diff --git a/src/synpp/pipeline.py b/src/synpp/pipeline.py
index 031adf2..4b28655 100644
--- a/src/synpp/pipeline.py
+++ b/src/synpp/pipeline.py
@@ -221,6 +221,18 @@ def hash_name(name, config):
         return name
+def get_cache_prefix(stage_id, source_code):
+    cache_prefix = stage_id + "__" + hashlib.md5(source_code.encode()).hexdigest()
+    return cache_prefix
+def get_cache_directory_path(working_directory, cache_id):
+    return "%s/%s.cache" % (working_directory, cache_id)
+def get_cache_file_path(working_directory, cache_id):
+    return "%s/%s.p" % (working_directory, cache_id)
+def get_info_path(working_directory, cache_id):
+    return "%s/%s.info" % (working_directory, cache_id)
 class ConfiguredStage:
     def __init__(self, instance, config, configuration_context):
@@ -310,7 +322,7 @@ def path(self):
 class ExecuteContext(Context):
-    def __init__(self, required_config, required_stages, aliases, working_directory, dependencies, cache_path, pipeline_config, logger, cache, dependency_info):
+    def __init__(self, required_config, required_stages, aliases, working_directory, dependencies, cache_path, pipeline_config, logger, cache, dependency_info, cache_ids):
         self.required_config = required_config
         self.working_directory = working_directory
         self.dependencies = dependencies
@@ -323,6 +335,7 @@ def __init__(self, required_config, required_stages, aliases, working_directory,
         self.dependency_info = dependency_info
         self.aliases = aliases
         self.required_stages = required_stages
+        self.cache_ids = cache_ids
         self.progress_context = None
@@ -339,7 +352,7 @@ def stage(self, name, config = {}):
             return self.cache[dependency]
             if not dependency in self.dependency_cache:
-                with open("%s/%s.p" % (self.working_directory, dependency), "rb") as f:
+                with open(get_cache_file_path(self.working_directory, self.cache_ids[dependency]), "rb") as f:
                     self.logger.info("Loading cache for %s ..." % dependency)
                     self.dependency_cache[dependency] = pickle.load(f)
@@ -353,7 +366,7 @@ def path(self, name = None, config = {}):
             return self.cache_path
         dependency = self._get_dependency({ "descriptor": name, "config": config })
-        return "%s/%s.cache" % (self.working_directory, dependency)
+        return get_cache_directory_path(self.working_directory, self.cache_ids[dependency])
     def set_info(self, name, value):
         self.stage_info[name] = value
@@ -561,16 +574,6 @@ def process_stages(definitions, global_config, externals={}, aliases={}):
     return registry
-def update_json(meta, working_directory):
-    if os.path.exists("%s/pipeline.json" % working_directory):
-        shutil.move("%s/pipeline.json" % working_directory, "%s/pipeline.json.bk" % working_directory)
-    with open("%s/pipeline.json.new" % working_directory, "w+") as f:
-        json.dump(meta, f)
-    shutil.move("%s/pipeline.json.new" % working_directory, "%s/pipeline.json" % working_directory)
 def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = None, dryrun = False, verbose = False,
         logger = logging.getLogger("synpp"), rerun_required=True, ensure_working_directory=False,
         externals = {}, aliases = {}):
@@ -637,16 +640,24 @@ def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = Non
     sorted_hashes = list(nx.topological_sort(graph))
+    # Concatenate source digest of dependencies
+    source_digests = {}
+    for hash in sorted_hashes:
+        source_digests[hash] = ""
+        for dependency_hash in sorted(nx.ancestors(graph, hash)):
+            source_digests[hash] += registry[dependency_hash]["wrapper"].module_hash
+        source_digests[hash] += registry[hash]["wrapper"].module_hash
     # Check where cache is available
-    cache_available = set()
+    cache_available = {}
     if not working_directory is None:
         for hash in sorted_hashes:
-            directory_path = "%s/%s.cache" % (working_directory, hash)
-            file_path = "%s/%s.p" % (working_directory, hash)
+            prefix = get_cache_prefix(hash, source_digests[hash])
+            prefixed = [filename[:-2] for filename in os.listdir(working_directory) if filename.startswith(prefix) and filename.endswith(".p")]
-            if os.path.exists(directory_path) and os.path.exists(file_path):
-                cache_available.add(hash)
+            if prefixed:
+                cache_available[hash] = [filename.split("__")[-1] for filename in prefixed]
                 registry[hash]["ephemeral"] = False
     # Set up ephemeral stage counts
@@ -662,122 +673,84 @@ def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = Non
                 ephemeral_counts[hash] += 1
-    # 3) Load information about stages
-    meta = {}
-    if not working_directory is None:
-        try:
-            with open("%s/pipeline.json" % working_directory) as f:
-                meta = json.load(f)
-                logger.info("Found pipeline metadata in %s/pipeline.json" % working_directory)
-        except FileNotFoundError:
-            logger.info("Did not find pipeline metadata in %s/pipeline.json" % working_directory)
     # 4) Devalidate stages
     sorted_cached_hashes = sorted_hashes - ephemeral_counts.keys()
     stale_hashes = set()
+    # Get current validation tokens
+    current_validation_tokens = {
+        stage_id:
+        str(
+            registry[stage_id]["wrapper"].validate(
+                ValidateContext(registry[stage_id]["config"], get_cache_directory_path(working_directory, stage_id))
+            )
+        ) for stage_id in sorted_hashes
+    }
+    # Cache mapper between stage id and cache id.
