diff --git a/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.1.md b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.1.md
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index 000000000..8cf198404
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+++ b/docs/release-notes/release-notes-0.8.1.md
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+Elastos.ELA version 0.8.1 is now available from:
+This is a new major version release.
+Please report bugs using the issue tracker at GitHub:
+How to Upgrade
+If you are running version release_v0.7.0 and before, you should shut it down and wait until
+ it has completely closed, then just copy over `ela`(on Linux).
+However, as usual, config, keystore and chaindata files are compatible.
+Elastos.ELA is supported and extensively tested on operating systems
+using the Linux kernel. It is not recommended to use Elastos.ELA on
+unsupported systems.
+Elastos.ELA should also work on most other Unix-like systems but is not
+as frequently tested on them.
+As previously-supported CPU platforms, this release's pre-compiled
+distribution provides binaries for the x86_64 platform.
+Notable changes
+Support quick node startup.
+Support cross-chain data transfer.
+Support automated cross-chain failure handling.
+Support small cross-chain transaction transfers quickly.
+Support register side-chain proposals.
+Prohibit deposit to the old side chain of DID.
+0.8.1 change log
+### Quick node startup related
+- #1803 Remove history from config file
+- #1753 Snapshot block when it is in pow mod
+- #1751 Change to snapshot checkpoint correctly
+- #1749 Fixed an issue that snapshot of checkpoint is empty
+- #1745 Modify to use check point for quick start
+- #1735 Add default value of params
+### Cross-chain data transfer related
+- #1796 Add draft data for CRC proposal
+- #1795 Add draft data into RegisterSideChain payload
+- #1782 Modify to check withdraw transaction correctly
+- #1779 Do not check special outputs count of withdrawFromSideChain tx
+- #1771 Add withdraw output payload information
+- #1746 Add lua to create new cross chain transaction
+### Automated cross-chain failure handling related
+- #1801 Add ReturnSideChainDepositeCoinFilter
+- #1800 Add ReturnCrossChainCoinStartHeight to config
+- #1776 Check return deposit transaction amount by output value
+- #1765 Add check of amount in CrossChainOutput payload
+- #1744 Modify the check of return side chain deposit transaction
+- #1743 Add ReturnSideChainDepositCoin payload
+- #1741 modify to check return side chain deposit transaction amount correctly
+### Small cross-chain transaction transfers quickly related
+- #1807 Store smallcross tx after validation
+- #1767 Check if a transaction is small by payload version
+### Register side-chain proposals related
+- #1816 Modify to add RegisterSideChainInfo correctly
+- #1814 Modify to remove register side chain information correctly
+- #1813 Store register proposal info when register
+- #1811 Add register sidechain proposal mempool conflict check
+- #1810 Modify to show register side chain proposal correctly
+- #1809 Not support RegisterSideChain transaction before NewCrossChainStartHeight
+- #1808 Remove & add fields to register sidechain
+- #1804 Add exchangeRate to register sidechain proposal
+- #1802 Check matic number and genesis hash existency
+- #1768 Add Support of Register sidechain
+- #1714 Fixed an issue that randomed DPOS inactive at undesired height
+### CustomID proposal related
+- #1825 Add LetterOrNumber check for reserved customID
+- #1824 ReservedCustomID of tryCancelReservedCustomID used under history
+- #1823 Add slotReserveCustomID
+- #1822 Reserver customized did can only success once
+- #1820 Add EIDEffectiveHeight to RPCChangeCustomIDProposal
+- #1812 ExchangeRate need to be 1.0
+- #1761 Fixed an issue of serialization of ProposalState
+- #1750 Change default value of effective height
+### prohibit deposit to old did
+- #1762 prohibit transfer to did function
+### RPC
+- #1828 Modify to show SideChainInfo correctly
+- #1827 Modify to show EIDEffectiveHeight correctly
+- #1815 Modify rpc display
+- #1742 Add rpc of getexistreturndeposittransactions
+### P2P
+- #1817 Modify to get blocks when inventory list count is 500
+- #1806 Change default value of MaxNodePerHost
+- #1794 Fixed some bugs and Revert commot of dpos network connections limit
+- #1792 Fixed an issue of synchronous
+- #1775 Limit the number of direct network connections
+- #1766 Support to reorganize the chain more than 500 blocks
+- #1736 Modify to sync block in POW consensus correctly
+### Memory
+- #1778 Add inputs count limit for transaction cache
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