diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/.gitignore b/Core/Plotly Dash/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d84f63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/.gitignore	
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile b/Core/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..385146f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile	
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# This is the Dockerfile for the Enthought Edge "Plotly Dash" core example.
+# We use "edm-centos-7" as the base image.  This is a Centos-7 based image
+# which includes EDM.
+# EDM dependencies for the app are brought in via a .zbundle file.  This avoids
+# the need to pass your EDM token and/or a custom edm.yaml into the Dockerfile.
+# We perform a two-stage build, to avoid including the .zbundle in the layers
+# of the published image.
+# IMPORTANT: Please do not define any of the EDGE_* environment variables, or
+# any of the JUPYTERHUB_* variables, directly in this file. They will be set
+# automatically when running in Edge, or by the "ci" module when running
+# locally.
+# First stage
+ARG BASE_IMAGE=quay.io/enthought/edm-centos-7:3.4.0
+FROM $BASE_IMAGE as stage_one
+ARG EDGE_BUNDLE=app_environment.zbundle
+COPY $EDGE_BUNDLE /tmp/app_environment.zbundle
+RUN adduser app
+USER app
+WORKDIR /home/app
+# Create a default EDM environment using the enthought_edge bundle
+RUN edm env import -f /tmp/app_environment.zbundle edm && edm cache purge --yes
+# Install any 'pip' dependencies
+RUN edm run -- pip install --no-cache-dir Flask-Session
+# Second stage
+FROM $BASE_IMAGE as stage_two
+RUN adduser app
+USER app
+WORKDIR /home/app
+COPY --from=stage_one --chown=app /home/app/.edm /home/app/.edm
+# Make any global changes (yum install, e.g.) in the second stage.
+# Don't change the user, and in particular don't make the user "root".
+# Copy startup script and application.
+# Note: the startup script must be placed in /home/app for the base image
+# machinery to pick it up.
+COPY --chown=app ./src/startup-script.sh /home/app/startup-script.sh
+RUN chmod +x /home/app/startup-script.sh
+COPY --chown=app ./src/app.py /home/app/app.py
+CMD ["/home/app/startup-script.sh"]
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/README.md b/Core/Plotly Dash/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0cd37d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/README.md	
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+# Plotly Dash example
+This example shows how to develop an application for Edge using the Plotly Dash
+library.  You can read more about Plotly Dash at their official site:
+## Before you begin
+Before starting, ensure you have the following installed:
+* [Docker](https://docker.com)
+* [EDM](https://www.enthought.com/edm/), the Enthought Deployment Manager 
+Finally, ensure your ``edm.yaml`` file lists ``enthought/edge`` as an egg
+repository, along with ``enthought/free`` and ``enthought/lgpl``.  This will be
+necessary to use EdgeSession in the example.
+## Quick start
+1. Run ``python bootstrap.py``.  This will create a development environment
+   and activate it, dropping you into a development shell.
+2. From within the development shell, build the example by running
+   ``python -m ci build``.  This will produce a Docker image.
+3. Run the Docker image via ``python -m ci run``.  The app will serve on
+ in a local development mode.
+## Modifying the example for your use case
+Please note these are the minimal changes necessary to make the example your
+own.  Depending on your use case you may wish to add additional "ci" commands,
+install different items in the Dockerfile, etc.
+* In ``ci/__main__.py``, change the constants IMAGE, VERSION, and
+  APP_DEPENDENCIES as appropriate.
+* In ``bootstrap.py``, consider changing the name of the development
+  environment (ENV_NAME) to avoid conflicts with other examples.
+## Publishing your app
+1. Ensure you are logged in (via ``docker login``) to DockerHub, Quay.io, or
+   another Docker registry.
+2. Run ``python -m ci publish`` to push your app's image to the registry.
+Once you have published your Docker image, you are ready to register that
+version of your app with Edge.
+As a quick reminder, in Edge, there is a distinction between an _app_ and an
+_app version_.  Your organization administrator can define an _app_, and then
+developers are free to register _app versions_ associated with that app.  This
+ensures that org administrators have full control over what shows up on the
+dashboard, but gives developers freedom to publish new versions by themselves.
