This project is open source for learning purposes only and cannot be used for any illegal purposes. Otherwise, the consequences will be borne by oneself and have nothing to do with myself. Please keep the project address for use, thank you.
Front end web program for online collaborative editing of map SVG images
Used to connect to online map servers and perform real-time editing of map data
To create an online map server, please go here https://github.com/emilia-t/OnlineMapServer
首页、服务器选择页面(Home page, server selection page):
编辑要素(Edit elements):
查看要素(View elements):
- 增加了对曲线的支持(快捷键"4"
- Added support for curves(Shortcut keys "4"
- 增加了对模板的支持(位于图层模板设置
- Added support for template
- 增加了路由的支持(位于左侧菜单面板
- Added support for route
- 增加了网咯延迟检测
- Added network latency detection
- 修复了已知的bug
- Fixed known bugs
- 优化了渲染方式
- Optimized rendering method
- 增加了图层翻页功能
- Added layer page function
项目结构(Project Structure)
├───build[构建项目的脚本(Build the script for the project)]
├───config[vue、webpack配置文件(vue webpack config file)]
└───document[一些笔记或文档(Some notes or documents)]
└───other[其他资料(other resources)]
└───src [主要的源码(Main code)]
└───assets[存放静态资源的地方,但更多是存放在static(Static resources,but more of it is stored in static)]
└───components[存放vue组件的地方(Where to store Vue components)]
└───icons[旧时存放icon的地方,现已弃用(The place where icons were stored in the past has been abandoned)]
└───js[存放js脚本的地方(JS scripts)]
└───plugin[存放插件的地方(JS plugin)]
└───router[存放vue路由的地方(vue route)]
└───App.vue[根组件(root component)]
└───main.js[主文件(main js)]
└───static[静态的资源(Static resources)]
└───.babelrc[Babel 的配置文件(Babel's configuration file)]
└───.editorconfig[开发环境(development environment )]
└───.gitignore[忽略文件列表(Ignore file list)]
└───.postcssrc.js[PostCSS 的配置文件(PostCSS configuration file)]
└───package-lock.json[依赖包(dependency package)]
npm run install
npm run dev
npm run build
Note: Before launching your website, your server also needs to prepare an additional URL redirection module or program to make vue route work properly.
If it is Apache2:
1.Ensure that you have installed the rewrite module and enabled it in httpd.conf.
2.在根目录的位置添加 .htaccess 文件,并写入如下内容:
2.Add the .htaccess file to the root directory and write the following content.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteRule ^index\.html$ - [L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /index.html [L]
URL | 作者或来源(Author or Source) | 标题(title) | 在本项目中的应用(Application in this project) |
瓦片(Tile)地图原理 | xcsf | 瓦片(Tile)地图原理 | LayerRealisticBaseMap.vue |
瓦片(Tile)行列号计算方法 | xcsf | 瓦片(Tile)行列号计算方法 | LayerRealisticBaseMap.vue |
墨卡托投影法 | wikipedia | 墨卡托投影法 | LayerRealisticBaseMap.vue |
Web墨卡托投影 | wikipedia | Web墨卡托投影 | LayerRealisticBaseMap.vue |