. If ACME is running on a SLURM cluster, a dask "worker" corresponds to a SLURM "job".
  • In line with the above change, the following input arguments have been renamed:
    • in ParallelMap:
      • n_jobs -> n_workers
      • mem_per_job -> mem_per_worker
    • in esi_cluster_setup and slurm_cluster_setup:
      • n_jobs -> n_workers
      • mem_per_job -> mem_per_worker
      • n_jobs_startup -> n_workers_startup
    • in slurm_cluster_setup:
      • workers_per_job -> processes_per_worker
  • Made esi_cluster_setup respect already running clients so that new parallel computing clients are not launched on top of existing ones (thanks to @timnaher)
  • Introduced support for positional/keyword arguments of unit-length in ParallelMap so that n_inputs can be used as scaling parameter to launch n_inputs calls of a user-provided function
  • All docstrings and the online documentation have been re-written (and in parts clarified) to account for the newly introduced features.
  • Code coverage is not computed by a GitHub action workflow but is now calculated by the GitLab CI job that invokes SLURM to run tests on the ESI HPC cluster.


The keywords n_jobs, mem_per_job, n_jobs_startup and workers_per_job have been renamed. Using these keywords is still supported but raises a DeprecationWarning.

  • The keywords n_jobs and mem_per_job in both ParallelMap and esi_cluster_setup are deprecated. To specify the number of parallel workers and their memory resources, please use n_workers and mem_per_worker, respectively (see corresponding item in the Section CHANGED above)
  • The keyword n_jobs_startup in esi_cluster_setup is deprecated. Please use n_workers_startup instead


  • Updated dependency versions (pin click to version < 8.1) and fixed Syncopy compatibility (increase recursion depth of input size estimation to one million calls)
  • Streamlined dryrun stopping logic invoked if user chooses to not continue with the computation after performing a dry-run
  • Modified tests that are supposed to use an existing distributed computing client to not shut down that very client
  • Updated memory estimation routine to deactivate auto-generation of results files to not accidentally corrupt pre-allocated containers before launching the actual concurrent computation

[2022.8] - 2022-08-05

Bugfixes, new automatic ESI-HPC SLURM partition selection, expanded Python version compatibility and updated dependencies as well as online documentation overhaul.


  • On the ESI HPC cluster, using partition="auto" in ParallelMap now launches a heuristic automatic SLURM partition selection algorithm (instead of simply falling back to the "8GBXS" partition on the ESI HPC cluster)


  • Updated package dependencies (allow h5py ver 3.x) and expanded support for recent Python versions (include 3.9)
  • Restructured and expanded online documentation based on suggestions from @naehert: moved most examples and usage notes from ParallelMap's docstring to dedicated docu pages and added new "Troubleshooting + FAQ" site.


  • Repeated ParallelMap calls ignored differing logfile specifications. This has been corrected. In addition, the logging setup routine now ensures that only one FileHandler is used (any existing non-default log-file locations are removed from the logger to avoid generating multiple logs and/or accidentally appending to existing logs from previous runs).

[2022.7] - 2022-07-06

Bugfixes, new versioning scheme and updated dependencies.


  • Modified versioning scheme: use date-based version tags instead of increasing numbers
  • Updated dask, dask-jobqueue and scipy dependency requirements
  • Removed any mentions of "hpx" from the code after upgrading the main file-server of the ESI HPC cluster


  • Repaired broken FQDN detection in is_esi_node

[0.21] - 2022-03-01

Performance improvements, new dryrun keyword and preparations for deploying ACME on other clusters


  • Re-designed cluster startup code: added new function slurm_cluster_setup that includes SLURM-specific (but ESI-agnostic) code for spinning up a SLURMCluster
  • Included new dryrun keyword in ParallelMap to test-drive ACME's automatically generated argument lists simulating a single (randomly picked) worker call prior to the actual concurrent computation (addresses #39)
  • Added helper function is_esi_node to determine if ACME is running on the ESI HPC cluster


  • Do not parse scalars using numbers.Number, use numpy.number instead to catch Boolean values
  • Included conda clean in CD pipeline to avoid disk fillup by unused conda packages/cache


