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\r\nPerhaps you would like to create a ticket?", + "header": "Server Error!", + "slug": "error.404" + } + }, + { + "pk": 3, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "We're sorry but a server error has occurred. We've been notified and will look into it as soon as possible.\"\r\n
\r\nPerhaps you would like to create a ticket?", + "header": "Server Error!", + "slug": "error.500" + } + }, + { + "pk": 4, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "Django", + "header": "", + "slug": "site.package_type" + } + }, + { + "pk": 5, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "Django Packages is a directory of reusable apps, sites, tools, and more for your Django projects.", + "header": "", + "slug": "site.description" + } + }, + { + "pk": 6, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "We have sent you an e-mail. If you do not receive it within a few minutes, contact us at pydanny@djangopackages.com.", + "header": "", + "slug": "email.text" + } + }, + { + "pk": 7, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "Hosted By:Cartwheel, LLC. Powered by Django, Pinax and these fine packages.", + "header": "", + "slug": "footer.text" + } + }, + { + "pk": 8, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "© 2010 Daniel Greenfeld & Audrey Roy", + "header": "", + "slug": "copyright.text" + } + }, + { + "pk": 9, + "model": "flatblocks.flatblock", + "fields": { + "content": "If you have any problems, please submit a ticket.", + "header": "", + "slug": "issue.text" + } + } +] \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/fixtures/flatpages.json b/fixtures/flatpages.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..872bbda --- /dev/null +++ b/fixtures/flatpages.json @@ -0,0 +1,167 @@ +[ + { + "pk": 9, + "model": "flatpages.flatpage", + "fields": { + "registration_required": false, + "title": "About", + "url": "/about/", + "template_name": "", + "sites": [ + 1 + ], + "content": "

About Adam's Package's

\r\n \r\n

Django Packages solves the problem in the Django community of being able to easily identify good \r\n apps, frameworks, and packages. Ever want to know which is the most popular or well supported Django \r\n blog, content management system, or api tool? Django Packages solves that problem for you!\r\n

\r\n \r\n

What is a Python?

\r\n \r\n

A Django package is anything that is involved in the Django ecosphere that can be stored on a \r\n repository such as Github or Bitbucket. If it can be stored in PyPI,\r\n that's even better!\r\n

\r\n \r\n

When did you code this?

\r\n \r\n

Django Packages was conceived for and coding during Django Dash 2010.\r\n Since then we've been feverishly adding more features, improving the design, and trying to make data entry\r\n as easy/intuitive as possible.\r\n

\r\n \r\n

Who built this thing?

\r\n \r\n

Daniel Greenfeld and Audrey Roy are the creators of this project. Additional contributing members are detailed in\r\n the team page. \r\n

\r\n \r\n

Can I help?

\r\n \r\n

\r\n Django Packages is an volunteer based open source effort.\r\n Please submit any ideas or issues and \r\n also fork and submit back patches and enhancements.\r\n

\r\n \r\n

I want to know more!

\r\n \r\n

Django Packages also has a help section.

", + "enable_comments": false + } + }, + { + "pk": 7, + "model": "flatpages.flatpage", + "fields": { + "registration_required": false, + "title": "API Documentation", + "url": "/api/v1/docs/", + "template_name": "", + "sites": [ + 1 + ], + "content": "\r\n\r\n

Django Packages API v1


This is the API documentation for Django Packages. It is designed to be language and tool agnostic.




API Usage


The current API is limited to read-only GET requests. Other HTTP methods will fail. Only JSON is provided.


API Reference


Representation formats

  • JSON.
  • \r\n
  • UTF-8.
  • \r\n

Base URI



/category/Category listGET
/grid/Grid listGET
/grid/{slug}/packages/Grid Packages listGET
/grid-of-the-week/Featured Grid listGET
/grid-of-the-week/{slug}/Featured GridGET
/package/Package listGET
/package-of-the-week/Featured Package listGET
/package-of-the-week/{slug}/Featured PackageGET
/repo/Repo listGET






\r\n{\r\n    created: "Sat, 14 Aug 2010 19:47:52 -0400"\r\n    description: "Small components used to build projects. An app is anything that is installed by placing in settings.INSTALLED_APPS."\r\n    modified: "Sat, 28 Aug 2010 11:20:36 -0400"\r\n    resource_uri: "/api/v1/category/apps/"\r\n    slug: "apps"\r\n    title: "App"\r\n    title_plural: "Apps"\r\n}\r\n




\r\n{\r\nabsolute_url: "/grids/g/cms/"\r\ncreated: "Sat, 14 Aug 2010 20:12:46 -0400"\r\ndescription: "This page lists a few well-known reusable Content Management System applications for Django and tries to gather a comparison of essential features in those applications."\r\nis_locked: false\r\nmodified: "Sat, 11 Sep 2010 14:57:16 -0400"\r\npackages: [\r\n    "/api/v1/package/django-cms/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/django-page-cms/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/django-lfc/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/merengue/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/mezzanine/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/philo/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/pylucid/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/django-gitcms/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/django-simplepages/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/djpcms/"\r\n    "/api/v1/package/feincms/"\r\n]\r\nresource_uri: "/api/v1/grid/cms/"\r\nslug: "cms"\r\ntitle: "CMS"\r\n}\r\n




\r\n{\r\n    absolute_url: "/grids/g/cms/"\r\n    created: "Sun, 15 Aug 2010 01:36:59 -0400"\r\n    end_date: "22 Aug 2010"\r\n    modified: "Sun, 15 Aug 2010 01:36:59 -0400"\r\n    resource_uri: "/api/v1/grid-of-the-week/cms/"\r\n    start_date: "15 Aug 2010"\r\n}\r\n




