- Android: Google's Oboe (OpenSLES / AAudio)
- macOS: CoreAudio
- iOS: CoreAudio + AVSession
- WebAssembly: WebAudio
- Windows: WASAPI
- Linux: ALSA
- NodeJS bindings
- ogg: stb_vorbis
- mp3: dr_mp3
- wav: dr_wav
#include <auph/auph.hpp>
// initialize and resume
// load music stream
auto music = auph::load("../../assets/mp3/Kalimba.mp3", auph::Flag_Stream);
if(music) {
// play music looped on dedicated Music Bus
auto voice = auph::play(music, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, true, false, auph::Bus_Music);
if(voice) {
// stop all active voices started with music source
- native: Support for Windows (WASAPI) and Linux (ALSA)