The following API features help to invoke SWCI operations programmatically. It is used to view the status, control, and manage the Swarm Learning framework.
NOTE: Arguments that do not have default values are mandatory. This is an experimental API methods for developers.The python3 program needs to import the SWCI class first, and then use the below APIs.
from swarmlearning.swci import swci
SWCI API methods | Description | Arguments |
swci() |
This method invokes the constructor of the SWCI class and creates a SWCI object instance. | swciIP,port = int \(30306\), clientCert = None, clientPKey = None, clientCABundle = None, logger = None, logLv = logging.WARNING, enableCaching = True - swciIP : The IP address or Name of the SWCI container that the user wants to connect to.- clientCert/ clientPKey/ ClientCABundle : If you need secure mTLS connection to the SWCI container, then specify the certificates.- logLv : Log level - One of { logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG} - enableCaching : If True, it enables caching of command output of some commands whose output does not change frequently. This is done to avoid network round trips. |
assignTask() |
This method assigns a task to a Taskrunner instance and specifies the minimum peer count for declaring the result. This triggers SWOPs to execute this task Meaningful value of peersNeeded is dependent on the task type. For RUN_SWARM task, it is the number of SL and ML node pairs. For all other task types, it is the number of SWOP nodes. For RUN_SWARM task type, the actual numbers of SL/ML peers started could be equal or greater than peersNeeded , depending on the number of the SL nodes defined in the SWOP profiles. For other TASK types, the number of SWOPs participating would be equal to peersNeeded . |
- taskName : Specifies the unique name of a task.- trName : Specifies the unique name of a Taskrunner. SWOP’s listening on this Taskrunner participates and executes this task.- peersNeeded is a nonzero positive integer specifying the minimum number of peers required to complete this task. |
cd() |
This method changes the current working directory of SWCI container. | dirPath |
clearCache() |
This method clears any cached values in the SWCI instance. | |
createContext() |
This method creates an SWCI context. NOTE: User can create SWCI context with (ip and port) or with service []. For example, 1. createContext(test,ip= - This variation assumes SN API running on default 30304 port. 2. createContext(test, ip=, port=16000) – This variation is used when SN API running on nondefault port, 3. createContext(test, – In reverse proxy scenario, this variation means SN API service running on default 443 port. 4. createContext(test, – In reverse proxy scenario, this variation means SN API service running on non-default port. |
ctxName , ip=None , port=30304 , service=None |
createTaskFrom() |
This method creates a new task from the YAML file, the YAML definition file must be exported to the SWCI container using uploadTaskDefintion method. |
yamlFileName |
createTrainingContract() |
This method registers the specified Swarm Learning training contract into the Swarm Learning network. | ctName |
deleteTask() |
This method deletes the specified task which is not finalized. | taskName |
executeTask() |
This method executes a task. It assigns, monitors, and resets taskrunner at the end of the task execution. | - taskName, tr='defaulttaskbb.taskdb.sml.hpe', peers=1, pollWaitInSec=120, resetTROnSuccess=TruepollWaitInSec : Wait time before polling for status.- resetTROnSuccess : If the taskrunner contract has to be reset on success. |
finalizeTask() |
This method finalizes the specified task. Once finalized, the task body cannot be modified further. | taskName |
getContextInfo() |
This method prints the context information of the current context when contextName is not specified. If contextName is specified, it prints information for the specified context. | ctxName |
getErrors() |
This method prints the error if any from the previously executed SWCI method. | |
getTaskBody() |
This method prints the consolidated task body for the specified Task ID. | taskName |
getTaskInfo() |
This method prints the task information of the specified Task ID. | taskName |
getTaskRunnerInfo() |
This method prints the current status of the specified Taskrunner ID. | trName |
getTaskRunnerPeerStatus() |
This method prints the current status for the specified PEER (SWOP node) in the Taskrunner’s context. The status of the PEER differs based on the type of the current TASK that has been assigned to TASKRUNNER. For RUN_SWARM task, the status summary reports SWOP node UID, Number of SL PEERs this SWOP has spawned, and list of all SL node information (UID, Status, Description). For all other types of tasks, the status summary reports SWOP node status (UID, Status, Description). Note: Node UID can be used to identify the container name/id from ‘LIST NODES’ command. With container name/id, user can debug the error with docker logs. |
trName , idx |