\r\n{\r\n    absolute_url: "/packages/p/pinax/"\r\n    category: "/api/v1/category/frameworks/"\r\n    created: "Mon, 16 Aug 2010 23:25:16 -0400"\r\n    grids: [\r\n        "/api/v1/grid/profiles/"\r\n        "/api/v1/grid/social/"\r\n        "/api/v1/grid/this-site/"\r\n    ]\r\n    modified: "Sun, 12 Sep 2010 17:02:10 -0400"\r\n    participants: "pinax,brosner,jtauber,jezdez,ericflo,gregnewman,pydanny,edcrypt,paltman,dougn,alex,vgarvardt,alibrahim,lukeman,shentonfreude,jpic,httpdss,mikl,empty,brutasse,kwadrat,sunoano,robertrv,stephrdev,justinlilly,deepthawtz,skyl,googletorp,maicki,havan,zerok,hellp,asenchi,haplo,chimpymike,beshrkayali,zain,bartTC,ntoll,fernandoacorreia,oppianmatt,dartdog,gklein,acdha,ariddell,vikingosegundo,thraxil,rhouse2"\r\n    pypi_downloads: 0\r\n    pypi_url: "http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pinax"\r\n    pypi_version: "0.9a1"\r\n    repo: "/api/v1/repo/1/"\r\n    repo_commits: 0\r\n    repo_description: "a Django-based platform for rapidly developing websites"\r\n    repo_forks: 184\r\n    repo_url: "http://github.com/pinax/pinax"\r\n    repo_watchers: 913\r\n    resource_uri: "/api/v1/package/pinax/"\r\n    slug: "pinax"\r\n    title: "Pinax"\r\n}\r\n




\r\n{\r\n    absolute_url: "/packages/p/django-uni-form/"\r\n    created: "Sun, 15 Aug 2010 01:36:38 -0400"\r\n    end_date: "15 Aug 2010"\r\n    modified: "Mon, 16 Aug 2010 23:54:36 -0400"\r\n    resource_uri: "/api/v1/package-of-the-week/django-uni-form/"\r\n    start_date: "14 Aug 2010"\r\n}\r\n




\r\n{\r\n    created: "Sat, 14 Aug 2010 19:50:11 -0400"\r\n    description: ""\r\n    handler: "package.handlers.github"\r\n    is_other: false\r\n    is_supported: true\r\n    modified: "Sat, 28 Aug 2010 17:12:16 -0400"\r\n    repo_regex: "http://github.com"\r\n    resource_uri: "/api/v1/repo/1/"\r\n    slug_regex: "http://github.com/([w-_]+)/([w-_]+)/{0,1}"\r\n    title: "Github"\r\n    url: "http://github.com"\r\n    user_regex: "http://github.com/([w-_]+)/{0,1}"\r\n}\r\n
", + "enable_comments": false + } + }, + { + "pk": 10, + "model": "flatpages.flatpage", + "fields": { + "registration_required": false, + "title": "FAQ", + "url": "/faq/", + "template_name": "", + "sites": [ + 1 + ], + "content": "

Frequently Asked Questions


What are grids?


Grids let you compare Django packages to each other. A grid comes with a number of default items compared,\r\n but you can add more features in order to get a more specific comparison.

\r\n \r\n

For now, we are trying out Django Packages without the traditional tagging system, because we think that\r\n grids give us a lot more specificity.\r\n


What categories of Django Packages are listed?


Right now there are three categories, apps, frameworks, projects.\r\n Blogs and CMS's are invariably apps, frameworks, or projects so they don't get their own category.\r\n


Google Project Hosting, Launchpad, Sourceforge, and others are not fully supported!


Not yet. Django Packages was cooked up during Django Dash 2010. \r\n We wanted to keep the scope of our work reasonable. We'll try and include those sites in the future.\r\n

", + "enable_comments": false + } + }, + { + "pk": 1, + "model": "flatpages.flatpage", + "fields": { + "registration_required": false, + "title": "Help", + "url": "/help/", + "template_name": "", + "sites": [ + 1 + ], + "content": "\r\n\r\n", + "enable_comments": false + } + }, + { + "pk": 6, + "model": "flatpages.flatpage", + "fields": { + "registration_required": false, + "title": "Change Log", + "url": "/help/changelog/", + "template_name": "", + "sites": [ + 1 + ], + "content": "

2010, September 13


pydanny - forcing JSON on API V1.


2010, September 12


taavi223 - Query optimization, caching, added functional tests for grid views, and made deleting grid features and packages permission related, and graphical improvements.\r\nojii - API now supports slugs instead of ids, ++ on grids, and tests\r\npydanny - various view fixes, moved metadata handling out of Package.save() and into Package.fetch_data


2010, September 11


pydanny - Added revervsion, API improvements, PyPI XMLRPC connector, improved download listings, admin view of profiles improvements for tracking user actions\r\ntaavi223 - Query optimization, code clean up, adding commit history graphs to grid views, improve login functionality to redirect a user back to their previous page, added "I use this" buttons to grid pages, and caching.


2010, September 10


pydanny - Redirected all github references to github.com/djangopackages/djangopackages, API and API docs\r\ntaavi223 - Query optimization, caching, and "I use this" controls\r\njpunteny - Added javascript to enable AJAX "I use this" buttons


August 28th, 2010