+    cache_ids = {stage_id: get_cache_prefix(stage_id, source_digests[stage_id]) + "__" + str(current_validation_tokens[stage_id]) for stage_id in sorted_hashes}
+    file_cache_paths = {stage_id: get_cache_file_path(working_directory, cache_id) for stage_id, cache_id in cache_ids.items()}
+    dir_cache_paths = {stage_id: get_cache_directory_path(working_directory, cache_id) for stage_id, cache_id in cache_ids.items()}
     # 4.1) Devalidate if they are required (optional, otherwise will reload from cache)
     if rerun_required:
-    # 4.2) Devalidate if not in meta
-    for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
-        if not hash in meta:
-            stale_hashes.add(hash)
-    # 4.3) Devalidate if configuration values have changed
-    # This devalidation step is obsolete since we have implicit config parameters
-    # 4.4) Devalidate if module hash of a stage has changed
-    for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
-        if hash in meta:
-            if not "module_hash" in meta[hash]:
-                stale_hashes.add(hash) # Backwards compatibility
-            else:
-                previous_module_hash = meta[hash]["module_hash"]
-                current_module_hash = registry[hash]["wrapper"].module_hash
-                if previous_module_hash != current_module_hash:
-                    stale_hashes.add(hash)
+    if working_directory is None:
+        # If no working_directory, devalidate all dependencies
+        for hash in list(stale_hashes):
+            for dependency_hash in nx.ancestors(graph, hash):
+                stale_hashes.add(dependency_hash)
-    # 4.5) Devalidate if cache is not existant
-    if not working_directory is None:
+    else:
+        # 4.5) Devalidate if cache is not existant
         for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
-            directory_path = "%s/%s.cache" % (working_directory, hash)
-            file_path = "%s/%s.p" % (working_directory, hash)
             if not hash in cache_available:
-    # 4.6) Devalidate if parent has been updated
-    for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
-        if not hash in stale_hashes and hash in meta:
-            for dependency_hash, dependency_update in meta[hash]["dependencies"].items():
-                if not dependency_hash in meta:
-                    stale_hashes.add(hash)
-                else:
-                    if meta[dependency_hash]["updated"] > dependency_update:
-                        stale_hashes.add(hash)
-    # 4.7) Devalidate if parents are not the same anymore
-    for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
-        if not hash in stale_hashes and hash in meta:
-            cached_hashes = set(meta[hash]["dependencies"].keys())
-            current_hashes = set(registry[hash]["dependencies"] if "dependencies" in registry[hash] else [])
-            if not cached_hashes == current_hashes:
+        # 4.8) Manually devalidate stages
+        for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
+            if hash in cache_available and current_validation_tokens[hash] not in cache_available[hash]:
-    # 4.8) Manually devalidate stages
-    for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
-        stage = registry[hash]
-        cache_path = "%s/%s.cache" % (working_directory, hash)
-        context = ValidateContext(stage["config"], cache_path)
-        validation_token = stage["wrapper"].validate(context)
-        existing_token = meta[hash]["validation_token"] if hash in meta and "validation_token" in meta[hash] else None
-        if not validation_token == existing_token:
-            stale_hashes.add(hash)
-    # 4.9) Devalidate descendants of devalidated stages
-    for hash in set(stale_hashes):
-        for descendant_hash in nx.descendants(graph, hash):
-            if not descendant_hash in stale_hashes:
-                stale_hashes.add(descendant_hash)
-    # 4.10) Devalidate ephemeral stages if necessary
-    pending = set(stale_hashes)
-    while len(pending) > 0:
-        for dependency_hash in registry[pending.pop()]["dependencies"]:
-            if registry[dependency_hash]["ephemeral"]:
-                if not dependency_hash in stale_hashes:
-                    pending.add(dependency_hash)
-                stale_hashes.add(dependency_hash)
+        # 4.6) Devalidate if parent has been updated
+        for hash in sorted_cached_hashes:
+            if not hash in stale_hashes:
+                ctime = os.stat(file_cache_paths[hash]).st_mtime_ns
+                for dependency_hash in nx.ancestors(graph, hash):
+                    if dependency_hash not in stale_hashes and dependency_hash in cache_available:
+                        dependency_ctime = os.stat(file_cache_paths[dependency_hash]).st_mtime_ns
+                        if dependency_ctime > ctime:
+                            stale_hashes.add(hash)
+                            break
+        # 4.9) Devalidate descendants of devalidated stages
+        for hash in set(stale_hashes):
+            for descendant_hash in nx.descendants(graph, hash):
+                if not descendant_hash in stale_hashes:
+                    stale_hashes.add(descendant_hash)
+        # 4.10) Devalidate ephemeral stages if necessary
+        pending = set(stale_hashes)
+        while len(pending) > 0:
+            for dependency_hash in registry[pending.pop()]["dependencies"]:
+                if registry[dependency_hash]["ephemeral"]:
+                    if not dependency_hash in stale_hashes:
+                        pending.add(dependency_hash)
+                    stale_hashes.add(dependency_hash)
     logger.info("Devalidating %d stages:" % len(stale_hashes))
