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Mfkey32/v2/64 extracts keys from nonces collected during the authentication process. These nonces can be collected by emulating the credential to allow the reader to begin despensing the necessary information to begin extraction.
GCC for compiling C (deb)
sudo apt install build-essential
- Before compiling make sure your gcc is present and up to date
sudo apt install build-essential
sudo apt-get update
- Download code
git clone https://github.com/equipter/mfkey
- Navigate into repo directory
cd mfkey/
- Compile using
or self compile your specific chosen mfkey version.
to make all 3
- mfkey32v2:
gcc mfkey32v2.c crypto1/crypto1.c crypto1/crypto01.c crypto1/bucketsort.c -o mfkey32v2 -Iinclude
- mfkey32:
gcc mfkey32.c crypto1/crypto1.c crypto1/crypto01.c crypto1/bucketsort.c -o mfkey32 -Iinclude
- mfkey64:
gcc mfkey64.c crypto1/crypto1.c crypto1/crypto01.c crypto1/bucketsort.c -o mfkey64 -Iinclude
now that youve compiled youre ready to use!
Mfkey32v2 works by two sets of 32 bit keystream authentication and is different to mfkey32 in the way it uses an alternate calculation method to generate the key
command syntax for mfkey32v2 is ./mfkey32v2 <uid> <nt> <nr_0> <ar_0> <nt1> <nr_1> <ar_1>
example: UID 939be0d5
syntax: ./mfkey32v2 939be0d5 4e70d691 b3a576be 02c1559b c6efb126 d24dd966 03fc7386
Mfkey32 works by two sets of 32 bits of keystream authentication.
command syntax for mfkey32 is ./mfkey32 <uid> <nt> <nr_0> <ar_0> <nr_1> <ar_1>
Mfkey64 works on one complete 64 bit keystream authentication.
command syntax for mfkey64 is ./mfkey64 <uid> <nt> <{nr}> <{ar}> <{at}> [enc...]
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