+The easiest way to register a new app version is by logging in to Edge, going
+to the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and navigating to the app in
+question. There is a form to fill out which asks for the version, Quay.io or
+DockerHub URL for the image, and some other information.
+It is also possible to register app versions programmatically, for example
+from within a GitHub Actions workflow.  See the example at the end of this
+## Getting EdgeSession to work in development
+When you run your app on Edge, you can create an EdgeSession object simply by
+calling the constructor (``mysession = EdgeSession()``).  This works by
+collecting environment variables set by Edge when the container is launched.
+When developing locally, it's also convenient to have an EdgeSession.  You
+can get the "ci" module to inject the appropriate environment variables, so
+that your ``EdgeSession()`` call will work with ``python -m ci run`` and
+``python -m ci preflight``.  
+To do so, follow this procedure:
+* Copy the "dev_settings.json.example" file to "dev_settings.json".
+* Define EDGE_API_SERVICE_URL in that file.  The typical value here is
+  ``"https://edge.enthought.com/services/api"``.
+* Define EDGE_API_ORG in that file.  This is the "short name" displayed in
+  the URL bar when you log into an organization, for example, ``"default"``.
+* Define EDGE_API_TOKEN.  You can get one of these by going to the
+  ``/hub/token`` endpoint on the Edge server.
+Be sure *not* to check the "dev_settings.json" file into source control, as it
+contains your API token.
+## Viewing console output
+When running with ``python -m ci run``, the app's output will be displayed
+on the console where you launched it.
+## Guidelines for your Dockerfile
+Edge will run your app next to a built-in reverse proxy, which allows
+you to skip a lot of work in the development process.  This includes stripping
+the prefix from requests, handling the OAuth2 login flow, pinging JupyterHub
+for container activity, and more.  But, there are a few guidelines you will
+need to follow in your own Dockerfile.
+* Don't change the user to anything other than ``app`` (for example, by the 
+  Dockerfile ``USER`` command). If you need to run ``yum`` for some reason, 
+  use ``sudo``.
+* Your app should bind to ````, *not* ````, and it should serve
+  on port 9000.  The Edge machinery will respond to requests on port 8888 and 
+  forward them to your app.
+## Publishing versions from CI (e.g. GitHub Actions)
+You can register your app version programmatically.  This is particularly
+convenient during the development process, for automated builds.  A general
+example looks like this, for an app whose ID is ``my-app-id``:
+from edge.api import EdgeSession
+from edge.apps.application import Application
+from edge.apps.app_version import AppKindEnum, AppVersion
+from edge.apps.server_info import ServerInfo
+# Create an Edge session.
+edge = EdgeSession(
+    service_url="https://edge.enthought.com/services/api",
+    organization="<YOUR_ORGANIZATION>",
+    api_token="<YOUR_EDGE_API_TOKEN>"
+# Register the application version.
+# Icon is a base64-encoded PNG.  
+# It should be square, any size; 64x64 or 128x128 are common.