     for hash in stale_hashes: logger.info("- %s" % hash)
-    # 5) Reset meta information
-    for hash in stale_hashes:
-        if hash in meta:
-            del meta[hash]
-    if not working_directory is None:
-        update_json(meta, working_directory)
-    logger.info("Successfully reset meta data")
     # 6) Execute stages
     results = [None] * len(definitions)
     cache = {}
     progress = 0
+    infos = {}
     for hash in sorted_hashes:
         if hash in stale_hashes:
             logger.info("Executing stage %s ..." % hash)
@@ -794,21 +767,21 @@ def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = Non
             #        stage_dependency_info[parent] = meta[parent]["info"]
             #stage_dependencies =
-            stage_dependency_info = {}
             for dependency_hash in stage["dependencies"]:
-                stage_dependency_info[dependency_hash] = meta[dependency_hash]["info"]
+                if dependency_hash not in infos and working_directory is not None:
+                    with open(get_info_path(working_directory, cache_ids[dependency_hash]), "rb") as f:
+                        infos[dependency_hash] = pickle.load(f)
             # Prepare cache path
-            cache_path = "%s/%s.cache" % (working_directory, hash)
+            cache_path = dir_cache_paths[hash]
             if not working_directory is None:
                 if os.path.exists(cache_path):
-            context = ExecuteContext(stage["config"], stage["required_stages"], stage["aliases"], working_directory, stage["dependencies"], cache_path, pipeline_config, logger, cache, stage_dependency_info)
+            context = ExecuteContext(stage["config"], stage["required_stages"], stage["aliases"], working_directory, stage["dependencies"], cache_path, pipeline_config, logger, cache, infos, cache_ids)
             result = stage["wrapper"].execute(context)
-            validation_token = stage["wrapper"].validate(ValidateContext(stage["config"], cache_path))
             if hash in required_hashes:
                 results[required_hashes.index(hash)] = result
@@ -816,24 +789,13 @@ def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = Non
             if working_directory is None:
                 cache[hash] = result
-                with open("%s/%s.p" % (working_directory, hash), "wb+") as f:
+                with open(file_cache_paths[hash], "wb+") as f:
                     logger.info("Writing cache for %s" % hash)
                     pickle.dump(result, f, protocol=4)
-            # Update meta information
-            meta[hash] = {
-                "config": stage["config"],
-                "updated": datetime.datetime.utcnow().timestamp(),
-                "dependencies": {
-                    dependency_hash: meta[dependency_hash]["updated"] for dependency_hash in stage["dependencies"]
-                },
-                "info": context.stage_info,
-                "validation_token": validation_token,
-                "module_hash": stage["wrapper"].module_hash
-            }
-            if not working_directory is None:
-                update_json(meta, working_directory)
+                with open(get_info_path(working_directory, cache_ids[hash]), "wb+") as f:
+                    logger.info("Writing info for %s" % hash)
+                    pickle.dump(context.stage_info, f, protocol=4)
+            infos[hash] = context.stage_info
             # Clear cache for ephemeral stages if they are no longer needed
             if not working_directory is None:
@@ -842,8 +804,8 @@ def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = Non
                         ephemeral_counts[dependency_hash] -= 1
                         if ephemeral_counts[dependency_hash] == 0:
-                            cache_directory_path = "%s/%s.cache" % (working_directory, dependency_hash)
-                            cache_file_path = "%s/%s.p" % (working_directory, dependency_hash)
+                            cache_directory_path = dir_cache_paths[dependency_hash]
+                            cache_file_path = file_cache_paths[dependency_hash]
@@ -862,15 +824,15 @@ def run(definitions, config = {}, working_directory = None, flowchart_path = Non
         # Load remaining previously cached results
         for hash in required_hashes:
             if results[required_hashes.index(hash)] is None:
-                with open("%s/%s.p" % (working_directory, hash), "rb") as f:
+                with open(file_cache_paths[hash], "rb") as f:
                     logger.info("Loading cache for %s ..." % hash)
                     results[required_hashes.index(hash)] = pickle.load(f)
     if verbose:
         info = {}
-        for hash in sorted(meta.keys()):
-            info.update(meta[hash]["info"])
+        for hash in infos.keys():
+            info.update(infos[hash])
         return {
             "results": results,
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E.py b/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..01259f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E.py
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+def configure(context):
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.D", config={"d": 10}, alias="d")
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.C")
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.E1")
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.E2")
+def execute(context):
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.E1")
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.E2")
+    context.stage("d")
+    return context.stage("tests.fixtures.devalidation.C")
