Fix: Adjust Methods\FinalInAbstractClassRule
to ignore Doctrine embeddables and entities
on: pull_request
Matrix: Code Coverage
Matrix: Coding Standards
Matrix: Dependency Analysis
Matrix: Security Analysis
Matrix: Static Code Analysis
Matrix: Tests
3 errors
Static Code Analysis (7.4, locked):
Ignored error pattern #^Static property Ergebnis\\PHPStan\\Rules\\Methods\\FinalInAbstractClassRule\:\:\$doctrineEntityAttributeNames is never read, only written\.$# in path /home/runner/work/phpstan-rules/phpstan-rules/src/Methods/FinalInAbstractClassRule.php was not matched in reported errors.
Static Code Analysis (7.4, locked)
Process completed with exit code 1.
Dependency Analysis (7.4, locked)
Process completed with exit code 1.