+ICON = (
+    "AMfIYAdnwAdnwAd3wAc3kAdntYsb8AdnwAdn0AdXwAdXsAd30Ad3xYsb8A"
+    "d30AdntYsL8Ad30AdnsAd30AdnwAd3wAd30AdnxYssBYsb5Ysr9Zs70Adn"
+    "tYsr9Ysb9Ysb9Ysr8AdnxXs75Ysb4AdXsAd3wAdnxYsb8AeoAAfYMAf4Vb"
+    "t8Zfv84Ad31ixtVevMuy+odXAAAAJ3RSTlMABPr88Shd+4pmkXyDbfB0Xy"
+    "dWTy0h9TLnkYv+IJmX9uigNzOIf5LOQ2WlAAAC/ElEQVR42sXX7VLiMBiG"
+    "4aTBDwQVEJSPXdkF3dAi1fM/uoXp7DyzIzHEm7bvT6Dc16SlDQbObG5anf"
+    "nHx4tpcea7q6sdWQPeXyyIgPc3+7nazQwY3N8sWhLM9uu/+Sd4NmBQvxog"
+    "YH0g4P2qLMFvAwb0WxE8q9+CwJqX96W6muV7U9fB8NfbsRV4u1ubhubHQf"
+    "C5PzQNjZXg/741dY8EdxKAPhTQPhfQPhfQPheQPhcM9wLa54KG+jYoCPZt"
+    "M4Llspn+KlRZr0PvrM7Z/7m9DHVCr19ub87Zd4UEX436hZeA9zPnJTix7z"
+    "IJcN97CU7tey8B70twev9Mgj+HvgQJ/fMIbqq+BCl9CXhfgpS+BLwvQUpf"
+    "At6XIN7nAvWTBOpDgfppgm6uPhGonyaw00LHAIH6qYLJNA8KeD8usF8Irk"
+    "E/SdChAvXbEajfjkD9dgTqtyNQv0XB9aFPBRcRAexzQXo/q1MQ77uyqHEN"
+    "4v2smPby0qUKHoOC1H7eGZtB4VMF47AgtX+hrU4Ngmj/cWzs+QU2rW/qFc"
+    "T7lSA/o6BvbEq/+rpRuuApiwvi/doE0X72pA/VJYj36xXE+7UL+sf7Tn0s"
+    "WPncBQTh51/Z0fV3oiDvBtegU/rQ/eC1OIpz5XRirEkQOFfch/8ulEfNru"
+    "gZcx8QVI+AuECnoGtM8NEc6N8aY0OC7ESB+qdvDdS33xQ8aH9A+0igfj74"
+    "Zh8K9BMEfSxwPgd9KKj6o8S+V58KaJ8LXJk/gD4WeM/6XMD6XDCC558LYJ"
+    "8LYJ8LQB8IYJ8IeD9+eG9LBPH7PxTgPhbQPhfwPhek932gDwTRfnjLyAW0"
+    "zwW8H5+IAPa5gPa5gPa5gPa5gPa5gPa5gPa5gPa5gPa5APa5gPW5YDJBfS"
+    "6YTkmfC1xZukb6NiiAfS4AfSAAfSQoHOpzwes2Q30+fQla6VsJQB8LeJ8L"
+    "NBjvpccH0L+38B6kvWH2wXIe8AAAAASUVORK5CYII="
+version = AppVersion(
+    app_id="my-app-id",  # Specified when the app is created
+    version="1.0.0",  	 # or whatever version you have
+    title="My Application Title",
+    description="This Is An Example Edge Application",
+    icon=ICON,
+    kind=AppKindEnum.Native,
+    recommended_profile="edge.medium"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/bootstrap.py b/Core/Plotly Dash/bootstrap.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9b4ad73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/bootstrap.py	
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Enthought product code
+# (C) Copyright 2010-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
+# All rights reserved.
+# This file and its contents are confidential information and NOT open source.
+# Distribution is prohibited.
+    Bootstrap file, which builds the local EDM development environment for this
+    example.
+import argparse
+import subprocess
+ENV_NAME = "edge-plotly-dash-core"
+EDM_DEPS = ["click", "pip", "setuptools"]
+PIP_DEPS = ["sqlalchemy<2", "dockerspawner"]
+def bootstrap(ci_mode):
+    """Create and populate dev env.
+    Will automatically activate the environment, unless ci_mode is True.
+    """
+    if ENV_NAME not in _list_edm_envs():
+        print(f"Creating development environment {ENV_NAME}...")
+        cmd = ["edm", "envs", "create", ENV_NAME, "--version", "3.8", "--force"]
+        subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
+        cmd = ["edm", "install", "-e", ENV_NAME, "-y"] + EDM_DEPS
+        subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
+        cmd = ["edm", "run", "-e", ENV_NAME, "--", "pip", "install"] + PIP_DEPS
+        subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
+        print("Bootstrap complete.")
+    else:
+        print("Environment already exists; reusing.")