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E1.py b/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E1.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1ae5e75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E1.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+def configure(context):
+    pass
+def execute(context):
+    return 20
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E2.py b/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E2.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a65ecc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/devalidation/E2.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+def configure(context):
+    pass
+def execute(context):
+    return 40
diff --git a/tests/fixtures/ephemeral/E.py b/tests/fixtures/ephemeral/E.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..24bd06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fixtures/ephemeral/E.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+def configure(context):
+    context.stage("tests.fixtures.ephemeral.D")
+def execute(context):
+    pass
diff --git a/tests/test_devalidate.py b/tests/test_devalidate.py
index e9d2966..a2f871a 100644
--- a/tests/test_devalidate.py
+++ b/tests/test_devalidate.py
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import synpp
 from pytest import raises
+import time
 def test_devalidate_by_config(tmpdir):
     working_directory = tmpdir.mkdir("sub")
@@ -63,6 +64,7 @@ def test_devalidate_by_parent(tmpdir):
     assert "tests.fixtures.devalidation.B__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
     assert "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    time.sleep(0.1)
     result = synpp.run([{
         "descriptor": "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C"
     }], config = { "a": 1 }, working_directory = working_directory, verbose = True)
@@ -72,6 +74,7 @@ def test_devalidate_by_parent(tmpdir):
     assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.B__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
     assert "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    time.sleep(0.1)
     result = synpp.run([{
         "descriptor": "tests.fixtures.devalidation.A2"
     }], config = { "a": 1 }, working_directory = working_directory, verbose = True)
@@ -81,6 +84,7 @@ def test_devalidate_by_parent(tmpdir):
     assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.B__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
     assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    time.sleep(0.1)
     result = synpp.run([{
         "descriptor": "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C"
     }], config = { "a": 1 }, working_directory = working_directory, verbose = True)
@@ -113,6 +117,38 @@ def test_devalidate_descendants(tmpdir):
     assert "tests.fixtures.devalidation.B__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
     assert "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+import os
+import sys
+def test_devalidation_stability(tmpdir):
+    temp_directory = tmpdir.mkdir("sub")
+    working_directory = os.path.join(temp_directory, "cache")
+    config_yml_path = os.path.join(temp_directory, "config.yml")
+    config_yml = f"""run:
+  - tests.fixtures.devalidation.E
+working_directory: {working_directory}
+  a: 1"""
+    with open(config_yml_path, "w") as f:
+        f.write(config_yml)
+    os.system(f"python -m synpp {config_yml_path}")
+    result = synpp.run([{
+        "descriptor": "tests.fixtures.devalidation.E"
+    }], config = { "a": 1 }, working_directory = working_directory, verbose = True)
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.A1__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.A2" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.B__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.C__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    assert "tests.fixtures.devalidation.E__42b7b4f2921788ea14dac5566e6f06d0" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.E1" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.devalidation.E2" in result["stale"]
 def test_devalidate_token(tmpdir):
     working_directory = tmpdir.mkdir("sub")
     path = "%s/test.fixture" % working_directory
diff --git a/tests/test_ephemeral.py b/tests/test_ephemeral.py
index dfea774..db0012a 100644
--- a/tests/test_ephemeral.py
+++ b/tests/test_ephemeral.py
@@ -85,3 +85,24 @@ def test_ephemeral_BD(tmpdir):
     assert not "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.B" in result["stale"]
     assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.C" in result["stale"]
     assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.D" in result["stale"]
+def test_ephemeral_E(tmpdir):
+    working_directory = tmpdir.mkdir("cache")
+    result = synpp.run([
+        { "descriptor": "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.E" },
+    ], working_directory = working_directory, verbose = True)
+    assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.A" in result["stale"]
+    assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.C" in result["stale"]
+    assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.D" in result["stale"]
+    assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.E" in result["stale"]
+    result = synpp.run([
+        { "descriptor": "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.E" },
+    ], working_directory = working_directory, verbose = True)
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.A" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.C" in result["stale"]
+    assert not "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.D" in result["stale"]
+    assert "tests.fixtures.ephemeral.E" in result["stale"]
\ No newline at end of file