The Neurobiological Basis of Interpersonal Neural Synchronization: Evidence from a Multimodal Data Fusion Approach
Here, you find all data underlying, and generated by, the analyses in MAsync_analyses.ipynb
Contains results of the ALE analyses, with the following naming convention.
- ale_{}: fMRI data, voxel-level threshold p < 0.001 (default)
- ale01_{}: fMRI data, voxel-level threshold p < 0.01
- aleFNIRS_{}: fMRI & all fNIRS data
- aleFNIRSSEL_{}: fMRI & selected fNIRS data
- aleNoPseudo_{}: fMRI data, excluding pseudo-hyperscanning experiments
Output types:
- {}_p.nii.gz, {}_stat.nii.gz, {}_z.nii.gz: unthresholded p-, ale-, p-to-z-values
- {}_{logp | z}_desc-{mass | size}_level-cluster_corr-FWE_method-montecarlo.nii.gz: cluster-level-corrected volumes of z or negative log(p) values
- {}_{logp | z}_level-voxel_corr-FWE_method-montecarlo.nii.gz: voxel-level-corrected volumes of z or negative log(p) values
- {}_thresh_4d.nii.gz: volumes thresholded at cluster-level p < 0.05, 4D-volume with one binarized volume for each cluster
- {}_thresh_bin.nii.gz: volumes thresholded at cluster-level p < 0.05, all clusters binarized
- {}_thresh_idx.nii.gz: volumes thresholded at cluster-level p < 0.05, clusters labelled from 1 to n_clusters
- {}_thresh_{stat | z}.nii.gz: volumes thresholded at cluster-level p < 0.05, ale or z-values, not binarized
- ale_thresh_{}.csv: tables with anatomical cluster and peak information
Used templates, parcellations, and meta-analytic maps. For sources, refer to separate README.
Results from contextualization analyses: Distributions of the INS map within meta-analytic maps, conjunction volumes with prior meta-analytic maps, neurosynth topic decoding results, results from spatial correlation with PET and mRNA expression maps.
- /gcea: results from gene-category enrichment analyses using ABAnnotate. Note: the *.mat with results from the GeneOntology-BiologicalProcess annotations was not uploaded (size > 200mb). You can generate it using the analysis notebook and ABAnnotate or request it.
- /topic_maps: meta-analytic maps generated from Neurosynth LDA topic-decoding selected from the 200-topic LDA dataset
Datasets used for all analyses. This includes the coordinate data for fNIRS and fMRI studies collected in this work!
- /neurosynth: the downloaded neurosynth database version 7
- brainmap_NormMapActOnly_{}.pkl.gz: "normal mapping" & "activation only" experiments from the BrainMap database as a NiMARE dataset
- fmri_coordinates: INS fMRI coordinates and associated study information
- fnirs_coordinates: INS fNIRS coordinates and associated study information
- pet_parcellated: parcellated PET data
Contains fNIRS INS results.
- fnirs_atlas_result_{}.csv: parcel-wise summarized fNIRS data, 'sel': only post-hoc selected studies
- fnirs_atas_{}_{}.nii.gz: volumes with parcel-wise results (see notebook)
- fnirs_coordinates_nearest_{}.csv: original and nearest within-atlas fNIRS coordinates
- fnirs_ale_contributions.csv: contributions of fNIRS studies to clusters obtained in joines fMRI+fNIRS ALE
- fnirs_ale_randomization.csv: result from repeated ALE analysis when fNIRS coordinates were slightly randomized
Contains ALE results (see above) of the Fail-Safe-N analysis, only last iteration (original coordinates + the largest number of noise studies that can be added to the original ALE before the rTPJ cluster looses significance).
ALE results (see above) of all fMRI Leave-One-Experiment-Out ALEs. Additionally, the conjunction volume of all LOEO ALEs and csv's with experiment-wise contributions to the fMRI ALE clusters
Contains inputs and results for/of MACM analyses (for naming see above).
Contains RSFC results.
- fwd.csv: motion estimates (frame-wise displacement) for exclusion of RSFC subjects
- macm_rTPJ_idx_forConn.nii/.csv: uncompressed MACM volume with associated cluster labels
- rsfc_cormat{}.csv: averaged, thresholded and unthresholded semipartial z-transformed correlation matrix between MACM-ROIs
- rsfc_macm_rTPJ_semipartial.mat: RSFC result from CONN toolbox