- You'll need a GitHub account to make use of GitHub Classroom. If you don't have an account, please create one: https://github.com/join
- To make sure we can map your username/email to you, please fill out this google form: https://forms.gle/fMUgcH9HKxdn1Vg56
- Git should be installed and setup locally on your computer. To learn how, check out https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Getting-Started-Installing-Git .
- If you aren't sure if you have it installed or not, you can check by going to your terminal/command line and typing
git version
. This will tell you what version you have or, if it's an unknown command, you'll need to install it.
- If you aren't sure if you have it installed or not, you can check by going to your terminal/command line and typing
- For each assignment you'll get an invite link via email. The first time you accept a link, you'll be asked to join the classroom. Please follow the steps GitHub Classroom gives you. Please link to your UCD email - if you accidentally put in the wrong email/make a typo, please reach out to the TA to get this fixed.
- For each assignment you'll get a new invite link. After you accept this, you'll be able to clone the repository (button is on the top right - it's the button "Code" with a download icon). To keep organized, consider having a folder on your computer exclusively for this class.
- What's cloning? Cloning is when you create or access a repository on GitHub (this is remote). When you clone you create a copy of this on your local computer. If you're new to git and need help with how to do this, check out: https://docs.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository
- Now that you've cloned your repository, you can work on your assignment and make any edits you'd like. Be sure to add and commit your changes often - this will help if you'd like to go back to a previous version.
- Commits track changes and preps them to be pushed to your remote repository.
- When you push, the changes in your local repository are "pushed" up to the remote repository. For your assignments commit and push often - this will ensure you won't lose your work!
- If you're new to git, the terminology/workflow may be confusing - check out https://rogerdudler.github.io/git-guide/ or other tutorials to learn more.
- Before the deadline, be sure to push all of your changes to your master branch! We'll be grading your master branch