Thanks for your interest in contributing.
Please review this document before submitting your fist pull request and check for similar open issues or similar pull requests.
You can create an issue regarding a bug or a feature request in this repository. Please make sure to check if a similar issue or pull request doesn't exist yet before creating a new one.
If you would like to contribute to the code, you will first need to fork this repository and clone it on your machine.
Once cloned, you can install the dependencies.
npm install
Run the cli.
npm run dev
And try the cli commands with npm run start --
followed by the commands and options like :
npm run start -- --help
Before creating a commit, please make sure your code is formatted correctly by running :
npm run format:check
and fix its formatting with :
npm run format:fix
You can also run the ci command to make sure everything is ok (code format, linting, types, tests, etc..)
npm run ci
Vitest is used for testing.
Please make sure all tests are passing (using npm run test
If your changes might need tests, please also make sure to add them.
For commit messages, this project follows the following convention :
type(scope): description
being :
introducing new code or new featuresfix:
fixing bugsbuild:
changes related to the Build System and dependenciestest:
adding or changing testsci:
changes regarding continuous integration (GitHub actions)docs:
adding or updating documentationchore:
Routine tasks or changes that do not fit in other categories
For more information, you can take a look at :
After committing and pushing your changes to your fork, you can open a new pull request.