getTaskrunnerStatus() <trName:string> |
This method prints the current status of the specified Taskrunner. Provides below information like: - TASK NAME – Current running task or ‘Empty’ if no task is assigned. - PEER TYPE – SL for RUN_SWARM tasks, SWOP for all other tasks. - TASK STATE – Current task state. - ACTIVE, COMPLETED and FAILED PEERS information. - TIME STAMPs of various events on the TASKRUNNER contract. |
trName : Specifies the unique name of Taskrunner. |
getTrainingContractInfo() |
This method prints static information about a training contract. | ctName |
getTrainingContractPerformanceData |
This method prints Performance Data for a training contract. It provides training performance data like UID, SL ADMIN status, model loss, model metric, total number of epochs and total number of completed epochs, for each SL-ML pair. |
ctName='defaultbb.cqdb.sml.hpe' |
getTrainingContractStatus() |
This method prints the current dynamic status of a training contract. | ctName |
isTaskDone() |
This method displays true if a taskrunner has completed the current task , else false. | trName |
listContexts() |
This method displays the list of contexts related to the current SWCI session. | |
listNodes() |
This method displays the list of Swarm nodes that have registered and are currently active. For each Swarm node, it displays the Node type, Host IP, Port, Container name, UUID, parent UUID and the last received ‘i-amalive’ Timestamp. SWCI and ML nodes are not displayed. |
listTaskRunners() |
This method displays the list of taskrunners that are registered into the Swarm Learning network. | |
listTasks() |
This method displays the list of tasks that are registered into the Swarm Learning network. | |
listTrainingContracts() |
This method displays the list of training contracts registered with Swarm Learning network. | |
ls() |
This method displays the directory contents of the SWCI container. | optStr='' |
plotTopology() |
This method displays the PNG object showing the current topology of the Swarm Learning network. By default, it will display the Swarm Node type and Host IP on which the node is running. NOTE: Color codes are hexadecimal triplets representing the colors red, green, and blue (#RRGGBB). |
User can pass additional attributes which they want to see on the plot. These additional attributes are: 'Port', 'ContainerName', 'UUID', 'parentUUID' and 'i-am-alive'. SNColour="#ADD8E6", SWOPColor="#33FF33", SLColor="#FFCCCB", attrs=['ContainerName'] |
pwd() |
This method displays the present working directory of the SWCI container. | |
registerTask() |
This method registers a task into the SN network and finalizes it, if the task is valid. | yamlFileName, finalize=True |
resetTaskRunner() |
This method resets the state of the taskrunner contract to an uninitialized state. WARNING:This action cannot be undone, reset only completed Taskrunner contracts. Resetting the active taskrunner contract can result in unexpected behavior. |
trName='defaulttaskbb.taskdb.sml.hpe' |
resetTrainingContract() |
This method resets the state of the training contract to an uninitialized state. WARNING:This action cannot be undone, reset only completed Swarm Learning contracts. Resetting the active contracts can result in unexpected behavior. |
ctName='defaultbb.cqdb.sml.hpe' |
sleep() |
This method sleeps for a specified time before executing the subsequent commands. For example, in between a WAIT FOR TASKRUNNER and RESET TASKRUNNER , one can use a SLEEP 10 , to give a grace time of 10 secs, before the RESET command cleans up the SL and user container.This would be required to allow the user ML code to save the model or do any inference of the model, after the Swarm training is over. For more information, see the example SWCI script |
time in seconds |
setLogLevel() |
This method sets the logging level for the SWCI container. | logLv One of { logging.CRITICAL, logging.ERROR, logging.WARNING, logging.INFO, logging.DEBUG } |
uploadTaskDefintion() |
This method uploads the local task definition file to the SWCI container. | taskFilePath |
# This code snippet shows how an user can use SWCI API's
# We assume the following things before running this script:
# 1. Swarm Learning Infrastructure is setup and ready.
# 2. SWCI container is running in WEB mode (-e SWCI_MODE='WEB')
# 3. There should be explicit port forwarding for SWCI_WEB_PORT while running the SWCI container (ex: -p 30306:30306)
# 4. Swarm learning wheel package should be installed in the python environment where we run this file.
# Import swci from the swarmlearning whl package
import swarmlearning.swci as sw
swciServerName = 'SWCI Server Name or IP'
snServerName = 'SN Server Name or IP'
# Connect to the SWCI via SWCI_WEB_PORT
s = sw.Swci(swciServerName,port=30306) #30306 is the default port
# Connect to SN and create context
print(s.createContext('testContext', ip=snServerName))
# Switches the context to testContext
# Creates a training contract
# Lists all the created Contexts
# Lists all the tasks that includes root task