+    if not ci_mode:
+        print(f"Activating dev environment {ENV_NAME}")
+        subprocess.run(["edm", "shell", "-e", ENV_NAME])
+def _list_edm_envs():
+    cmd = ["edm", "envs", "list"]
+    proc = subprocess.run(
+        cmd, check=True, capture_output=True, encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore"
+    )
+    envs = []
+    for line in proc.stdout.split("\n"):
+        parts = line.split()
+        if len(parts) < 6:
+            continue
+        if parts[0] == "*":
+            envs.append(parts[1])
+        else:
+            envs.append(parts[0])
+    return envs
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument("--ci", action="store_true")
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    bootstrap(args.ci)
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/ci/__main__.py b/Core/Plotly Dash/ci/__main__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..66c3437
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/ci/__main__.py	
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+# Enthought product code
+# (C) Copyright 2010-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
+# All rights reserved.
+# This file and its contents are confidential information and NOT open source.
+# Distribution is prohibited.
+    This is the "ci" module for the Core Plotly Dash example.
+import click
+import os.path as op
+import subprocess
+import sys
+import os
+import json
+SRC_ROOT = op.abspath(op.join(op.dirname(__file__), ".."))
+# Docker image will be tagged "IMAGE:VERSION"
+IMAGE = "quay.io/enthought/edge-plotly-dash-core"
+VERSION = "1.1.0"
+# These will go into the built Docker image.  You may wish to modify this
+# minimal example to pin the dependencies, or use a bundle file to define them.
+    "enthought_edge>=2.6.0",
+    "appdirs",
+    "packaging",
+    "pip",
+    "pyparsing",
+    "setuptools",
+    "six",
+    "requests",
+    "gunicorn",
+    "pandas",
+    "flask>2",
+    "dash",
+# This will be used when running locally ("run" or "preflight" commands).
+# We just use the last component of the full image URL.
+CONTAINER_NAME = IMAGE.split("/")[-1]
+def cli():
+    """Group for Click commands"""
+    pass
+@click.option("--rebuild-zbundle", default=False, is_flag=True)
+def build(rebuild_zbundle):
+    """Build the Docker image"""
+    # First, we build a "zbundle" which contains all the eggs needed to
+    # build the environment within the Docker image.
+    fname = "app_environment.zbundle"
+    if rebuild_zbundle or not op.exists(op.join(SRC_ROOT, fname)):
+        cmd = [
+            "edm",
+            "bundle",
+            "generate",
+            "-i",
+            "--version",
+            "3.8",
+            "--platform",
+            "rh7-x86_64",
+            "-m",
+            "2.0",
+            "-f",
+            fname,
+        subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, cwd=SRC_ROOT)
+    # Second, we run Docker.  The Dockerfile will copy the zbundle into
+    # a temp folder and install it.
+    cmd = ["docker", "build", "-t", f"{IMAGE}:{VERSION}", "."]
+    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, cwd=SRC_ROOT)
+def run():
+    """Run the Docker image for testing"""
+    # Get values from the dev settings file (API tokens for testing, etc.)
+    envs = _load_dev_settings()
+    cmd = ["docker", "run", "--rm", "-p", "9000:9000", "--name", CONTAINER_NAME]
+    for key, value in envs.items():
+        cmd += ["--env", f"{key}={value}"]
+    cmd += ["--env", "HOST_ADDRESS="]
+    cmd += [f"{IMAGE}:{VERSION}"]
+    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True, cwd=SRC_ROOT)
+def publish():
+    """Publish the Docker image for use with Edge"""
+    cmd = ["docker", "push", f"{IMAGE}:{VERSION}"]
+    subprocess.run(cmd, check=True)
+def _load_dev_settings():
+    """Load dev_settings.json file.
+    Returns a dict with "EDGE_*" key/value pairs, or an empty dict if the
+    file doesn't exist.  Any other keys are filtered out.
+    """
+    fpath = op.join(SRC_ROOT, "dev_settings.json")
+    if not op.exists(fpath):
+        return {}
+    with open(fpath, "r") as f:
+        data = json.load(f)
+    return {k: v for k, v in data.items() if k.startswith("EDGE_")}
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    cli()
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/dev_settings.json.example b/Core/Plotly Dash/dev_settings.json.example
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..96f38f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/dev_settings.json.example	
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+  "?0": "This is an *optional* settings file to make development more convenient.",
+  "?1": "Make a copy of this file, named 'dev_settings.json', and fill in the values.",
+  "?2": "This will allow EdgeSession() to work locally for testing/development.",
+  "?3": "DO NOT CHECK THE dev_settings.json FILE INTO SOURCE CONTROL!",
+  "EDGE_API_ORG": "<ORG_ID>",
+  "EDGE_API_SERVICE_URL": "https://edge.enthought.com/services/api"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/src/app.py b/Core/Plotly Dash/src/app.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46b8d68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/src/app.py	
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Enthought product code
+# (C) Copyright 2010-2022 Enthought, Inc., Austin, TX
+# All rights reserved.
