This document will help to setup your development environment and running tests for milvus java sdk. If you encounter a problem, please file an issue.
- Java 8 or higher
- Apache Maven
$ git clone --recursive
Milvus proto files are managed by a submodule project under the directory: src/milvus-proto Fetch Milvus proto files by the following command(If the previous clone is not with submodules)
$ git submodule update --init
Call the following command to generate protobuf related code
$ mvn install
Milvus proto files are managed by a submodule project under the directory: src/milvus-proto Before developing new interfaces, you need to get the latest proto files by the following command:
$ git submodule update --remote
See detailed information at:
You need to start a latest milvus cluster to test the java SDK, see instructions at:
All unit test is under director src/test
Milvus SDK repo follows the same git work flow as milvus main repo, see
If you have any questions about how to fork, clone, create branch, commit, push, open a pull request, please see