  • Retired conda2pip in favor of the modern setup.cfg dependency management system. ACME's dependencies are now listed in setup.cfg which is used to populate the conda environment file acme.yml at setup time.
  • Retired travis CI tests since free test runs are exhausted. Migrated to GitHub actions (and re-included codecov)


  • On the ESI HPC cluster set the job CPU count depending on the chosen partition if not explicitly provided by the user (one core per 8GB of RAM, e.g., jobs in a 32GB RAM partition now use 4 cores instead of just one)

[0.2rc3] - 2021-11-26


  • Upgraded dask version used by ACME (anything below 2021.12)
  • Added macOS as officially supported platform. A corresponding CI job has been set up as well.


  • Updated email and homepage tags in setup.cfg to comply with new setuptools packaging standard


  • NumPy arrays with singleton dimensions triggered a nondescript TypeError in ACMEDaemon due to incorrect indexing before broadcasting.

[0.2rc2] - 2021-10-26


  • Updated versioning scheme to be PEP 440 compliant


  • Updated dependency setup: dask 2.25/2.30 does not work with click 8.+ in a SLURM cluster context
  • Refined query to check for active workers in a dask client: ensure workers are not only attached to a client but actually have resources available

[v0.2rc1] - 2021-10-19


  • Included function local_cluster_setup to launch a local distributed Dask multi-processing cluster running on the host machine



  • Repaired auto-generated semantic version strings (use only release number + letter, remove local ".dev0" suffix from official release versions)

[v0.2b] - 2021-08-04


  • Support for custom sbatch arguments (thanks to @KatharineShapcott)


  • Made ID fetching of crashed SLURM jobs more robust
  • Corrected faulty override of print/showwarning in case ACME was called from within SyNCoPy.
  • Cleaned up fetching of SLURM worker memory
  • Corrected keywords in CITATION.cff

[v0.2a] - 2021-05-18


  • Made ACME PEP 517 compliant: added pyproject.toml and modified accordingly
  • Added IBM POWER testing pipeline (via dedicated GitLab Runner)


  • New default SLURM partition set to "8GBXS" in esi_cluster_setup


  • Retired tox in slurmtest CI pipeline in favor of a "simple" pytest testing session due to file-locking problems of tox environments on NFS mounts


  • Stream-lined GitLab Runner setup: use cluster-wide conda instead of local installations (that differ slightly across runners) and leverage tox-conda to fetch pre-built dependencies
  • Opt-in pickling was not propagated correctly in daemon-reentry situations

[v0.2] - 2021-05-05


  • New keyword write_pickle can be used to override HDF5 as default storage format in favor of pickle
  • Included code-coverage information and corresponding requirements for pull requests in ACME repo
  • Added software citation file CITATION.cff


  • Changed job submission system: instead of using dask bags, input arguments are directly propagated using dask-client methods. This has the side-effect that the layout of in-memory results changed: instead of returning a nested lists of lists, the user namespace is populated with a plain list of objects (simplifying result handling in the process)


  • In-memory list-of-list returns are not supported anymore; ParallelMap now returns plain (non-nested) lists.


  • If auto-saving to HDF5 fails, a new "emergency pickling" mechanic kicks in and attempts to pickle the offending return values instead
  • User-provided functions in custom modules are now correctly propagated by inheriting sys.path from the parent client
  • Argument distribution is more memory efficient: input arguments are not held in memory by the scheduler and then propagated to workers anymore. Instead, arguments shared by all workers are broadcast to the cluster and referenced by the workers.
  • Any user-issued KeyboardInterrupt (CTRL + C button press) is caught and triggers a graceful shutdown of all worker jobs managed by the current client (specifically, do not leave SLURM jobs detached from the client running in the background)
  • Fixed progress bars that were left broken after an exception was raised

[v0.1b] - 2021-01-15


  • This CHANGELOG file


  • Modified dependencies to not include Jupyter-related packages


  • Fixed markdown syntax and URLs
  • Fixed CI pipelines and repaired h5py version mismatch in dependencies
  • Pin ACME to Python 3.8.x due to various packages not working properly (yet) in Python 3.9

[v0.1a] - 2020-12-30


  • Initial ACME pre-release on PyPI


  • Made ACME GitHub repository public