+# This file and its contents are confidential information and NOT open source.
+# Distribution is prohibited.
+    Example for using Plotly Dash with Edge.
+import os
+import sys
+from datetime import datetime, timezone
+from functools import wraps
+import pandas as pd
+import plotly.express as px
+import requests
+from dash import Dash, dcc, html
+from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
+from edge.api import EdgeSession
+from flask import Flask
+# Your app will be served by Edge under this URL prefix.
+# Please note the value will contain a trailing "/" character.
+PREFIX = os.environ.get("JUPYTERHUB_SERVICE_PREFIX", "/")
+def get_edge_session():
+    """Helper function to get an EdgeSession object.
+    EdgeSession will auto-load environment variables, including the API token,
+    location of the Edge server, etc. Please note:
+    1. In production, they are set by Edge itself; you don't have to do anything.
+    2. In testing, you can set values in "dev_settings.json"
+    Returns an EdgeSession object if one can be constructed, or None if the
+    required information is missing.
+    """
+    def is_set(name):
+        return name in os.environ
+    if (
+        is_set("EDGE_API_SERVICE_URL")
+        and is_set("EDGE_API_ORG")
+        and (is_set("EDGE_API_TOKEN") or is_set("JUPYTERHUB_API_TOKEN"))
+    ):
+        return EdgeSession()
+    return None
+# Note: in development, you should run "dash_app" (as in the __main__ block at
+# the bottom of this file), but in your Dockerfile, gunicorn should point at
+# "flask_app" instead.
+flask_app = Flask(__name__)
+dash_app = Dash(server=flask_app, url_base_pathname=PREFIX)
+df = pd.read_csv(
+    "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plotly/datasets/master/gapminder_unfiltered.csv"
+edge = get_edge_session()
+if edge is not None:
+    whoami = edge.whoami()
+    greeting = f"Logged in as {whoami.user_name}"
+    greeting = "No EdgeSession available.  See the README."
+dash_app.layout = html.Div(
+    [
+        html.H1(
+            children="Population by country",
+            style={"textAlign": "center"},
+        ),
+        html.Div(children=greeting, style={"paddingBottom": "20px"}),
+        dcc.Dropdown(df.country.unique(), "Canada", id="dropdown-selection"),
+        dcc.Graph(id="graph-content"),
+    ]
+# All callback functions for your UI components go here.
+# For example, following is the callback for UI components in the previous
+# function.
+    Output("graph-content", "figure"), Input("dropdown-selection", "value")
+def update_graph(value):
+    dff = df[df.country == value]
+    return px.line(dff, x="year", y="pop")
+# Run the app
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    dash_app.run_server(debug=True)
diff --git a/Core/Plotly Dash/src/startup-script.sh b/Core/Plotly Dash/src/startup-script.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9499ca8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Core/Plotly Dash/src/startup-script.sh	
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+set -e
+# Your app must bind to on port 9000 for the Edge proxy to work.
+# However, for local docker execution without a proxy, we need to bind to
+if [ -z $HOST_ADDRESS ]; then
+  # Provide a default if not specified explicitly
+  export HOST_ADDRESS='';
+exec edm run -- gunicorn app:flask_app -b ${HOST_ADDRESS}:9000 --workers 1
diff --git a/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile b/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile
index 4e38a58..004e189 100644
--- a/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile	
+++ b/Plotly Dash/Dockerfile	
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# This is the Dockerfile for the Enthought Edge "Streamlit" example.
+# This is the Dockerfile for the Enthought Edge "Plotly Dash" example.
 # We use "edge-native-base" as the base image.  This is a Centos-7 based image
 # which includes EDM, as well as a small proxy server which automatically